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I took the time to take your WMV topgun movie and convert it to a MPG movie, if your interested. :D It seems to work alot better in windows media player, if its a MPG file. Btw, I posted a topic "I got a problem", I need some help from you there.





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How did you convert it to mpg, that sounds like a good idea?

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O its a program, with a 30 day trail. I got it cause i thought I could fix the problem I was having. But I fixed it by downloading a diffrent version of fraps. The program is called TMPGEnc. It converts AVI to MPG-1/2 and WMV to MPG-1/2, and some others as well. I havent tried to find a hack for it, so I can keep it for more then 30 days. Only side effect is it makes the MPG of ur topgun move 25 mb. Instead of 2mb. :? But the overall videos alot better. Also PCpilot, could you give me some tips on how I can get good transitions and how to remove the radar and alitude,name and the Recrod thing thats in the movie. How do I remove those?

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Check here... http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bbs/Forum55/HTML/001893.html ://http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/bo...ML/001893.html ://http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/bo...ML/001893.html ://http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/bo...ML/001893.html ://http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/bo...ML/001893.html ://http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/bo...ML/001893.html ://http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/bo...ML/001893.html I know its on this forum but I cant find it for the life of me. This is handy becuase I was looking at my second video just when I thought it was done and I was all twitterpated with it when I noticed that my airplane had different callsigns because I used different scenes from different missions. One scene he is Rambler11, the next Cowboy...AAAAAAAAA! I had to remove the info display and start all over again. :oops: :evil:


As for transitions, in movie maker, at the bottom where you drag and drop in the video clips, on the left side, there is a icon that changes the video panel to "Timeline" from "Storyboard". Timeline will allow you to edit the time of each clip to overlap each other thus making a smooth transition instaed of an ubrupt one. Either transition is useful but better in some circumstances than others depending on what you want the clips to convey to the viewer. You will also notice that when the timeline icon is enabled, the zoom in/out icons are enabled also. try zooming in for more precise placement of transitions, music, sound effects, etc. Now that you know where to look, go to the help section in movie maker for an explanation of how exactly to do the transitions. It involves clicking on the timeline and moving sliders. For an EXCELLENT example of timeline manipulation, take a look at Tim Canada's video "Radar Rider". The best I've seen.


The record and framerate numbers that you see while capturing video or watching the clips, even while in Movie Maker, is because FRAPS is on. Once you turn it off, they will go away and you wont see them anymore in the clips.


Dang! Almost sound like I know what Im doin...hehe. :lol:

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I made a little movie of a napalm strike, and there is the little red thing up in the upper left hand of the screen of the AVI clips. Fraps is off. whats the deal? I also made the misteak of making clips about 2 secs.. LOL :lol: So my movie goes super fast, but I know now how to do it.. :) I also picked up the transistion thing also. About the red thing in the corner... when i'm done with my flight taking video, I exit sfp1, and exit out of fraps.. then the red words are there still. any ideas on how to remove it?

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