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AM radio tower add-on

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When rebuilding the DS map, I've noticed that coordinates in the mission builder don't quite match the coordinates given with the huddata debug set to TRUE. I ALWAYS use those coordinates, which means, usually, finding a area relitively close via the mission builder, they then flying single missions somewhere's close by, and then using the free camera to wander over and see what's what. This may need to be done several dozen times.....


Remember too, the game enigne will only populate the target areas when you get close to them (10-20 km maybe???) So, for example, if you're flying a mission over Calis, and you need to see what's placed at Paris, you may find nothing there.


There's a little illustrated tutorial doc in my 'shipwreck' object that speaks to object placement using the de-buged huddata.



kevin stein


ps: vacation was good; got back last Fri.

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When rebuilding the DS map, I've noticed that coordinates in the mission builder don't quite match the coordinates given with the huddata debug set to TRUE. I ALWAYS use those coordinates, which means, usually, finding a area relitively close via the mission builder, they then flying single missions somewhere's close by, and then using the free camera to wander over and see what's what. This may need to be done several dozen times.....


Remember too, the game enigne will only populate the target areas when you get close to them (10-20 km maybe???) So, for example, if you're flying a mission over Calis, and you need to see what's placed at Paris, you may find nothing there.


There's a little illustrated tutorial doc in my 'shipwreck' object that speaks to object placement using the de-buged huddata.



kevin stein


ps: vacation was good; got back last Fri.


Thanks for that. It's all rather over my head at present but I expect I'll get there bit by bit.


I spent all afternoon adjusting the co-ordinates to get the three objects viz; amRadioTower, Gas Station & Tactical Control Centre to show up where I wanted them. They just suddenly appeared just where I wanted after about five hundred tries. :biggrin::biggrin:


This is the first few times I have attempted messing with terrain objects. Previously I spent about two days getting a patrol boat to go up the twisted dogleg river in WOV. I just hate it when ships or boats start sailing over the land. It completely destroys the immersion for me.


I did it though. It's just great watching it sail round all the bends etc. only for me to sink the blighter when it gets to base (hopefully).


I think it is just a feature of the mision builder/game engine /2D to 3D thing. The problem of placements seems to pervade all the maps no matter who produces them. I think we need a programme to sort all this out but that really would be way over my head!!


Pleased to hear you enjoyed your hols. So that means you are well rested and refreshed to get on with the new Dessert Storm addition we're all waiting for. :rofl::rofl:

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When rebuilding the DS map, I've noticed that coordinates in the mission builder don't quite match the coordinates given with the huddata debug set to TRUE. I ALWAYS use those coordinates, which means, usually, finding a area relitively close via the mission builder, they then flying single missions somewhere's close by, and then using the free camera to wander over and see what's what. This may need to be done several dozen times.....


Remember too, the game enigne will only populate the target areas when you get close to them (10-20 km maybe???) So, for example, if you're flying a mission over Calis, and you need to see what's placed at Paris, you may find nothing there.


There's a little illustrated tutorial doc in my 'shipwreck' object that speaks to object placement using the de-buged huddata.



kevin stein


ps: vacation was good; got back last Fri.

Just a little thank you for your tutorial on how to add terrain objects which comes with your ‘wrecked ships’ add on. I found it quite informative. Of course I had already found out how to do a lot of it from my pathetic earlier attempts at terrain object placement. I would never have known about the HUDdata. thingy but for your tutorial and I thank you for that.


Other things that I have discovered which may also be helpful to others starting out with the mysteries of this, are listed below.


1.Always make an original copy of the file you’re editing first ( I guess everyone knows this by now).


2.After placing everything in the right folders/files and you discover the object doesn’t show up it’s probably not because there’s something wrong with the new object files but because you’ve done something silly (like I did, when your wrecked cargo ship didn’t show and on checking back found I’d put the same target file Nos. as the last target No. instead of the next number)…well I’m Brainless don’t forget!!


3. You can check to see if your new placement is roughly where you want/expect it by opening the Kreelin mission map in the terrain you’ve put the new object in and checking with the mouse pointer to find the new name and where it is. If it’s not on the map it ain’t going to show! (however the exact position on the map is not necessarily where it will show in the sim.. it’s a weird 2D/3D thing….you can explain that one!).


4.You may want to reset the DisplayDebug=TRUE back to FALSE in the flight folder when you’re done.


5.You can also place a new GroundObject next to the new TERRAIN object on the mission map and then go into the game and by pressing F7 see if the new TERRAIN object shows up near to the GroundObject you’ve put next to it. I do this every time and if it doesn’t show you know you’ve messed up somewhere. This can save a lot of time and hassle wondering if the TERRAIN object is on the map but you just can’t see it! ( I have a test mission file with all the ground objects in it and when I get a new object downloaded from the site put it in the test mission to see if it works first before using it elsewhere. This has also saved me a lot of time and irritation if it dosen’t show, probably ’cos I’ve messed up installing it!).


6.To stop a ship type object from moving all the time when you want it to stop in a particular place use mission waypoint parameters in the KREELIN mission map with the starting wypt (not 1st wypt) @ 0kts, the 1st wypt with say 13kts or whatever speed you want and the next wypt with 0kts. The ship will travel to the 1st wpt then slow down and stop where you want it to. (dosen’t work if the ship is targeted tho’).


Placing any object can be and is time consuming and frustrating but it gives us non-modders some idea of the time the true geniuses must spend to give us their wonderful creations. Even given that they are far more proficient than we are they must still spend hours and hours to produce the fine addons we all enjoy. It will make you more appreciative of their work if you dabble with the simpler things and get frustrated doing it like me!


Despite the time and frustration there is a true reward when you get your mission to work with your new mission objects in place. I finally made my Air Park and Signals strike with objects placed to make up the depot. I had the Mosquitoes going in to mark the target for the bombers and the Lancasters following in behind to drop their ordnance. I did it both ways like they did it in the dark. With CA_Stary’s new explosion module installed, I lit up the Park like Chrstmas illuminations for the bombers (I could clearly see my new object placements) and then went back and bombed it in the Lancs. All great fun for an old simmer!!


P.S. with much appreciation and thanks to Wrench, wingwinger, CA Stary, The A-Team, Kesselbut, Starfighter, Gramps,Pasko and all the other modders I haven’t mentioned but should have ‘cos without these guys none of this would be possible. Did I say a 'little' thank you...Oh well I get a bit carried away with all this sometimes! :biggrin::biggrin:

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Along the lines of 'lighted radio towers'....how about lighting up the oil drilling towers???



you know you can define someplace as a runway, even without the airfield, as in having the 'runway' as a terrain object....



Name=Kharg Island








--snpped for brevity--








Now, I'm wondering if we could do that in reverse....have an airfield set to non-usage; ie, as in the comment out sections "NumSquadrons=0"


I do remember something like this being done in the orignal DRV map, and it had to be eliminated, due to planes trying to take off from inside warehouses and the like.

Or....modifying the airfield ini, to remove references to aircraft, and just allow it to 'be' there, so the lights can come on.


This could be something interestering to explore....have a lighted oil field and refinery complex would look pretty damn good in the Iran/Irag, DS, and those I added to the ANW series....


Just some thoughts I'm not sure how to impliment...



kevin stein

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