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Posts posted by deacon211

  1. Sorry, my earlier picture dropped out...


    Both of these borrowed from the internet




    And a better pic of the lion plunging on the side. Interestingly, for a pretty long period in the squadron's history, the lion started to look like a Chinese lion, and then eventually something of a dog. I was always told that was because the guys who made the patches and plaques in Iwakuni Japan and Okinawa had no clear idea what a lion looked like and kind of made up their own rendition. It was only later that the lion once again became...a lion.



  2. Awesome Wrench! Thanks for your assistance.


    Hopefully, other Scooter drivers will get some use from the skin. In doing a little research, 211 conducted four deployments to VN and was pretty much a permanent resident in Chu Lai.


    Dec 1965 - Jul 1966 - - - - Chu Lai, South Vietnam

    Oct 1966 - Sep1967 - - - - - - Chu Lai, South Vietnam

    Dec 1967 - Feb1970 - - - - - - Chu Lai, South Vietnam

    May 1972 - Jan 1973 - - - - Bien Hoa, South Vietnam



    They were also one of the last American units in VN. I found this quote interesting...


    "April 30th, 2012 marks the 37th anniversary of the fall of Saigon, and next month wll mark the 40th anniversary of the deployment of VMA-211 & 311 to Bien Hoa AB, 20 miles NW of Saigon...They were A-4 Skyhawk squadrons that had been deployed from MCAS Iwakuni on 17 May 1972, along with detachments from MAG-12 (Fwd) and H&MS-12 (Fwd)...These Marines flew hundreds of combat missions during both Operation Linebacker I & II, and they didn't re-deploy back to Iwakuni until 29 Jan 1973.


    Because these Marines were not part of Task Force Delta, we didn't read or hear too much about them, but their contribution towards ending the conflict was no less important than any of us who served with TFD in Nam Phong,Thailand, and was problably even more stressful, as they were operating in the midst of battle in South Vietnam the whole time.


    It was kind of unique how the Air Force got the Marine air crews combat certified with the region...All of our A-4 pilots had to first fly the right hand seat in the Cessna A-37 Dragonfly ("Mosquito Bombers") with a USAF pilot flying out of Bien Hoa...Once they were "snapped in" and certified by the Air Force, then our guys began flying combat missions in their own A-4 Skyhawks.


    Except for the Marine security detachment at the US Embassy, the Marines from these MAG-12 squadrons were the last Marines to leave Vietnam.


    ...courtesy of Jim Mackin"

  3. I don't believe that the codes were carried on the USMC birds.  This is actually one of the better sets of shots, though it's a little post Nam I believe and a model...




    Here's another that I think would be more properly in Chu Lai at some point...




    Thanks Wrench, you're a man god!



    Here's another...no wing view though.



  4. Hey, finally got it working with the help of Capun.


    Here's what helped me for those that might have the same issue.  Somehow, my SSD and mechanical hard drive developed some sort of conflict, so I had to point the exe to the proper options.ini...I understand that this is not normally the case.


    Posted with Capun's permission and changed terms to more closely match the WW2 PDF install document:


    1- Go to the folder with the executable program StrikeFighters2 WW2Pacific.exe


    2- Create a StrikeFighters2 WW2Pacific.ini file from the SF2-NA version. (MY EDIT: This was probably already created during the mod install process)

    3- Modify the ini file, options section:


    4- Create a C:\Users\MyName\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 WW2Pacific (MY EDIT: This was probably already created during the mod install process)

    5- Inside that folder copy and modify the stock Options.ini file and rename it Options-WW2Pacific.ini

    6- Modify the ini file Mods and Screenshots section to point to the actual mod folder

    Directory=C:\Users\MyName\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 WW2Pacific

    Directory=C:\Users\MyName\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 WW2Pacific\ScreenShots

    7- Go to the actual mod folder, C:\Users\MyName\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 WW2Pacific

    8- Copy the Options-WW2Pacific.ini from step 2.  (MY EDIT:  When I went through the process, steps 7 and 8 weren't necessary as the renamed options.ini is already there...you merely must rename the ini as in step 5 and change the entries in step 6).




    Don't know if this helps anyone but wanted to post it here for Captain Google to point to. :-)




    • Like 1

  5. Hey gang,


    After seeing some of Beach's killer after action reports, decided to try SF2 after a long respite from SF1.


    I purchased SF2V and installed the Vietnam Air/Ground expansion, which seems to run fine (as far as I can tell) with Green Hell and the Tree mod. 


    So, I decided to try the Skunkworks WWII Pacific mods.  I purchased SF2 and SF2NA (I understand that this is not a FULL merged install, but that it was sufficient for this mod).The issue I'm having here however, is that even after installing the mods via the PDF which entail creating a copied SF2NA exe and ini and changing the ini to point to the Campaigns folder in the newly created mod directory, the exe valiantly attempts to initialize with the new mod screen, but then fails and points to the default SF2NA menu screen and locks up upon clicking any menu option.


    Is there some step I'm missing to get the exe in your SF2 folder to look at the mods folder for its data.  I think I have done everything in the readme, but clearly don't understand how the mod system fully works in this sim.


    Any help you could give would be much appreciated!



  6. Well, just a guess but, I'd say it was because they were a defensive air force.  The reason planes are painted orange in general is to help spot one when they are downed (e.g. US Naval Air Training Command aircraft are traditionally painted orange and white....though USAF Air Training Command planes are not).


    Thus, if an Air Defense aircraft was shot down, it would presumably be within the borders of friendly territory.  By the same token, I recall that USAF F-106 pilots wore orange flight suits for many years to facilitate rescue.


    Just a thought.




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