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About Phaser11

  1. Mem, TK told me what to do. IT WORKS AGAIN! Check your 6! hahahaha TK is the man!
  2. OK, Here is the fix. After getting the message from TK (WHO IS THE MAN!), who said, ?And you cannot connect to the server from both internal network (LAN) and external network. In order for the server to work for everyone outside, you shouldn't connect to it internally.? I started messing around with the server again. As long as I only connect to the server using the external ip address for my cable modem, the game works great. As soon as I connect using the internal address it will no longer accept connections from outside my firewall. To fix this I just had to assign a different ip address the gaming server and BANG it worked again. Phaser11
  3. Howdy all! I have been reading through the tech support board with no luck. Here is the problem I'm having; I followed Streakeagles setup document for my router and had my squad mates using the batch file he designed to get them connected. This worked for about a week and then stoped. It first started with one member not being able to connect. All he ever got was the "Joining Session" black screen. While he could not connect all the others (6 of them) could. Now no one can connect. Here is what I have done so far. 1 cleared all settings from the router, reset the router and reprogrammed the settings into the router. Here are the settings; 1234 all to 46000 all to 2300-2400 all to 6073 all to (I know this is hyper lobby, and we do not use it, though it still does not work) 1698 all to 21000 all to 1. All squad mates are running WOV with SP1, 2 and 3 installed. DIRX 9 2. I have connected to my server internally with no problem. I have one system for a server an one for playing the game. Both are well within the requirments to run the game. 3. I have setup teamspeak, and Targetware Korea on the server, forwarded the ports for them and everyone connects with no problem or lag. 4. I have been searching for the last 5 days for any information that I can find on ports used by WOV and found nothing. 5. At this time I'm putting a sniffer on my network at the house to find what ports are being used. 6. I have gone through this board with a fine tooth comb and found nothing that will help. I am really at my wits end with this. It is such a cool game and everyone loves it. But If I cannot come up with a reliable server it is all for not. I know the router is working and passing info throught the other ports I setup, just not for WOV. Part II OK, Well I put the sniffer on the system and found 1 port that was different, so I changed it in the router to forward it to the server. It still did not work. I removed the software from the server and the workstation and reinstalled it. I'm thinking the router just cannot handle the game. It is a netgear router on comcast network. I have no idea what else to do. I have taken the CD for the server (That's right I bought 2) and gave it to my son. I'll keep checking this message thread to see if anyone has any ideas, but for now it's shutdown. Help if you can. Phaser11
  4. Hey all. I would like to creat a mission in WOV and set it up for use on my squads server. I have gone through the messageboards and the setup screen untill I'm blue in the face. My question is CAN IT BE DONE?

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