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Everything posted by Becker02

  1. WOFF UE updates

    Hallo @Baxter, I have found the thread for the last UE-Patch 4.24, but the link doesn't work: WOFF ULTIMATE EDITION UPDATE to 4.24 Now Available - SimHQ Forums So I believe, the best solution is to contact @Pol. I'm sure, he can help. Greetings
  2. Winwing joystick

    Hallo @don246, it's very specific. And for a good answer I need the same stick. But I don't know your winwing-type. Have you read the FAQ, chapter 9? Maybe it can help (FAQ is at the WOFF-website, support). Greetings
  3. WOFF Interview!

    Hallo @Rick, very nice! Thanks to you and @Pol! I hope I have time for it at the weekend. BTW: Has @Pol said anything about the WOFF-future (projects, engine, etc.)? Greetings
  4. Hallo All! With WOFF-UE and PE we have had a lot of mods, which were an important part for WOFF. So I have written the mod-list for WOFF-UE/PE at SimHQ for a better overview, and subsequently for BH&H2 here at CA. And the very good OBD-team has continued to develop WOFF better and better. They are present in the fora, read the feedback and think about it. They have integrated mods and mod-ideas, specifically with the release of BH&H2 and the expansion OTT. Thats’s exemplary! The result is, that only a few mods are needed now. So the use of the mod-list is past and I will not take care of it any longer. I have asked the modder about some unclear mod-compatibilities. Here you can find the threads, if you are interested in. To @Robert Wiggins, @JJJ65, @Bletchley, @BuckeyeBob: OTT-Compatibility of your mods - SimHQ Forums To @Robert Wiggins, @JJJ65, @Bletchley, @BuckeyeBob: OTT-Compatibility of your mods - WOFF/WOTR - FAQ/Technical Issues - CombatACE Thanks for reading the mod-lists. I hope, it was useful. Greetings! I recommend expressly to start WOFF and fly the first missions (QC and CM) without any mods after installation of a new patch! If you registrate a mistake, after you have activated a mod in the second step, contact the modder. BH&H 2, Over The Top-Mods, last update 08.11.24: Mod: BetaGPUtunerForOTTexpansion_VonS.zip, by @VonS Download: Forum CombatAce > OBD Software: WW1 & WW2 Combat Flight Sims > WOFF UE/PE-File Announcements > Other Tweaks for WOFFue/pe/bh&h2/WoTR 1&2" Mod: JEARBEAR Skin Packs: WOFF User Skins (Version 11.0), WOFF Alternative Skins (Version 12.0), WOFF More Skins (Version 7.0), WOFF Personal Skins (Version 2.0), WOFF Two Seater Skins (Version 2.0) and WOFF Another Skins (Version 1), by @Jearbear Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html Mod: WOFF OTT Frames Per Second Improvement Mod (Version 1.7), by @Panama Red: Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html Mod: WOFF OTT Stock Populated Airfields (Version 1.2), by @Panama Red: Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html BH&H 2-Mods, last update 27.01.24: BECAUSE OF RELEASE FROM THE BH&H 2-EXPANSION "OVER THE TOP" I HAVE CLOSED THIS LIST (21.10.24). The most mods are most likely not compatible with OTT. The OBD-Team doesn't recommend to use them for it. Mod: JSGME ModEnabler utility (Version 2.6.0) by 'Lothar of the Hill People' - Modifed by 'RJW' Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html Mod: Scenery Improvement Mod by @Panama Red: Forum SimHQ: Wings: Over Flanders Fields, Thread: "PE Scenery Improvement, FPS increase and BT elimination mod", Download: @Panama Red, Dropbox Mod: FrankenBHAHenhancement-HardcoreAddonVer1.16, 1.15 and -PackageVer1.1, FrankenMiniTunersVer1.2inside (and VonS_WOFFgpuTunerPatchFolderInside - BH&H2-compatible), FM Upgrade Package for WOFF BH&H2, and more!, by @VonS Download: Forum CombatAce > OBD Software: WW1 & WW2 Combat Flight Sims > WOFF UE/PE-File Announcements > Thread "FM (and Other) Tweaks for WOFFue/pe/bh2 & WOTR", FM (And Other) Tweaks for WOFFue/pe/bhah2 & WOTR - WOFF UE/PE - File Announcements - CombatACE Mod: WOFF UE PE Historical Weather Mod 1.5 (designed to work better with vanilla BH&H2, more flying in rainy and cloudy conditions) and 2.1 (better for use of Optional Cloud Mod, more "No Fly" days) by @BuckeyeBob Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html (or Forum SimHQ: Wings: Over Flanders Fields – Mods > Thread: "Optional Cloud Mod (with Historical Weather files)", at the bottom of his first post in this thread, Download: @BuckeyeBob, Dropbox) Mod: WOFF Optional Cloud Mod 5.0 Pack ("Full", "Reduced" and "RJW lighter clouds option") by @BuckeyeBob Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html (or Forum SimHQ: Wings: Over Flanders Fields – Mods > Thread: "Optional Cloud Mod (with Historical Weather files)", at the bottom of his first post in this thread, Download: @BuckeyeBob, Dropbox) Mod: WOFF 0 BH&H2 - Consolidated Custom Facilities Airfields Mod Ver. 2.7 by @Robert Wiggins/@Panama Red (fully compatible with JJJ65’s “WOFF BH&HII Mission Editor (ME) and his BH&HII Historically Populated Airfields Mod) and: WOFF 3a - Consolidated Custom Facilities Havincourt Wood Mod Ver. 2.3, WOFF 3b - Consolidated Custom Facilities Verdun Forts Mod Ver. 2.3, by @RAF Louvert Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html Mod: WOFF BH&H2 Mission Editor 2.0 by @JJJ65 (fully compatible with updated WOFF 0 BH&HII - Consolidated Custom Facilities Airfields Mod Version 2.2) Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html Mod: WOFF BH&H2 Historically Populated Airfields Mod Version 1.5 by @JJJ65 (in conjunction with “WOFF BH&HII Mission Editor 2.0” and “WOFF 0 BH&HII - Consolidated Custom Facilities Airfields Mod V2.2) Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html Mod: WOFF BH&H2 Realistic Tracer Mod by @JJJ65 Download: Forum CombatAce > OBD Software: WW1 & WW2 Combat Flight Sims > WOFF BH&H2 - General Discussion > Thread "@JJJ: Realistic Tracer Mod", Download: @JJJ65, drive.google.com, @JJJ: realistic tracer mod - WOFF BH&H2 - General Discussion - CombatACE Mod: WOFF User Skins (Version 9.0), WOFF Alternative Skins (Version 10.0), WOFF More Skins (Version 5.0) and WOFF Two Seater Skins 1.0 by @Jearbear Download: Please contact @Jearbear (here or Forum SimHQ) Mod: WOFF Skin name fixes (Version 1.8) by @Mike Andrews Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html Mod: WOFF Bletchley's Defence Mission Types (BH&H II Version 2) by @Bletchley Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html Mod: WOFF Bletchley's Mission Types - Recon Wars (compatible with WOFF BH&H II to Version 1.34) by @Bletchley Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html Mod: WOFF Menu Music Version2 Mod, separate for German-, French-, British- and USA-Campaign, by @Albert Tross Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html Mod: WOFF BH&H 2 Multimod v.3.0 by @JJJ65 Download: Forum SimHQ: Wings: Over Flanders Fields - Mods > Thread: "WOFF BH&H 2 Multimod", Download: @JJJ65, drive.google.com, WOFF BH&HII Multimod - SimHQ Forums Mod: WOFF BH&H2 Pilot Log Editor v1.0 by @JJJ65 Download: Forum SimHQ: Wings: Over Flanders Fields – Mods > Thread: "BH&HII Pilot Log Editor", Download: @JJJ65, drive.google.com, BH&HII Pilot Log Editor - SimHQ Forums Mod: User Files Backup Utility V1.6 by @Robert Wiggins Download: Sandbaggers Website: http://www.thatoneplease.co/WOFF.html Greetings!
  5. Hi @VonS, yes, the Optional Cloud Mod by @BuckeyBob can't be compatible (and so I haven't mentioned it). The historical weather mod, ... maybe with an update. I have thought, it's the best to ask the modder themselves, and @Bletchley has answered at SimHQ. I have asked not only because of my interest, but also for other users, who think about it. Greetings
  6. Hallo @Robert, @JJJ, @Bletchley and BuckeyBob! I have a short question: Can you tell me / us, if your mods are compatible with BH&H2-Expansion "Over the TOP"? I mean specifically these ones: + WOFF BH&H2 Mission Editor 2.0 by @JJJ65 + WOFF BH&H2 Pilot Log Editor v1.0 by @JJJ65 + WOFF BH&H2 Realistic Tracer Mod by @JJJ65 + WOFF Bletchley's Defence Mission Types (BH&H II Version 2) by @Bletchley + WOFF Bletchley's Mission Types - Recon Wars (compatible with WOFF BH&H II to Version 1.34) by @Bletchley + User Files Backup Utility V1.6 by @Robert Wiggins + Historical weather mods 1.5 and 2.1 by @BuckeyBob Thank you very much for your answers (here or at SimHQ) and Greetings!
  7. That's a concrete tip, thanks! I will remember on it, when it happens again. P.S.: All was okay with WOFF since UE, I haven't had this poblem all the time. And now after new dll-installation and patch 1.06 all is okay again. So I hope this issue is past now. Good, that we have contact about it. Thanks for support! Greetings
  8. Hallo @OBD, I have the problem, that BH&H2-OTT doesn't want to load circa every third mission in campaign-mode (Jasta 8, April 1918, Balatre Field), no mods, CFS3 and WOFF-exe via administrator. After the mission-loading has stopped with the messages, you can see on the screenshots, I'm back on the briefing side again. What shall I do? Thanks for answer and Greetings
  9. Thanks for answer @Pol! Okay, when it happens again (I don't hope so), I will send the log-files to you. Additionally: Windows: It's Win 10 Home 64bit, german language, QWERTZ keyboard-layout. Mods: The 3 mods above have worked without any problems in QC, also the OTT-stock populated airfield-mod 1.2. Greetings!
  10. All okay again! In a first step I have installed the .dll from "C++Runtime" again, as you can read in the WOFF-message above, at first the older one "vcredist_x86_2008_SP1_ATL_Fix" (12.08.13), then "vcredist_x86_2010_SP1" (22.09.2024). I have had no success. With the third mission I have had the same problem again. But I can't remember, If I have started WOFF directly after installation or If I have restarted the PC at first. Then I have installed Patch 1.06, have restarted the PC and all was okay with WOFF again. That's nice of course, but I have no explanation, what has happened. Maybe one of these points: + The new dll-installation (I only forgot to restart the PC) + The patch 1.06: It has repaired airfield Roucourt, Flandern, in the air activity-circle of my airfield Balatre field. + I can remember, that I have leaved WOFF during a mission via a wrong button accidently. + 2 or 3 times I went back to main menu during the "ground crew preparing flight." Only 3 mods I have sometimes in use. I list them only for compliteness: The OTT-ßetaTuner-mod by @VonS, the FPS-impovement by @PR, and the OTT-stock-populated-airfield-mod by @PR. P.S.: For safety I will make a copy off OTT, Vers. 1.06, on my drive D, because you can't install a WOFF-patch a second time. Greetings
  11. This skin from the pilot Theodor Friedrich in my Jasta 8 could be wrong. I will ask OBD and @Jerbear.
  12. WOFF update popup issues 1.04?

    ... read the text above the download-button. The patch is not on the website for a short time. You need the link, you can see there. Greetings
  13. Mods and some lag

    Hallo @WitchyWoman, the most mods from previous version BH&H2 are probably not compatible with OTT, OBD doesn't recomment to use them. If you like a mod for BH&H2 very much, so ask the modder himself. At the moment there are a few mods up to date for OTT, you find the here: WOFF BH&H-II OTT-Mods: There! - 28.10.24 - WOFF/WOTR - FAQ/Technical Issues - CombatACE For graphic settings I absolutely recommend this from @Gecko: Guide to New OTT Lighting and Weather Settings - SimHQ Forums this from @Polovski: Over The Top PC Requirements - SimHQ Forums and from @Rick Rawlings the first video here: Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF - Page 5 - WOFF BH&H2 - General Discussion - CombatACE Sorry, I have no answer for your micro-stutter (WOFF-graphic-settings, graphic-card-settings?). I hope, it was useful and Greetings!
  14. Hallo @goose814, have you solved the problem? I have tested QC with OTT, Patch 1.2, free flight. All was okay. I did shot a ballon, the enemy-flak and MG shot against me. Greetings
  15. Update because of release Bh&H2- Expansion "Over The Top". The previous mod-list für BH&H2 I have closed. Greetings
  16. Technical issues - New player

    Hallo @JohnWick75, please read the FAQ, page 33 till page 37, point 13. Maybe it can help. Then I recommend also the Tuner-patch (enhancement-patch) by @VonS here: Other Tweaks for WoFFue/pe/bh&h2/WoTR1&2 - WOFF UE/PE - File Announcements - CombatACE With the patch you can increase the fps significantly. And here is a useful thread on SimHQ about this theme: Anyone playing this anymore? - SimHQ Forums Greetings
  17. turn off (audio) radio messages?

    Hallo @Phoenix1001, sorry, I don't know the way to turn off radio messages. And IMHO it is no real solution. What about your sound-system, the driver? All up to date? And there are other otions for FPS and micro-stuttering. I write it in the thread "technical Issues - new player" by @JohnWick75, directly behind your thread. Greetings
  18. I was injured again and 3 weeks in hospital. During this time our material procurement has reclaimed the "Alb DVa uprated" for school and training. So after my return at the end of march I decided to fly the "Alb DVa" now, just like my best pilots. All other fly furthermore the "Pfalz DIII". We are at the airfield Bohain now, only a few miles west from our last airfield Wassigny at the town Le Cateau, Flandern. Jasta 8, 29.03.18.
  19. Hallo @Rick, at first I was a bit sceptical, when I saw the grey aeroplane the first time. But meanwhile I like it together with the colours from Jasta 8.
  20. 05.03.18: We have to patrol enemy line sector FF8217, south-west from St. Quentin. I hope for spring, but it's cold and snow fell overnight. At the end we have had no contacts, no casualties.
  21. ... On german side the Albatros series was the middle point of the fighter planes for a long time and the Alb has no clock. But on english / french side there are also aeroplanes without. So I have written in the wish-list a clock in the HUD to simulate the clock on the sleeve of the pilot. Greetings
  22. 02.03.18: And because we have 2 "Pfalz DIII" in reserve I use my position as leader of Jasta 8 and change my "ALB DVa Upgrade" with the Pfalz. I want to test this aeroplane. And what do I see in the cockpit? A clock gauge!! Early 1918 the first aeroplane with a clock, so I don't need the digital "Z" -button (I would like to have a clock gauge in the HUD > wish list!). The crosshair is okay. So let's start.
  23. After the difficult weeks over Ypres in autumn 1917 with some injuries my Jasta 8 is more south at Wassigny since a few days between St. Quentin and Cambrai. And the first pilots in our squadron fly the Pfalz DIII now (with some skins from @Jerbear).
  24. Hmmmmm.....?

    Hallo @Baxter, and you can use "review mission", if you haven't flown a new mission so far. There you can see your last flight again. So you can recognice what has happened with the fourth aeroplane, where it has landed. Greetings

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