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Everything posted by CaptSopwith

  1. CaptSopwith's All-Nighter Thread

    Even sprinkled in a little OFF magic for fun (no one else will know lol): Here's the title: Between Heaven and Hell: Life and Death Above the Trenches of World War I.
  2. CaptSopwith's All-Nighter Thread

    Wrapping up my paper - a long night is drawing to an end!
  3. CaptSopwith's All-Nighter Thread

    Two hour cat nap. Bugger! I'm still working away - will be out like a light this afternoon once it's all over!
  4. CaptSopwith's All-Nighter Thread

    It does indeed!
  5. * * PHASE 4 PREVIEW MOVIE 1 ! * *

    Still up working btw: 17 pages and counting. Bloody Hell these all nighters hurt a lot worse than they used to.
  6. * * PHASE 4 PREVIEW MOVIE 1 ! * *

    And I have to add - the movement of the aircraft looks fantastic - it looks so fluid and dynamic - like they're really cutting through the air and working with the actual laws of physics. I don't know... it's the old adage of if it looks right, it is right. Well done guys! Bloody well done!
  7. * * PHASE 4 PREVIEW MOVIE 1 ! * *

    Utterly amazing! I saw with my jaw hanging open as well... I've watched the video about a dozen times now - it's the most remarkable thing I've seen out of a WWI flight simulator in years. You haven't just improved on P3, you've reinvented the genre! The new manager looks superior to literally, anything else out there. The music is moving to the point of giving me chills - it's easily the most evocative and emotional thing I've heard in a game in a long time. And just to prove how good that is - I'm looping it all night while I write a paper on the conceptualization of death by WWI aviators for my graduate class... time to give these men the recognition they truly deserve and the new OFF music is helping to spur me on all night!
  8. HPW FM + Empty Weight Mod + Gun Arc Mod

    I'm in the same boat with you Prop! I'm a PhD student and a graduate teaching assistant. Tonight I have a mountain of history book reviews and reflection papers to grade. I doubt I'll see my bed until rather late. It's nice to know I'm not the only pilot here whose job involves a little "red ink!"
  9. HPW FM + Empty Weight Mod + Gun Arc Mod

    What kind of grading Herr Prop-Wasche?
  10. Hi Gents! I was reading through the old flight simulator reviews on SimHQ and came across this little gem from 2006. It's a review of Phase 1 of OFF. It features some fantastic screen shots of the old menu system as well as some in flight pictures too. My, how far the Devs have taken us since the beginning, eh? If you haven't seen it, or you came into OFF after Phase 1's initial release, this will give you an idea of where it all started. http://www.simhq.com/_air5/air_172a.html Compare that with their review of OFF HiTR and you'll see just how many miles they've moved the development of this wonderful sim in such a relatively short period of time. http://www.simhq.com/_air13/air_445a.html
  11. I swear, if the PhD gig somehow fails, I'm going to New Zealand and beg these people for a job. The Vintage Aviator has to be the world class of aviation restoration and reproduction at this moment. This video shows you most of their stock flying. Entire flights of Fokker Dr1's and SE5a's are just incredible to see... They also seem to have aircraft that simply don't exist anywhere else in the world anymore. Why, oh why, does this amazing place have to be the farthest possible distance from where I live? They might as well be on Neptune.
  12. I've Located Heaven...

    Here's another great video. I love this song!
  13. I was randomly searching things on YouTube - James McCudden being one of them (Jimmy is far and away my favorite pilot of WWI). And lo and behold, I find a 45 minute documentary on World War I. Here's the link. Enjoy!
  14. Gents: I'm working on a research project that (finally) makes use of our World War I pilots. I'm currently rounding up source material for the project and I'm wondering if anyone has a digital version of with Mick Mannock's personal diary or James McCudden's book Flying Fury? If you do, please contact me. I don't know how I can compensate you, other than with my thanks and immense gratitude as I try to give these men the notoriety and place in history they so richly deserve.
  15. How Far We've Come

    Sounds great Widow! I look forward to seeing them!
  16. HPW FM + Empty Weight Mod + Gun Arc Mod

    As of right now I'm playing with HPW's new DM with the Arc Mod and the Empty Tank mod and I have to say, the balance of the game feels quite good. It's a welcome change to take off with my wingmen, rather than see them take off, climb to absurd altitudes, and have me straggling behind trying to keep up. So so far, so good. I'm enjoying the sim immensely!
  17. Not another DM?!

    Okay... so I've been flying a German campaign with the new DM installed and I have to say, it's fantastic! The damage in the air feels much more balanced now. I particularly like the coupling of wing failure with engine fires, this dramatically reduces the number of flying incendiary machines in the sim. Also, it seems more "realistic" at least from a logical standpoint. If an aircraft is burning up like a tender box, it would stand to reason (at least for me) that the wings would likely fail due to fire eating through bracings and control wires. I've also been shot down by the enemy and I have to say, the DM is brutally punishing on the receiving end. You cannot linger in front of your enemy - as it should be. Dogfights feel better balanced - they don't perpetuate themselves for too long. They are often quick, very violent, affairs - again, as it should be. So yes, not much else to say without repeating myself. Fantastic job - as always, and I'm really enjoying the alterations! Cheers HPW!
  18. Looks like some kind soul out there took the time to learn and play a piano version of some very special menu music from the old days... See if you happen to recognize it
  19. Now This Is Special!

    Olham, If you're interested, I have the entire WoG soundtrack (all 433kb of it) in .midi file form. If you'd like a copy let me know and I'll send it over to you in zip file format. I play it on Windows Media Player all the time when I'm busy working on grading. My parents were stuck with their 16 year old son playing Red Baron non-stop in the loft of our old house - leaving them to endure hours of engines droning and menu music playing over the rafters. They always said it sounded just like the Great Escape theme... and I agree with them!
  20. Now This Is Special!

    For comparison Olham: I loved the menu music for RB3D. Yes, as embarrassing as this is to admit, I actually still listen to it now. I have a playlist of all of my old menu music - works wonders when you're trying to grade a hundred papers! I also have a playlist of music from Wings of Glory that I found online years ago. Both are great.
  21. My how time flys

    I'm trying to remember when I even joined and sadly, had to check my profile to be sure. I wonder if Olham has any better memory of my appearance than I do. I started with OFF way back in 2006 when OvS directed me towards Phase 1 (was it 1 or 2?) at the time. I even mentioned it in a little blog postback way back when. Everything else is kind of a blur.
  22. He is! He's been sitting in mothballs for the duration of my first semester of PhD studies, but he's still there - waiting in the wings. How's things on your side of the pond?
  23. Great looking skin Olham! I too immediately thought of Hartmann's craft when I saw the nose. I'll happily use it - as I'm still using your "R" design for my old Wilhelm Roth campaign!
  24. As always my friend, nice find. Really enjoyed the video - it was a nice break from grading!
  25. Here's an ode to the flight sim hobby we all know and love - and to the great community that springs up around it. This one is for all of you. Enjoy and feel free to comment!

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