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Everything posted by CaptSopwith

  1. Beautiful screenshot! Welcome to the forums! PS: Be careful when you try flying through the Arc d'Triumph - I hear that doesn't end very well.
  2. Flyin' in the rain...

    Creepy looking... as was the case with nearly every piece of WWI headgear I've ever seen...
  3. OFF Forum Pilots Maps

    Olham, Nice work on the maps mate. I really enjoyed looking at where everyone is. Gives me a greater sense of community. Cheers!
  4. I agree. It seems like it was an aircraft with little to no faults that possessed beautiful handling characteristics. It was well armed, and a stable gun platform. You can't really ask for much more than that in a WWI craft. Imagine what the Germans could have done with it had the D7 been produced in large quantities and a year earlier.
  5. Digital download?

    Sometimes??? Not to brag, but I had a 110 kill ace in Red Baron 3D (running OVS's old Hell's Angels patch) and I have YET to get a single bloody OFF pilot to 17 hours. Right now, in P3, I'd settle for getting one pilot past his first five missions. You're right, the AI in P3 is awesome!
  6. What Does Your Cockpit Look Like?

    Funny how that works, isn't it Olham? I cut left handed, but yeah, I fly with my right. Ten years ago I was in a horrible car wreck and broke my left wrist. My comment after getting it cast was, "Well, at least I can still fly Red Baron II!"
  7. What Does Your Cockpit Look Like?

    Wow, really? I've never come across that, though I have seen some anal retentiveness in my time. There comes a point when people become so "hardcore" that perhaps it's time to put the joystick down, step outside, get some sunshine, and put things back in perspective.
  8. OFF Forum Pilots Maps

    Yes, of course! How could I forget Shred?!? Okay Olham, make it a North America map!
  9. OFF Forum Pilots Maps

    There are a lot of us here in the States, I have a hunch that one might be next. And don't leave out Winder! Isn't he in SA?
  10. Windows 7

    Microsoft has been running a preorder discount on Windows 7. I think the offer here in the States expired on the 11th. The deal was that if you ordered it now, you could buy an upgrade version of Windows 7 Home for $50. Not a bad deal, kinda wish I had gotten it. I've been following the reports on 7 pretty closely and from all accounts, it runs better than Vista and some Vista rigs actually showed a mild performance increase once they were running 7. Now whether that's a clean install with just 7 or an upgraded version of Vista, I don't know. I hope it's a bit more stable than Vista. I've never had a problem with my copy, save one event when the computer failed to boot properly and the end result was me reinstalling everything from scratch and nearly losing all of my data! Vista is like a late-model Mercedes. It's bullet proof, but when it breaks, it really breaks! /owned a 1988 190E
  11. What Does Your Cockpit Look Like?

    Rabu, I had to post a reply to this picture. That is an absolutely beautiful room for your computer set up. I think my only problem would be that I would never get anything done on the PC, I'd be too busy looking out the window or taking in the scenery inside. You've given me some ideas for the future... once I get the PhD, marry the girlfriend, and actually start earning a salary! I just had to say, well done sir, well done indeed!
  12. Post a pic of your town

    Well I'll post some pictures of my hometown. I'm in the mountains of Georgia and attended college at North Georgia College in Dahlonega, GA. I'm relocating to another part of the country, which is why I'm comfortable sharing this on a forum lol. The town of Dahlonega is absolutely beautiful, as is the campus of my old college. I'm off to grad school further north for the next few years; I'll miss seeing it, to be sure...
  13. What Does Your Cockpit Look Like?

    Well spotted Drew! I was getting a chuckle out of your reply and then saw my name pop up. I am indeed a southpaw but I actually fly right handed. The Sidewinder 2 joystick is molded for a right hand and oddly enough, though I bat, pitch, write, cut, etc. left handed, I've always flown with my right. Go figure...
  14. What Does Your Cockpit Look Like?

    Here's my current set up, at least it is for the next few weeks until I relocate to grad school. It's nothing fancy, but it's easy to drop the blinds and fly OFF for a few hours without looking up. What more do you need than that?
  15. I Couldn't Stand By and Just Let it Be

    Very well written letter sir. Hopefully that will get the ball rolling and get OFF some positive attention.
  16. To go out with a bang. Hi gents. Well the summer has blown by me faster than ever before. Between spending time with the girlfriend and readying myself for grad school (oy the loans! Is there a student discount available for those future add on packs? ) I'm nearly out of time. In a few months I'll be buried up to my eyeballs in work, all while going to school in the middle of nowhere. So before the fun ends and I'm back dealing with papers and reading assignments, can the experienced OFF'ers here give this old RB3D hand some great campaign suggestions. Which squadrons, which planes, and which dates? I want to go out with a bang - lots of combat, lots of stress, and hopefully a good challenge. Thanks in advance. I'm sure I'll be posting here frequently once the fall comes and I need some MA History stress relief. Cheers!
  17. Your longest lasting pilot

    So would it be safe to say at this point, that no one has survived the war and reached 17 hours at the same time?
  18. Your longest lasting pilot

    Lot of that going on lately!
  19. Almost Deep Purple

    That is a fantastic skin Olham! Well done!
  20. Your longest lasting pilot

    You're nearly there though! ...though I probably just jinxed your pilot. Might I recommend carrying a lucky rabbits foot next time up?
  21. OT: Any of you folks play GPL?

    Welcome to the forum Badger! Yes, I was another one of those gaming junkies that played both RBII/3D and GPL. Sierra was really publishing some great software back then - in their pre-deer hunter days. GPL runs pretty well on my new Vista rig, but to be honest with you, I wound up roaming to some other newer racing sims. GT Legends by Simbin and GTR2 are the two I play most frequently when I'm not flying over the front, or downing bombers in IL2. GTR2 has a great mod called Power and Glory which models the sports and prototype cars of the late 1960's. Phase 3 (sound familiar? lol) of P&G2 will be modeling cars of the 1970s (including the Porsche 917 made famous by Steve McQueen's "Le Mans".) Speaking of Le Mans, if you dig long tracks (and by being a GPL player, I'd guess you are) there is an amazing Le Mans track modeled after the 1970s era. I've been racing a Porsche 906 in the 24 Hours in my spare time and I'm enjoying it immensely. We've had a bit of a drought, but I'd say we're in the thick of some great sim development these days. It feels like the late 1990s again! Cheers!
  22. Your longest lasting pilot

    At the moment? About a day and a half....
  23. Last Blast of the Summer

    Son of a... Well, my Jasta 28w pilots just don't seem long for this world. I fired up a second pilot in the same unit and time as his short-lived predecessor and didn't have much luck. We took off on our first patrol, the weather was pretty bad; heavy overcast and gray. We circled the field and climbed to altitude, ready to start a combat air patrol behind friendly lines. We finally started heading out towards our first waypoint when I noticed three dots about 2,000 feet over us. With the amount of flak heading towards the formation, I had a hunch they weren't friendly and decided to climb and investigate. In a few moments I realized I had a flight of 3 British Fe2b's heading towards our home field. Rather than risk them bombing our own aerodrome, I decided to chase after. Ten minutes of tedious and careful climbing and coaxing to get my Alb DII to altitude with the Fe's I closed in to attack. Finally I clamped down on the trigger and blasted the first plane right out of the sky. I'm not sure how, as I just installed the hardcore DM (I'm guessing it's not as hardcore as the DM in P2 was... I've been flying normal this entire time). I put all of the rounds into the engine and gas tank and sent him down with less than fifty rounds fired. Plane number two went in much the same manner; kick rudder right, fire, and down goes my second victim, also on fire. And once more, plane number three proved to be my undoing. Closing range I opened up on him, filling him with at least a hundred-fifty rounds. Only this Fe didn't want to go down. I kept firing and noticed he had suddenly slowed and I was closing on him with alarming speed. I shoved the stick forward as the Fe - originally a few feet over me, started rushing earthward. I think you can see how this is going to end. The Fe slammed into my scout, killing me, destorying the Fe, and sending us both to earth in a broken, bloody, mangled mess. I sat at my desk and face palmed for the second time in two days... There was a time, a lifetime ago, when I used to be really good at this. My German pilots, though, just seem to be a tad klutzy.
  24. Albatros production pics ?

    Fascinating pictures Olham. Thanks for posting them.
  25. Last Blast of the Summer

    Well... two and a half is more like it. The third was only really downed after being rammed by my plane and sending us both down in a tangled, broken heap. I tell ya, those lead shooting skills from my RB days really help pay the bills. And they're killer in Call of Duty 4 (people still can't figure out how I can lead and kill a target across a map with a G3+red dog sight lol). Ahh Red Baron II, was there anything you couldn't do?

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