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Everything posted by bernard
Cheers Kesselbrut!
bernard posted a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Just wanted to say thanks for the B-26K superpak. It just goes to show that every great mod also deserves a great cockpit. Its addons like this that come as a comprehensive package that really show what the community is capable of giving us. Cheers! -
wpnssgt B-52G cockpit
bernard posted a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Hey wpnssgt, I was wondering what state of development the cockpit with your B-52G was in when it was released. I have been looking at the .out file for the cockpit and was wondering that if the components were there in the model is it possible for movements and textures to be attributed to them or does this reqiure the addition of further nodes in the model to function as needles etc and the use of 3D studio max? I'm asking this more out of curiosity as I am unable to obtain a copy of WoV and am a huge fan of the BUFF. I have limited knowledge of cockpit modelling. I can change the .ini and textures of stock aircraft cockpits but have no knowledge of 3D modelling. Is the B-52G cockpit model going to proceed any further in the future or did the released of the B-52D with WoV knock it on the head? This isn't a "please make x, y or z" type thread, I was just wondering if the model is in a state where anything can be taken further by tinkering rather than full blown 3D modelling. Cheers -
wpnssgt B-52G cockpit
bernard replied to bernard's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Just orders it for $55 from Amazon. Guess its a bit more than I wanted to pay, but I'm sure I'll have fun with that BUFF..... -
bernard replied to NGHENGO's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
A few SRAMs or maybe ALCMs, that would be sort of right for the era would it not? (if the B-70 had ever gone into production). -
wpnssgt B-52G cockpit
bernard replied to bernard's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Looks like I'll have to fork out $50 and get it (WoV) imported from the States. Suppose its worth it, just have to bite the bullet... Anyway Lex, it wouldn't do your new nuke effects justice to drop them out of a B-47. Plus that A-7 pit looks pretty sweet. I take it from the screenshots you posted on the thirdwire forums that you worked out how to chop the frames? -
Can I rant here?
bernard replied to tn_prvteye's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
I dunno...... all this debate out Thirdwire sims... All I can say is that I've probably played this series more than any other individual sim I own, the limitations of the game engine can be frustrating at times but then again, if it wasn't a great overall concept, why would I always be playing it? I think when people talk about "the perfect sim" or present wish lists to TK they are banging their heads against a brick wall. There will never be a perfect sim and rather than continuously demand things, we should occaisonally take a moment to reflect on the fact that if it wasn't for the open architecture around which TK has built the series we wouldn't be on these forums know and all the hundreds of mods and stuff from the community would not have been made. All I can say is be thankful for what you've got. I never ever thougth I'd be hurling nuclear tipped Genie rockets at a swarm of Tu-16s from an F-106. It's not what the game is, it's what you make of it. -
Help with A6A computer aided release
bernard replied to TeTeT's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Nice attempt to recreate DIANE, but you will have a big problem getting it to work. First off, the gunsight in CCIP will travel all over the screen, it cannot be restricted to a certain area like the rest of the HUD. Second, to line up the reticule over the target box will be possible but not restricted to the TV display. The red box over a ground target is part of the in-game HUD that is applicable to all aircraftand is controlled by the HUDDATA.ini for all aircraft and is dependent on the HUD difficulty you set in options. It's a nice idea though, and by moving the display from the HUD over a blank tv screen in the cockpit could have future possibilities for modelling MFDs maybe. -
Can I rant here?
bernard replied to tn_prvteye's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
I haven't wanted to get my hands on a sim this badly since Knights of the sky on the Atari ST. Damn the rivet counters, the whole point of WW1 sims is that you have nothing but a stick, rudder, throttle and trigger and hare around the sky like a madman, turning on a dime and sending hot streams of death into the fabric underbelly of some Fokker. I can't wait to have a crack at the Bosch and then be home for tea and medals. Tally Ho! -
bernard replied to Kazama's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Yeah Kazama, its a shame the way we can "see" features that aren't necessarily implemented yet, its a real tease. As Thirdwire are currently working on their WW1 sim and the last service pack with all the goodies in came out to bring the series up to WoE standard, I doubt there will be anything massive soon. One way to look at it is that the new classes wouldn't be included in the code if TK didn't want to do something with them at some point. From the fiddling I did when the service pack came out, I found that whatever settings you set a nav/recon/datalink pod to in the weapons editor, the image it displays is always dependent on the available light. In terms of using a TV image to target aircraft like in the F-14 as you suggested, as far as I know, in the game the targeting pod store class like Pave Spike etc only target ground objects (eg primary target and any AAA/SAMS/Tanks/Moving trucks within visual range). Now, if there was some way of getting a targeting pod to target an air unit, then you would get your TV image tracking the bad guy in a dogfight as you want, but if its hard coded into the game that targeting pods can only target objects on the ground (which it most probably is) then it won't be possible. -
Looking For Douglas B-26K Counter Invader
bernard replied to suhsjake's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
If you download the A-26B you can just change the names in the relevant files and folders to make it into a B-26K, adjust availability dates and get a relevant skin for it. Like Ezlead said, you need to get hold of the SF editing notes and study the knowledge base. It takes time to get to know how to edit things to your taste in SF/WOV/WOE, but it is well worth the effort. Also, a word of advice. Try not to post requests for stuff you want on the forums, as there are lots of highly dedicated modders out there who spend a lot of their spare time creating new aircraft etc. There are probably more (combat) aircraft already for the series than any other sim, so learn how to tweak the ones available to your liking and enjoy what the community produces. FYI the B-26K was renamed A-26K shortly after going into service in SEA because the Thai government refused to have bombers stationed on its territiory, so the USAF got round this by redesignating it as an attack aircraft. The main differences between the Korean war era B-26 and B-26K were internal modifications made to strengthen the wing spas to increase the life of the airframe. In terms of the flight model in the game, I don't thinks changes in the strength of wing spa would really change gameplay all that much.... -
bernard replied to Kazama's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Hi there. Sorry to dissapoint you but the navigation, datalink and recon pod and general code for TV displays does not allow for night vision. If you check the box for infra red in the weapons editor it makes no difference to the quality of vision at night. Also, unless a TV image is produced by the seeker on a weapon or a targeting pod that is slaved to a weapon, it can only point straight ahead. I tried for ages when the latest service pack came out to create a FLIR/LLTV pod using the navigation pod, datalink pod and recon pod sub types of the misc. stores weapon type. All you will be able to do is reproduce a forwards view with a green filter perhaps, maybe field of vision as well but not view angle and it will also be fixed. You will not be able to adjust the view or get true night vision. I read some threads in the Thirdwire forums about this kind of thing and it turns out there are quite a few bits and pieces in the game code that are "visible" as in we can see the categories in the weapons editor, but are not yet fully implemented in the game code. The bottom line is, the Thirdwire family of games are meant to be fun, light sims, not Falcon 4 AF or anything like that. I'm sure with future patches and improvements in the code TK will produce further features and improvements for for us all, but don't expect to suddenly develop any amazing new avionics just by tinkering with ini files. If it was possible the modders would already have done it. -
WW2 Formation.ini mod
bernard posted a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
A few weeks ago I found a mod for the formation.ini file for strike fighters somewhere on the net that modified the formations to make them more suitable for WW2 eg. bigger bomber formations etc. Now I want to download it I can't find it anywhere and have searched on google for absolutely ages. Does anyone know where I can find it? I'm not sure if I remember seeing it on Wrench's site, but I definitely can't see it there now. Thanks. Disregard last post, that was rather dumb.... just found it, having put the first post up. If anyone else is interested here is the link: http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/CharlesEAW/sfpage.html -
CCIP Reticle Adjustments?
bernard replied to Papa_K's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
I've found that for low angle deliveries below about 4000ft (possibly 2000ft max, I would't know as I never get above those altitudes) if you use the weapons editor to make your bombs retarded and add a drag multiplier of 9 to whatever iron bombs you use then the CCIP reticle is damn near spot on. It's a less than ideal method, but after tonnes of experimentation it was the only sure fire way I could find to hit targets every time using CCIP and it is limited to low altitudes. Like I said, totally unrealistic, but if you want a "death dot" on your HUD, it is one way of doing it. -
Yankee Air Pirate / Beta Testers Needed
bernard replied to a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
Ok, sorry to be off topic as this seems to have turned into a debate about charging money for a mod but I have some questions for zerocinco regarding YAP.... 1) I appreciate that YAP is a mod of ground objects, targets, etc with real life missions. The random mission generator.... does it make use of all the new targets or will it continue to send us after the stock targets? Theorectically, as the mission generator uses target classes for strike mission rather than groundobjects, could we possibly find ourselves attacking the Quang Khe PT boat base in a random mission? 2) At yankeeairpirate.net there is mention of disrupting riverine traffic in the new "Free fire zone". Is this a static target area? Any chance of flying randomly generated Armed recon missions against boats rather than trucks? 3) If YAP is still in it's beta state, is that what you get at yankeeairpirate.net when you pay and buy it? Also, what form does the product take? Download or CDROM? Will we have confirmation when it is totally finished? Thanks in aniticipation of your reply. -
F-5E Gunsight
bernard replied to eightlein's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
When you say fires high, you mean the bullets go above the sight? Look further down the cockpit.ini to where it says:- ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 By adjusting the middle numbers, you can change the overall position of the entire gunsight eg. caged, A2A and A2G modes. If you try the following you should be able to move the entire sight up to match the path of your bullets:- ViewAngles=0.0,1.0,0.0 These angles are in degrees, so maybe try half degree increments until the sight is in the right place. I've looked at the data.ini to see if the cannon on the aircraft model are aimed wrong, but they don't seem to have a value entered for aim angle, so I'm assuming it defaults to straight ahead. -
F-5E Gunsight
bernard replied to eightlein's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
I'm working on the basis of the cockpit.ini file for the F-5E II from the mirage factory as hosted by column5, so if this doesn't apply to your question that may be why. First of all, which gunsight mode do you want to adjust, air to ground or air to air? For air to ground:- MaxDepression=245 Don't know what this does. Have adjusted but don't seem to get any effect. DefaultDepression=50 Sets the Depression of the gunsight in air to ground mode. I think its in millidrans or mil(360degrees=1000mil) For air to air:- LeadComputing=TRUE This sets the gunsight to move gyroscopically in relation to you manauevering the aircraft when in air to air mode with cannon selected, to represent the path of your bullets. If you have no target aquired on radar, the sight will move at the default lead range:- DefaultLeadRange=500 so that its position of the sight will indicate where your bullets will be after they have travelled 500 metres. If you have aquired a target on your radar and are tracking it and it is between these ranges MaxLeadRange=1300 MinLeadRange=300 the sight will automatically adjust its movement to represent where you need to put your bullets to hit the target at its current range. GunsightMilSize=50 This adjusts the size of the sight reticle. I think it is not actually in mil but a percentage of the size of the gunsight tga file. Hope this answers your question. -
US Aircraft Cockpits
bernard posted a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Found this site, with a fairly comprehensive archive of cockpit photos of US military aircraft cockpits. Most aircraft seem to be on there. http://uscockpits.com/ -
US Aircraft Cockpits
bernard replied to bernard's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Maybe some time in the future, but I'm kind of overwhelmed with college work right now, so for fear of wasting three years hard work, I'm trying to give SF a rest for a month or so until my course is done. Some time in July maybe I'll be able to get stuck into SF a bit more. Thanks for the offer anyway. -
Yankee Air Pirate / Beta Testers Needed
bernard replied to a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
So much to bomb but no copy of WoV yet... Sounds like a great piece of work, especially if you like mud moving. -
Bugs in latest patch?
bernard replied to ojcar's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
It could be that in modifying it you have upset something that makes things work. Always a risk with modifying stuff. -
Flight Control and Detect System
bernard posted a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
I was wondering if anyone could give a full explanation of what the flight control and detect system sections of the aircraft_DATA.INI files control. eg: [FlightControl] StallSpeed=43.61 CruiseSpeed=135.92 ClimbSpeed=208.85 CornerSpeed=75.54 MaxG=3.00 MaxSpeedSL=257.05 MachLimit=0.79 PitchDamper=1.0 RollDamper=0.5 YawDamper=0.0 [DetectSystem] RadarName= RadarType= VisualBlindArc=5,6,7 VisualRestrictedArc=4L,8L,12L MaxVisibleDistance=500.0 I've experimented with the flight control and found that the cruise speed controls the speed that the autopilot aims to maintain on that particular aircraft. Am I correct in assuming then that these settings control how the autopilot handles the plane, rather than the overall performance of the aircraft? I'm assuming that the detect system doesn't deal with much with radar and RWR apart from to give it a name as this data is in the avionics.ini, but do the visual blind, restricted and distance settings relate to visual sighting of the aircraft as they seem to be similar on all types regardless of radar capabilities? If anyone with knowledge of these variables could confirm or correct this I would appreciate it. -
Flight Control and Detect System
bernard replied to bernard's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
Thanks very much for the link. Has answered all my questions and any I might have in the future. -
bernard replied to a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mission/Campaign Building Discussion
Is this (VietnamSEA_types.ini) part of WoV terrain? -
Help Needed from RAF-Experts....
bernard replied to Soulfreak's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
http://www.rafweb.org/SqnMark098.htm Is this your bad quality information, or something new? 98 sqn was mainly a signals outfit. Whilst it did operated b2s it also had e15s which were used for radar calibration and other signals related duties. http://www.raf.mod.uk/squadrons/h_images/1...anberrabmk2.gif http://www.raf.mod.uk/squadrons/h100.html http://www.rafweb.org/SqnMark100.htm 100 sqn canberra circa 1954. From what I've read the white scheme here was used during the squadrons time working in the british nuclear testing programme. Canberras didn't carry nukes themselves until the 60s. They wore the anti flash white whilst being used as observation and sampling aircraft during weapons tests. The schemes with red and blue trime were for experimental use and the scheme with the yellow underbelly was for target towing duties. Hope this helps. It's nice to see someone skinning such a great aircraft rather than the usual US stuff most folks go for. Look forward to seeing the results. I editted the data.ini recently on the canberra b2 to make it historically accurate for the RAF if you are interested. -
Campaign Stores
bernard replied to swirlpot's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
Extract or find the campaigndata.ini (In the flightdata.cat located inh the flight folder I think, but you need to check.) As you scroll down through the file you will see the weapons info for each squadron at the end of each section. Simply add in extra entries for the weapons you want, remebering to cross reference with the weaponsdata.ini to ensure you have the correct abreviation for the gear you want. I think you then place the campaigndata.ini in the relevant campaign folder. I've only got Strike fighters rather than WoV, so I'm not sure if the file structure is identical for each game. With the different campaigns available in WoV it could be that the campaign data files are in the relevant campaign folders already. If not extract them as I mentioned above. If you haven't already got it you need the extraction utility found in the utilities section of the SFP1/WOV/WOE download section of this site. Hope this helps.