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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. Ok, did another experiment. A-10A_78 sqd in a Korea 1985 campaign I've been kicking around... Armed Recon chance set to 100, everything else at zero. Try 3 missions, the first and third are armed recon, the second is regular recon. It's the map, I think, but it could also be the year? The original camp. I tried was set in 1963, the desert in 1981, and Korea, 1985. Will test more tonite. Ran out of time for now...
  2. Good idea Baffmeister. But I just tried it and it has no effect on that. I think it indicates how many days after the start date strike missions will commence?
  3. I'm using Stary's latest tileset. I have had Armed Recon before in Europe campaigns, but they are few and far between. They might just be very sparse no matter what. And I don't know if I've ever had one that involved truck convoys, can't recall. What I'm trying to do is add a USAF Skyraider squadron that is primarily tasked with low level, behind the lines seek and destroy. It would be great if half or more of the player's missions were as such. Not sure if it's possible. I guess I could stick with the Desert map, but flying at treetop level is more fun when there are lots of treetops. ;) I might double the convoy routes again and see if that does anything.
  4. Wow Wrench, i went back to look at your Korea3_movement.ini. At at least one set has 16 waypoints! I tried my campaign in a clean modfolder/stock movement file, which has some truck routes, same results. It's either something in the Campaign_Data.ini , or something innate to the Germany map.
  5. Yeah, its a pain. I just did simple routes, but if I can get 'em to work, I'll follow the roads more. Tried the Thud with Armed_Recon set to 100, everything else at 0. Still not one armed recon mission coming up thru the 6 or so I tested. BTW Wrench, I used your truck route upgrade for the desert map, and an AR mission pops up for my very first outing when I set a squadron to MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=100 Works great In Paran.
  6. I want to edit the CEGermany movement.INI for more armed recon missions in the campaigns, and I'ld like to take advantage of the roads in Stary's latest release. When I open the TFD with Gerwin's editor, i can't see the tiles or target areas, just lots of pink. Is there a way I can see them and coordinates to plot out my paths?
  7. To fly for Paran, you may need to modify your nations.ini . Not sure if the DLC campaign customizer makes this unnecessary or not.
  8. F-5E Korean Tigers Skin Pack 7

    They look great! Many, many thanks Paulo!
  9. Good news for Bohemia I. prisoners!

  10. Then I will simply wait for that. Thank you. Carry on, sir.
  11. So if I do that, the correct roundel from my selected nation will show up on the skin? Example: I could use the RoC skin with a RoK roundel? That's the closest match I have for now.
  12. Northop F-5E Tiger II

    A long awaited update. Thanks
  13. Hey Paulo, Great work with all of the F-5E stuff. I had some fun this weekend mixing it up with some MiG-21 over Korea. The new Aggressor skins look very nice. Question: can any of the skins be used as generic (ie - any desired nation emblem can be used), or are they all set to specific nations only?
  14. Best movie of 2012?

    I'm gonna put Moonrise Kingdom at #1. I think my wife pre-ordered the DVD the minute we got home from the theatre, and I love Wes Anderson, but this is his best yet. Also it reminded me that I really like Bruce Willis, but he has unfortunately ended up in more bad movies than good ones. I was expecting to be disappointed by Peter Jackson's latest, but The Hobbit was awesome! I really enjoyed the experience (48fps, 3-D) , more like a ride than a movie, but too much fun. Don't think of it as the adaptation to the book. Think of it as the Prequel to The LOTR. Saw Batman DKR last night, meh... I can't wait to see The Avengers and Looper.
  15. Pirates! Now that was a proper computer game. I new my Caribbean geography better than any other 8 yr old on the block. Have you checked out Mount and Blade? Reminds me of Pirates! because it's open and roaming, do what you want... Sorry for dragging us off topic.
  16. How difficult would it be for me to swap out the trees for the ones from Stary's latest CE tiles?
  17. That flight model was built for the first SF series. For a quick fix, I copied all of the flight-surface data from the NF-5A. Flies much better now. @paulopanz, glad to hear you're working on a "restored" F-5E, since the plane was/is heavily used by the RoKAF, and we have a new and pretty Korea map... ...any RoK skins with that? EDIT: ...or was it the original data from the CF-5A? One of them flew more to my liking, so I swapped the data over to the other. They're now both the same in my install. Can't remember... try both.
  18. A heretic! BURN HIM!!! BUUUURRRRNNNN!!!!!!! Oh, sorry. There I go again. For me it's all about the time I've already invested in tweaking my Thirdwire stuff + the time I don't have to do much else.. DCS looks amazing, but I chose my path a long time ago. I might have chosen differently had I seen first. (Glowing AMRAAM video, DCS A-10C)
  19. Oh, I see. Thanks. So if I do this, will they mix in with Shilkas, not replace them completely, and will they still cover tanks?
  20. I put one together a while back for my personal use, very similar to what you're describing. I can attach the data.ini after I get home, if you want to have a look at what i did. I like your idea of adding more SA-8 to the mix. What do you edit to make these show up more? For B-52's, It's probably better to use the 3rd party ones because they: a. Look better and have non-SEA camo b. Fly level c. Have a better ECM suite to deal with Floggers and the like.
  21. Winter warfare 1

    Can't wait for the new Foxbat. Keep up the good work.

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