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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. I've been using the excellent B-1B pack lately, trying some low-level deep strikes. I added a simple CCIP for the _92 model. My question is, how would a real B-1B sight it's bombs? Is there a designated bombadier who takes control of the plane and uses a sight(but on a screen, not thru a glass I assume) like in a WW2 bomber? Are they even able to do high alttitude bombing with unguided munitions? How does it all work?
  2. So I guess the added CCIP in conjunction with the red box on normal game targeting settings is a decent approximation of the OAS. It's quite satisfying to sprinkle 12 tons of those parachute Mk82's over an enemy airfield on a high speed bombing run at <500ft.
  3. Thanks! I've been flying the Lancer a lot lately.
  4. Bugs plural. Awesome. A thru G?
  5. Definitely the engine and not some drag somewhere. I swapped all engine data from the Blk30, and now she pulls right up to Mach 2.
  6. Both, but it seems like I'm doing waaaayyyy more modding than actually playing. Thanks for the offer. I have 3 1985 campaigns, one in Dhimar, in Israel and NA, all USN-centric. Just waiting to plug more good stuff into them at this point. I'll probably have some questions in the future.
  7. F-16C Block 25/30 by The Viper Team

  8. Beautiful bird, but clean at 32k feet, Blk25 won't push much past mach 1 with full burner? Anyone else getting that?
  9. Looking very nice, HF. I've been dabbling in later-period campaigns recently. This will fit in nicely.
  10. The terrain by Wrench and tileset by Stary is so stunning, I've got to have a campaign for it. Has anyone made one? I'm messing around with one, but the strategic nodes are a bit daunting. Any tips?
  11. Blue Angels? I might get it for my 3yr old. I put him in enemy-free environments with no weapons and let him fly around. He saw the Blue Angels in some kid video about planes, and whenever I ask what plane he wants to fly, he says "a Blue Angel one". Otherwise, I only want DLC that fits into an existing theatre! I appreciated the way the Mirage5BA was plugged into the 1979 Europe campaign. Isn't it time to give th Mirage5F the same treatment that the IIIC got? ...and if SF2 gets too casual, I suppose I'll be needing a Windows 7 legacy machine in 10 years. I will survive the Tablet Apocalypse.
  12. What would they have to pay you to set foot on LV-426?
  13. Thank you for this! Wish I had got it sooner. Runs a lot better, looks nicer too. Like what you did by adding the shrubs. Makes NOE flying much easier/more fun. I'm sorry that TK's effort to make a new terrain engine didn't work out like we hoped, but you sir, have really saved the day with this great retrofit. Getting good framerates finally!
  14. Or just a custom loadout. Also, I had to edit the AIM-54A to "exported" so it would work. I like the pack. The price was right.
  15. That's cool, dast24. I did the same thing so I would have a theatre to fly the awesome TMF Fulcrum in. That thing is my favorite usermade ever, and it's fun to go up against the F-16.
  16. Version 1.0


    Desert Duel: June 1, 1981. After the war in 1975, Dhimar has become the undisputed greater economic power in the region. With their increased wealth due to rising oil prices the Dhimari decide to invest in a stronger millitary to counter the ever-looming threat of their southern neighbors. Seeing that Dhimar is purchasing new advanced weaponry such as F-16 fighters and new Sidewinder "L" missiles, Paran launches a full scale attack on the Kingdom of Dhimar before they can continue the military buildup with stronger ground forces. Divisions of Parani troops and heavy armor are rolling north under a cloud of MiGs. The Dhimari military is scrambling to repel the onslaught. Their new hardware is about to be put to the ultimate test. Nothing groundbreaking or terribly creative here. This is a simple campaign, based on the stock Desert Fury campaign with mostly stock aircraft. I wanted a Paran vs Dhimar campaign with no foreign forces. Fly Dhimari aircraft including the MirageIII & 5, F-4E, A-4, F-16A, Kfir, Lightning and F-104. I've enjoyed playing this campaign, and maybe someone else will too. Requirements : StrikeFighters 2 Strikefighters 2 Israel Strikefighters 2 Europe Optional: (included) Flyable F-104G, files by Thirdwire for SF1, thanks to Wrench for "how to" in Combatace.com forum. ...also, in my personal install I opened the .ini files for each Israeli aircraft and changed the names from the Hebrew to the American (ex. Netz to Falcon, Kurnass to Phantom, Nesher to Mirage5). It's really personal preference and just a suggestion.
  17. Agreed. The Phantom and Skyhawk seem to fare much better. @saisran, you might consider a small gamepad with analog thumbsticks? That might be a good compromise for the simmer on the go.
  18. Saitek AV8R-01. It's a cheesy little stick but I've had it for 3 years now. Practice, KiwiB. Lots of it. Remembering that the carrier is a moving target helped me alot. Fly as slow as you can. Also, don't be afraid to hit the deck hard. Carrier-capable aircraft are tough. Check it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJG4R3bJNEM
  19. Yahoo!!! The updater is out! Now TK can get back to work on things like DLC, skin-packs, and a Mirage F1 .
  20. I think your love for it will increase exponentially if you get any kind of flight stick. Carrier landing are difficult under the best of conditions, without a stick to make the hundreds of tiny adjustments just sounds too difficult for me.
  21. Excellent info. And I added this to my CAMPAIGN_DATA.INI under [Force002] : StartAirDefenseLevel=3 Now I have another playground for the F-4G .
  22. Oh, I see them now. Thanks. Do I need to add some sites with Activeyear=1985 for them to show up, or does Activeyear=1966 mean from 1966 on? From the desert_targets.ini : Target[018].Type=SAMRadar Target[018].Offset=-3298.00,4249.00 Target[018].Heading=45 Target[018].ActiveYear=1966 Target[019].Type=SAMLauncher Target[019].Offset=-3392.00,4381.00 Target[019].Heading=330 Target[019].ActiveYear=1966
  23. Looking soooo good, EricJ. Can't wait to dwnld it.

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