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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. Ok. I'm being picky for sure. I understand that. But look at it this way: I like the idea of dogfighting against an identical aircraft, and I have a campaign where this F-14 vs F-14 match-up sometimes occurs. I'ld rather know that the adversary and I are on somewhat equal footing (AI flaws not withstanding). If one version of the plane has a higher roll-rate with wings swept etc, then it will have an advantage to exploit over the other. I certainly do not want to slight the Mirage Factory F-14 set, as it is obviously one of the best user-made aircraft sets out there, and I have enjoyed using it for the past few years. That said, I have committed to the TW version, at least for now, and probably for no better reason than the fact that I just paid $30 for it. Now, let me be get back to being crazy. If anyone needs further proof of my insanity, I'm in the middle of the 1979 Europe campaign in a MiG-21... Or is that just masochism?
  2. Put a carrier group on the Israel map, the E-2C starts overhead, and then flies off over hostile Syria. I have no idea how to change this. I can't find anything helpful in the Icelan campaign_DATA.INI or the TARGETS.INI . Also, I'm still getting Red Crown and not in communication with Hawkeye...
  3. Lowered morale to 10. That didn't seem to do anything. Of note, I have not yet seen the unescorted E-2, over enemy territory, come under attack.
  4. ...the Mirage Factory F-14 and the Thirdwire F-14 are not the same. Different flight model/avionics etc. I'ld like to use the Thirdwire F-14 exclusively. As far as userlist/not exported, that's simple to change. Is there anyone else who would like to see an IRIAF skin for the Thirdwire Tomcat? Does that sound crazy? I'm cool with that. Am I missing some information here? Are you saying that I can use the Mirage Factory skin on the TW model?
  5. Wow cool! I landed an F-4E there, with alot of drama and stopping 20m from the end of the runway. That's definitely small plane or Harrier territory.
  6. Yep, I have TMF pack, but I don't want to go head to head with an Iranian F-14 in my TW version if they're not the same aircraft. TMF Tomcats are very nice, but I want consistency. Maybe I'll dig up the old Photoshop Elements and try my hand at skinning. Could make a clone of the TW F-14 with Iranian skin, different loadouts etc. I assume someone with more talent than me would put one out in the future.
  7. For the TW version I mean. Wait, is there one already?
  8. Nice. Can't wait to download. BTW, is anyone working on an IRIAF Tomcat skin?
  9. You can make off-map based squadrons flyable in a campaign, but it starts you in air/near target only. I MIGHT use it if it started you far away enough for a proper ingress. Off map bases work on old maps. Too bad we lost the start "In air near homebase" option.
  10. Have you gotten AWACS to work properly? Also, has anyone verified that off-map bases work on terrains other than IcelandNA? I placed one in my Israel campaign, but haven't seen the squadron yet. It might be too busy to see them right away...
  11. Yep. 20 and 40 miles. Not a bad idea. Won't be able to test until tommorow though.
  12. Nope. He still flies off to Damascus like he owns the place.
  13. Good point. Wasn't even thinking of that.
  14. It is how much intel the other side has regarding that unit at the beginning of campaign. Great! Hope it works on other maps. I don't think B-52s would ever be based in Germany during WW3...
  15. So, I put EA-6B squadrons into my (non NA) campaigns, inserted MissionChance[ESCORT_JAMMER]=100 into the squadron entry in the DATA.INI, but I tested about 15 missions and have yet to see those squadrons assigned to anything. They are losing some aircraft, but they are not taking part in any of my campaign missions. Are ESCORT_JAMMER missions tied to the naval strike stuff only?
  16. Oh crap. SF2: Nabywhookibootoob, or whatever the fark that Avatar planet was called.
  17. Nice one, Jonathan. BTW, I love reading google translations. Alot of wording comes thru very awkwardly, in a very comical manner. I'm sure its the same for English-Swedish translations. Not sure if it was like this before, but I flew the MiG-23MLD last nite, and noticed it had similar high-speed roll rate to F-14. Is it a swing-wing characteristic?
  18. Copied/pasted RWR data from F-16 to replace vector version, but TW A-6E still needs LGB support. I'll get that this week, I hope. I too wonder if a DLC or addon is in the works? Seems unlikely at this point. FM seems a little too roll-happy, to me.
  19. I need to add functional E-2C and EA-6B to my current carrier-based campaigns, and then I'll be working on a 1985 NA scenario. Real basic stuff (I hope).
  20. Fixed!!! The carrier stations were just a little too close to the shore, I guess. Moved them a couple of miles west, and now it works!
  21. Tornado ECR/IDS Pack (German) V1.0

    Once again, great work! These planes were sorely missing from the 1979 campaign. Replaced a couple of F-104G sqds, and away we go!
  22. Ok, I think it's an issue with putting carriers or carrier stations on the map, in the TARGETS.INI or something. If I place a unit at a ground base, it will show up... From TARGETS.INI [TargetArea233] Name=Echo Station Position=420000,800000 Radius=5657 ActiveYear=0 Location=12 Alignment=FRIENDLY CarrierStation=TRUE [TargetArea234] Name=Marine Station Position=425000,780000 Radius=5657 ActiveYear=0 Location=12 Alignment=FRIENDLY CarrierStation=TRUE And I added a location #12 in NATIONS.INI [Theater] TheaterName=Middle East Location001=Israel Location002=Egypt Location003=Syria Location004=Jordan Location005=Lebanon Location006=Saudi Arabia Location007=Iraq Location008=Sinai Location009=West Bank Location010=Gaza Strip Location011=Golan Heights Location012=Mediterranian Sea [LimitedNationList] FriendlyNation001=USN FriendlyNation002=USMC FriendlyNation003=ISRAEL EnemyNation001=Egypt EnemyNation002=Syria EnemyNation003=Jordan What did I forget? PS: The limited nations thing is not an issue as it is the same in CEurope terrain, and I have successfully added USMC units to those stock campaigns

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