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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. Oh certainly. The F-86 was 500.0 , in contrast with the P-51D at 6200.0! Changed, thanks.
  2. Ha! Cripes, man! I'm gonna need a beer now.
  3. Wow, ravenclaw! Very nice (as always).
  4. It is in the latest SQUADRONLIST.INI , but it will probably be Phantoms since they were flown by the 57th until 1985.
  5. Mig-15 / Mig-15 bis / Mig-17 cockpit

    Oh goody goody! This is will be the catalyst for me finally buying the TW Custom Campaign Creator DLC.
  6. I just hope all custom aircraft, campaigns, terrains etc. still work ok when (or if?) the other games are updated to NA standard. Itching to get my Hornets over Iceland and a new Tomcat over Dhimar...
  7. Thanks to everyone who worked on this project. Very good stuff.
  8. I nver mak unitentionul nistakes.
  9. One more word: Createyerown Can't wait to make a late '60s campaign with all the SF2:V favs and a early-mid '80s with the Hornet-A . Should take a small part of one evening to change some dates and equipment in the campaign INI files.
  10. tasked with well behind the line strikes in an A-10 is a massacre if you don't stay really low. My wingmen are getting into all kinds of trouble because they won't join me NOE. I assume if it could be done, I'ld have heard about it, but figure I'll ask anyhow. Didn't see anything helpful in AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI either.
  11. Whoops. that didn't work because I put it in the Flight folder instead of the Objects folder. Now it works!
  12. @baffmeister: Where is the AIDATA.INI located?
  13. Tried that, but I think those parameters are only used during dogfights.
  14. Set VeryLow=50, tested it out, but they still pull up at about 200m. Something about their terrain avoidance. Though, I see them comfortably get way lower than 200m in a strafing run. Hmmm...
  15. ...not to mention the Gulf of Dhimar. That's a large chunk of empty water.
  16. animated, with dynamic AI for realistic flocking. Were there ever little black/white cows in the CE tilesets? Was I hallucinating? Haven't seen them in a while.
  17. hey Stary, can we expect you to work your magic on the new Iceland terrain? Don't forget the sheep! :)
  18. I'm starting to notice that. Even the TW Spitfire doesn't fly too well when you 'pit it. Feels like its on greased rails. Can't bleed speed by doing drastic maneuvers... I will look into editing FMs, but I feel that it will be beyond my abilities and time constraints (parenting+full-time job etc.)
  19. Oh, I can't really make a new plane. Besides, there are plenty of decent WWII planes out there already.
  20. Example: If I have a plane in use from 1984 to 2006, only 1984 will show up in the mission year drop box. Where can I change this setting?
  21. Thanks. I didn't notice the KB was more than one page. :facepalm: :embarrassed: etc.
  22. Thanks for the pic. I read that book long before I could have imagined the internet.
  23. Using these excellent skins by SidDogg for SF1 in my SF2 FA-18A I'm piecing together from other addons, sort of my favorite aspects from several others. --> http://combatace.com/files/file/10019-fa-18-hornet-vfa-113-stingers-full/ The problem is I don't want the plane with flamboyant livery to show up in my combat scenarios. Plane 300, or 400 or whatever always has this skin, while the others(301,302,303 etc.) are lo-vis. I've tried editing the number list in the skin folder, adding "StartNumber=301" in my campaign_data.ini but nothing keeps it away. Any ideas? BTW, I like these skins better than what comes with the Hornet pack for SF2 because they have a more realistic weathered look.
  24. That did the trick, along with removing "StartNumber=" from campaign_data.ini altogether. Thanks alot! Hopefully they'll be sortieing over Iceland any day now. Great job on these, BTW.

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