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Posts posted by =58=Sprig

  1. Oregon Air Guard Redhawk F-4C

    This is a decaled 512 skin. I'm still working on my 2048 version.


    All of the tail numbers are correct for the squadron. For every tail number listed, I have a picture of that aircraft with the Redhawks.


    In the tail number list, you will find asterisks behind some numbers. Each asterisk is a Mig kill that that aircraft actually had.


    I've also included a hanger screen from a picture I took during a base visit to the Portland Air National Guard Base back when I was in AFROTC.


    Don't forget to add:




    Name=123rd FIS, 142th FIG "REDHAWKS"







    to your F-4c config file.


  2. Oregon Air Guard Blackhawk F-4C

    This is a decaled 512 skin. I'm still working on my 2048 version.


    All of the tail numbers are correct for the squadron. For every tail number listed, I have a picture of that aircraft with the Blackhawks.


    In the tail number list, you will find asterisks behind some numbers. Each asterisk is a Mig kill that that aircraft actually had.


    I've also included a hanger screen from a picture I took during a base visit to the Portland Air National Guard Base back when I was in AFROTC.


    Don't forget to add:




    Name=114th FIS, 173rd FIG "BLACKHAWKS"







    to your F-4c config file.


  3. Oregon ANG Red Hawk for Mirage Factory's F-15a

    This skin is in memory of Major Gregory D. Young of the Oregon Air National Guard. He was killed on June 26th, 2007 when his F-15 crashed into the Pacific Ocean off the Oregon Coast during ACM training. The cause of the crash is still under investigation.


    This skin is meant to be used with the F-15A from The Mirage Factory found on the Column5 website.

    When the 318th Green Dragons were disbanded at McChord AFB, they're F-15's were sent down to Oregon for use by the Air National Guard.

    So I'm assuming the tail number research has already been done.

    To install, Copy the "318" file and rename it "123". Delete the file anum.tga in the "D" folder. Replace the existing files with these.



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