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File Comments posted by ProxyAgent

  1. 32 minutes ago, Menrva said:

    The mod folder gets installed automatically on the system drive. If you run a stock game executable, I think a blank mod folder would be created in the same spot, so this shouldn't be a problem. You need all three TW games that are listed, one does not suffice. You might want to move the mod folder elsewhere and see if it changes anything, but then you'd need to fix the mod's path inside the Options.ini file manually.

    I moved the mod folder so everything is on a single drive but no bueno so far. I have a merged NA install (jul 2012 patch) with everything but expansion 3. My SF2 NA Options.ini contains some traces of previous mods installs but it shouldn't be a problem since this mod has its own executable and mod folder. Other than that I can't think of anything that can be causing this problem.


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