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Everything posted by chrsmat71

  1. BAE Systems Hawk 64

    Looks, sounds great, and fun to fly! Thank you!
  2. FMA IA-58a Pucara for SF2

    I enjoyed this one, thank you!
  3. Hi all, Is there a way to target enemy aircraft specificly other than just hitting the "next target" button and cycling through every truck, bridge, and stray dog on the map as well as the enemy aircraft? This was kind of an issue with cfs3 for me but with all the possible targets now it takes forever to get what I want....huge pain in a dogfight. I hope I've missed a "target enemy aircaft" or "target closest enemy" button or at least method to do that. Thanks!
  4. Hi everyone, I'm sure this is mentioned somewhere here but I'll be darned if I can find it. Does OFF have widescreen support? Thanks!
  5. Mig-21 Complete Pack SF2 1.8

    this is fantastic, thanks for this great mod!
  6. Hi experts, I've been installing some great aircraft from the downloads section for sf 2. It was a pain in the hole to find the aircraft folder on my vista machine...I could't see it but found it in the objects folder where it should have been clearly visilbe when I did a search for "aircraft". (It's still totally invisible when I just open the objects folder!) Anyway, I was trying to install some custom sounds and I can't find that folder at all, even tried searching for .wav files and the like. If any one knows where to look I would really appreciate it! Thanks! Chris
  7. Nothing major to say here but I love the "bobble" pack of smokes in the fe 2....put in a bottle opener for my beer and I'd be set...until I had to land
  8. smoke 'em if you got 'em

    lmfao! bullethead sir, now THAT is a properly pimped out fe 2....but considering ricketycrate's experience, we may have to replace the rear facing machine gun with a fire extinguisher for our britches.
  9. targeting aircraft

    trackir looks awesome, thank you all for the info. yikes on the price, maybe santa can leave that under my tree this year though!
  10. targeting aircraft

    thank you all for the info! ah yes, i think i even knew i could do that in cfs3 once upon a time....its been several years since i played...and i haven't got any younger since then. also, cntrl + shift+ t changes the map scale which is helpful..which i figured out after your input. I can't follow anything without padlock...even things I should be easily able to turn and see with my head...lack of thumb/hat button coordination...and again I'm not getting any younger. I suppose I'm a flight sim weenie of sorts, I like medium flight models and plenty of view options. Hardcore flight models and not seeing anything offer me as about as much immersion as microsoft access does ! Thanks again everyone!
  11. widescreen support?

    Thank you for your replies!
  12. Thank You MK2

    thank you very much sir!

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