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Everything posted by TheRandoGuy

  1. EAW 1.30 download?

    Hi everyone, Where can i obtain EAW 1.30? can't seem to find this particular version anywhere to download. Thanks
  2. EAW 1.30 download?

    Thank you! Also a special thanks for all your help previously in assisting me with EAW on my old XP machine earlier this year. it was a massive effort but it was worth it in the end. If you celebrate it, have a great Christmas and a great new year. Cheers.
  3. EAW 1.30 download?

    yes please send me that 1.28b Glide 3 exe if u can. I'll take 1that 30to140 early build and see how it is
  4. EAW 1.30 download?

    Lol, Hello again Mark. Well i just wanted to archive it no real reason other then that tbh. I'd even like to get a hold of 1.40 too if that's possible.
  5. Hi everyone, After a long time & many attempts in trial and error in getting EAW v1.20 working on my Windows XP retro machine with Intel graphics i successfully managed to pull it off by using DxWnd with EAW12 (Stock)-DXWnd found on Mark's website and OpenGLide 009rc7 for glide graphics. But I face a new problem. When I'm flying the game goes into some kind of Windowed mode I'll post a screenshot of it so folks know what i'm talking about. So, my question is how do I get rid of it and get full screen while flying? Problem.bmp
  6. EAW120 goes into Windowed mode. Help?

    Fixed it by bumping up the resolution to 1024x768. Call me crazy but i prefer it at 640x480 for this game, but oh well. Last question Mark, is there a way to disable mouse cockpit view rotation? it's annoying.
  7. EAW120 goes into Windowed mode. Help?

    Just tried that and it's still in windowed mode grrr....
  8. EAW120 goes into Windowed mode. Help?

    Update. InitFullScreen was set to ! and CreateWindow was set to 0 by default and yet ingame window is in almost full screen windowed mode lol
  9. EAW120 goes into Windowed mode. Help?

    Ok I'll mess with the OpenGLid.ini file later and report back. As for Glide Mode, is DisplayDevice=2 glide mode? I set graphics to glide ingame and during flight it looks like i'm getting glide.
  10. Hi everyone, Is there a Discord group EAW? I wouldn't mind flying with other EAW pilots sometime if there are any still around? I have GameRanger so i'm guessing that's how you get online nowadays.
  11. Hi guys, I have an old Pentium 4 Windows XP PC with integrated Intel extreme graphics 2 and I was helping to play EAW on it for the nostalgia. I followed what most folk on here say to do as in RIP the game from the disc to a folder then install 1.01, 1.20, 1.28, 1.28c, 1.28d then 1.28e which fixes my 7217 problem i originally had. But i have a new problem and I was helping someone on here would be kind enough to help me out. The game starts up but the intro movie is blacked out but i can hear sound though and if i hit ESC and skip the intro movie the main menu pops up but the bottom half of my screen is missing. This doesn't happen if i click on Instant mission though the screen then appears fine during combat. But I can't see everything at the bottom half of the main menu and not being able to see the intro is kind of annoying as well. Does anyone know how to fix both the intro movie and the missing bottom half of the menu screens? Also, this PC is connected to a monitor with a resolution of 1280x1024. Any help would be greatly apprenticed.
  12. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    I never considered to install the un-offical update lol seemed to be dodgy. One thing that my retro does pack really well is the Pentium 4. I mean it ran most of my old school games well such as All Command & Conquer games (Up until C&C 3), AVP1 & 2, Conflict Desert Storm 1 & 2, ShellShock Nam 67, MechCommander 1 & 2, Emperor Battle for Dune, Descent 1 & 2 (even with the upgraded graphics rebirth mod), Classic Doom 1 & 2 (Brutal Doom mod), and many more i could mention on here... there's something about playing classic games on old hardware it's like going back in time.. it's an early 2000s Dell machine maybe there's drivers that i missed and those are still on Dells website. Might need to check it out.
  13. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    I've only seen a portable nGlide with some gog games, i even tried to "borrow it" from one game and use it for EAW but no luck there. And yes, my retro machine has the last of the XP updates before it became out of support. The only update it doesn't have is that un-offical SP4 update. And i believe it has latest Intel drivers for the chipset.
  14. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    Just tried another game which has glide graphics and yeah even this game gave me errors. So yeah, i think my retro PC just doesn't like any glide wrappers at all. I must of tried at least 10 different ones to no success. I'll just have to play EAW on my windows 11 RTX rig and just move the keyboard outta the way to make room for the joystick, my monitor is huge. Sometimes we don't get what we want. Anyway though, thanks for all ya help Mark, most folks would of either not replied or would have bailed awhile ago but you stuck around and i really appreciate it.
  15. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    Yes I did remove dgvoodoo first, i figured two wrappers would conflict with each other. However i'm not sure where to find a portable version of nGlide though can't seem to locate it on their website.
  16. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    I tried different higher res through the eaw.ini file it didn't solve the gray line horizon. Btw dgvoogoo doesn't seem to like the dd wrapper it crashes during MPS. I found nGlide092 version which is apparently supported at the time for XP but when i click on fly now i get Glide init error.
  17. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    And that's the horizon gray line btw. So you know what i'm talking about. Gray Line.bmp
  18. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    Alright so i have a clean EAW 1.20 folder install now. I messed around more with an old version of dgvoodoo 1.31 settings even though i had no idea what they did, and i got EAW working and the stutter when i hit T is gone. But i have the old school glide graphics now, which is ok i guess... i mean it's the look i remember back in the day, I suppose you can't have everything. One thing i do prefer in this version is how i can see my machinegun/cannon fire more easily, unlike the newer versions. The MPS loading screen was not as fast as it should be, but not terribly slow, still tolerable. Sometimes when level out the aircraft the horizon doesn't look right as in there is a gray line until i turn the aircraft... not sure if it's dgvoodoo causing that or just the old school glide graphics
  19. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    Well DxWnd seems to work with that other game that I mentioned before, the main menu is a little off center but ingame is fine though. So i dunno either... Maybe my retro machine doesn't like those glide wrappers. I tried dgvoodoo but i dunno how to set it up, settings wise for EAW. This game might be a lost cause.. shame though because i can play Red Baron 3D, & iPanzer44 perfectly. All of which are from the same win95/98 era.
  20. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    Well it was short lived Lol. It plays fine i until i press the T key on my keyboard to find the closest enemy aircraft then it shutters hard. I feel like this game is trolling me at this point Lmao
  21. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    Hello Mark, I'm pleased to report after months of trail an error i finally fixed EAW and it runs beautifully on my retro XP PC. Okay so I fixed the after mission screen crashing issue by using a program found on your website called: DxWnd. I selected Directx 7 and selected the GDi renderer setting on said program and voila!! it now works and it's actually playable. DxWnd also helped me fix another nostalgic game from my childhood as well. Anyway, i just wanna say thanks for all your help mate! 10000000+ rep
  22. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    UPDATE: I got rid of that toolbar thing by keeping window mode switched off on D3Dwindower and also disabling DDrw primary bit option seems to do the trick. So, the only issue left is just the crashing after exiting a mission. I tried the GOG version awhile ago, but unfortunately it gives me that annoying 7217 error. I did look at DXWND earlier today but i'm not sure how to use it for EAW.
  23. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    Ya i used the English version of D3Dwindower found on your website. There is a setting in D3D called windowed mode so i tried unticking it but the toolbar is still there. I think it's called a toolbar... it's basically the bar has Minimize/Restore/Close on the top right hand corner of the screen. I don't know what it is but DD wrapper doesn't do anything for me as far as menu screens go. And yeah, the crashing after i exit out of a mission i can't seem to get my head around why it's doin that. If i switch to Direct3D there is no crashing but but ingame kinda stutters a bit. Glide is defo the way to go.
  24. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    Hey Mark, I know i gave on EAW awhile ago but I decided to give it EAW another go and I had a bit more success with it. I found a download on SimHQ of eaw1.28efullversion-3-1-2017 and best thing is that it gives me Direct3D right off the bat and i got Glide to work by using the OpenGLide_009rc7 found on your website and seems to work with eaw1.28efullversion-3-1-2017 files quite well. But... I still needed the D3D windower to fix the main menu screen. The DD wrapper doesn't fix the main menu. I read that there is a way to combine both OpenGlide & DD wrapper but you don't seem to mention how to do that, unless i missed something regrading that. Anyway, As I've said before OpenGlide works but when i quit out of a instant mission, campaign or whatever the game crashes back to windows instead of that end mission clipboard screen, so i now I have this issue. Also, is there way to get rid of the D3d windower toolbar at the top of the screen while playing, in other words make D3d windower full screen? if that's even possible. Thanks
  25. Integrated Intel graphics and EAW

    Bro I did read the help section. I tried all the wrappers none worked i tried messing with the INI file changing the DisplayDevice from 1 to 0. I can't seem to find the "Troubleshoot Help Document' for Wrapper Program info" on your site too. I even tried the GOG version which works on my windows 11 PC btw, but it gives me that annoying that 7212 error even with a DD wrapper on my XP machine. I'd save myself the effort and a day and just play the GOG version on my Win11 PC if had more desk space for a joystick rather then go through a headache. But yeah Like i said im not that tech savvy lol. But anyways i think i'll give up on this and not waste anymore of your time either. Thanks for everything though.

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