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Posts posted by hookedonphono

  1. Aha, thanks. I guess I'm remembering the old Jane's series where you could give an "Affirmative" to the wingies' call.

    I actually had a MiG-21 to the rear of the flight & told the other element to clear their six- I assumed at the time they would shoot whatever they found. However, they asked permission first, so I tried to get a padlock so I could tell them to "Engage my target". Before that happened they both called "engaged defensive", & then they got smoked.

  2. I have to admit, this one is baffling me & I feel I'm missing something simple. When in range of a bandit my wingmen request permission to engage. The manual states that I can press the "Y" key to allow this. It doesn't work though, Y just opens the Tanker comm page as usual.

    I have studied the keychart & found no info there at all. Is there an old salt out there who can tell me what the actual key command is, or if one exists? :dntknw:




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