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Everything posted by Reggie

  1. Uh guys if anyone's on i need help i recently downloaded several aircraft for my sf2 and after that somehow the country, service section is empty I can't choose any like the United States or Royal Air Force, how can i fix this??
  2. SF2 UH-1B Huey Slick & Hog Remod Pack

    Thanks for this model at least it works unlike the other huey models, anymore huey variants coming? e.g. UH-1B
  3. I've got the same problem, the ah1j sea cobra doesn't have any weapons when i use it coz i don't know where to find where to put the GunData any tips on how can i fix this.
  4. Hi guys don't know if anyone will see this but im having problems with some of my aircrafts.. some of the the helicopters that i downloaded are not appearing and others such as the f117 nighthawk and p3 Orion appear black.. any suggestions?

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