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About gombicek

  1. Couple of newbie questions

    Well yeah, I tend to play strategy games, turn based mostly and you don't need it there, or condor 2, where it is nice to have but its ok without it, no fighting there so, don't need it that much. So while I hace my eyes on it for a long time, I'm still like I dont really need it. Maybe this game will change it. It is awesome what thay achieved with such an old engine.
  2. Couple of newbie questions

    Also sometimes when I start the mission in the training, the plane immediatly crashes after the start of the mission and wheels are sitting a bit under the ground. It seems random and in the quick flight it works ok.
  3. Couple of newbie questions

    Thanks that is exactly what I was looking for.
  4. Couple of newbie questions

    Thanks. I just tried flying without hud and tactical display and it was ok with an instructior to follow. And I would say better, I was actually flying more by the guts as reading the tactical display and giving it too much attention. I remember trying facetrack way back then, like 6 or so years ago, maybe I'll give it a try again. Track Ir is imho overpriced. For now hat switch is working ok, although it is not as intuitive as head tracking for sure. Also training is going good, so far the number of take-offs is equal to number of landings.
  5. Hi. I just bought the game and I'm doing a training. First impressions are that it is an awesome game. Immersion is quite high. But as I don't have trackir or any other headtracking, I use tactical display and hud. So the question: is there a way to make it larger? also question 2: I know it would be a long time before I need it but how does the claim system works? And what is the difference between normal and easy? question 3: Is there a way to re-fly missions? If I die or something so I don't have to start over again and again while I'm learning. Thanks.

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