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Everything posted by NH2112

  1. Well seeing the price of a new Radeon 9800 puts that out of the question for the near future. Plus, I still need to scare up a Thrustmaster Cougar and maybe another 1/2 gig of RAM. Until that happens what I suppose I'll do is hook up the old PC and get my stupid hand (I'm a lefty) used to flying again by hooking up the FLCS/TQS/RCS and flying F3 Gold, Tornado, B2B, etc. It'll probably help quite a bit with my BFM, too (even though I'd never leave the A10/Su25 cockpit in LOMAC.) Maybe I'll give the shop that built my PC a call and see if we can work a deal trading my 5200 for a Radeon 9800. Even $100-$150 off would be great.
  2. The main reason I didn't get this PC with XP is because out of all the computer-savvy people I know who use(d) it, I can count those who were happy with it on the fingers of one thumb! Still, the worst that can happen is I HATE it and go back to Win98. I guess I'll look for an XP disc this weekend.
  3. Thanks for the replies, guys. I had Win98 installed when I bought my PC on the recommendation of a friend, but only because she said it would probably work better for me than XP. So I suppose I could get the sim, DL the patch, and see how things work out (definitely need the HOTAS first, though!) I'm sure that if my Nvidia card still causes problems I can get a decent amount of money for it and find one that works better...and upgrade to XP if necessary :P

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