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Everything posted by Pilotasso

  1. What Do You Want More??

    Voted Realism, but that was because I couldnt vode twice. I think you cant beat the Realism/multiplayer COMBO. If multiplayer is introduced IMHO I wont miss certain single player Modes as much.
  2. what am I doing now?

    Hi guys, been paying attention to this project for a couple of years now. Im new but some of you might know me form the LOckon Forums. Just seen the Video, and I liked it alot... Flight model looked excelent for me. Certainly much better than almost anything out there. I do think that you guys have yet to sort controll surface speed because the trajectory changes apear so abrupt that it seems the control surfaces are instantly actuated. Once that corrected it will look and feel real nice indeed. Another question. Have you implemented trimming yet? It also apears the player need to keep the nose tight under control on that Video. Congrats for the progress so far. The graphics look real sharp, and the planes sense of flight and speed is great. And Im not talking cheap either, Im picky to what concerns these aspects of a flight sim. keep it up!

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