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Posts posted by cj95

  1. In generic SF is there a way to quick choose skins and weapons for your entire squadron without going through them one by one?




    Sometimes I jsut get the urge to fly a specific nation, and its a pain to manually go plane by plane to select insignia.


    Likewise for specific weapons loads.



    Any 'apply to all' command Im misisng here?




  2. Okay I give up.



    There is probably an easy solution, but I cant figure it out.



    Playing generic strike fighters with the latest weapons update, I can t get weapons....namely AAM's to show up in weapon selection in a a few add on aircraft.


    Specifically the F-8D and CF-5A but I am sure more are out there.


    The Data file shows "IRM" in the proper sections, but I must be missing something else....

























    Any ideas on whats wrong and why my sidewinders dont show up?

  3. Hi cj, the add-on planes are done by different people and done differently from one another too - some are similar to stock ones, some are not. The reason I say this is to ask you which add-on planes work well for you, which stock don't (just one or two of each)? I suspect I know why you have these issues, but just need to know that to be sure, as well as whether you fly in easy, normal or hard modes? And the slip, is this in vertical (see-sawing) and/or horizontal?


    Edit: See that you solved your problem - simultaneous post, if so, thats good, no need to reply.




    NP with the simultaneous posting.....


    Primarily the problems seemed to be excessive pitch response. Roll.....as I assume is accurate was rather sluggish on the stock planes, while I have found that some add ons like the Sopwith Pup and F.2B had a great roll rate


    I started out playing on Normal flight mode, but have recently made the switch to Hard now that I am (mostly) getting used to the quirks of biplanes.....


    The aforementioned joystick calibration dampened down most of the issues I was having although I will admit that at times I find myself jumping around trying to get a plane in my sights.


  4. Ummmm.....no.


    Im flying the stock SPAD and SE.5 biplanes in First Eagles..............hence the forum title. :biggrin:



    Very good advice nonetheless for when I am flying Strike Fighters though.




    Im just talking about the huge differences in controllability from stock to add on biplanes.

  5. Howdy from Texas........





    Just a quick question on the differences between the stock aircraft and add-on flight models.


    By in large the Stock planes are quite difficult to control as they tend to slip all over the place at the slightest touch of the controls and lacking any real ability to fine tune or aim accurately


    (at least for my ham fists)



    The add on aircraft are a godsend, because they tend to to only go where you point them, and not oscillate wildly at the slightest touch of the stick.



    Any solution to the twitchyness?, or is that more realistic?



  6. Just purchased this little gem.


    Very impressive, bu tI have two problems....


    1st problem is im having a quirky problem with VISTA.


    I can run the program fine...fly a mission fine...etc etc....


    however at the end of the misison when I hit ESC I crash to desktop.


    This makes campaign misison where savi ng results is important pretty much impossible.


    I suppose I can keep up with just quickmissions but was wondering if anybody had an idea on a solution.





    2nd problem is I cant hit the side of a barn .......i dont suppose I can plame that one on VISTA as well?


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