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Everything posted by AAFG_Sturmo

  1. Help. Can anybody say, why gunsight of F-4 -Phantoms and its cannon are speaking different language. If u trust it, u never hit target. I know gunsight has 3 position. 1. for automatic (Ace maker) 2. fixed position and 3. for bombing. In 1. and 2. positions cannon shoot all the time too low. Hit point in autogunsight- and fixed one -position are always half of low part of aiming circle. (Between middle point and lowest edge of aiming ring) Why not in middle, where it should be? Bomber-position, no help either. Hit point is mutch over aimining ring. LOL. U cannot use it too. Desperate situation, because Gun-man of F-4- Phantoms are like Firefighter with soft waterpipe. He he! Look 2 pics with this post. Shooting in runway. Pic 04 shows 1.-2 posions and pic 06 Bombing position of sight. I ask u veteran, can u help? Are there any way to adjust this system. Cannon of fighterplane must shoot, where middle point of gunsight shows??? If its possible to adjust, how to do it? Must do something: 1) Adjust Cunpod shoot upper? 2) Adjust gunsight little lower ? Or may be,,, i cannot use that gun. Perhaps there are there any system to lock gun accurate for enemy plane? Are there? What to do?? AAFG_Sturmo Anyway good game. But to me its difficult be Marksman, because i have not MARK. LOL.
  2. AAFG_Sturmo

    LOL charlielima. That best way. He he. I just completed Rattle Snake Campaing. Look pic. First time i was victory side in that fury campaing. In first part of campaing MIGs of Paran beated our F-4 D:s Phantoms almoust in every missions. But not any more, when we got supply and i started to use always 2 -3 GunPods. Soviet made MiG:s loves Closecombat. But in that situation to get kill with early model sidewinders and sparrows are not easy. I trust more guns. I noted that after that Idea ( to use more gunpods), most agressive boys of Paran became less agressive. ( Died). So that good burst of F-4 D:s Gunpattern was best medicine to boys of Paran. LOL. Look Pic. 60 missions. Hard work. Its true, that locked autoGunsight of game is too lazy. Now i use both. In tight digfight with Caged mode but in gentle sitution i prefer autoGunsight. Sorry Csb. Editing of F4's data.ini help nothing. It dont move. To use Gaged mode like ShotGun is best way. Trust yourself only. LOL. AAFG_Sturmo Very speedy and exciting game. THX Third Wire.
  3. AAFG_Sturmo

    Thx Csb. I will modifye my Gunsight same way as u said. Lets see do it help. AAFG_Sturmo BTW. Thx. I am waiting u email.
  4. AAFG_Sturmo

    Thx BUFF. Good answer. I must say that i and my friend in my SQ:n have prefer to use Gunsight all the time on caged mode. In tight net dogfight no time to lock anything. LOL. It has leaved as habit to all Gun-shooting, in off line campaing too. Look pic with this message. It shows where bullits go with gaged mode. But next time, if i succeed to ambush some enemy plane behind. I shall lock it with radar before shooting. BTW. This forum is fantastic. If u need help. U will get it too. Thx again BUFF. AAFG_Sturmo
  5. AAFG_Sturmo

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Phatom types have same problem. In have modded only Wiew.ini for better zoom. No more. Pics have taken from ordidary cocpit yes. That problem are not serius. But got good too. It makes shooting less accurate. For excample i fly after enemy Mig-17 figter. MiG is flying straigt forward home. Pilot dont see me. I take gentle good aiming. When enemy plane are just middle in sight. I shoot short burst. What happend? ha ha ha. Bullit didnt hit, they all go past, under MIG. LOL. MiG note me and start to dance. LOL. But now when i know that,. I dont aim that way any more. I set my Gunsight middle point 1/4 part over MIG. So i get easy kill. LOL. Shooting bombers behind, need different tactick. No plenty time, or reargunnet get u. For that purpose i was forced to developed new quite weird tactick. I take target far middle in gunsight. Then i shoot long burst pulling same time joystick up. That way enemy leave between glimbing burst. He he. Enemy get usyally fatal hit and i get kill. Its good way, but i lost plenty ammo. Thats problem. Althought enemy plane is accuired and locked, system must be same. That is reason too, why i ask help from Gunsight Curus. I need correct my aiming system. Is it possible at all??? I have been many years in IL2FB. I do know how to shoot. LOL I this game like to use fixed gunsight. No auto, because to me its, too restless. In Il2FB:n P-51 Mustang has good AutoGunSight too. We used it of course, because i was best. But same time we used fixed aiming ring too. Both was on. In this game we cannot use them together. AAFG_Sturmo But if anybody cannot help. Never mind. I Only ask.
  6. Sorry Csb. It seems so, that I cannot use this forum yet. May be to send ZIPs are impossible here. And didnt succeed to send pics of SAM-Zone. I try to send them all again and pic of F-4-IDF plane too. I ask now do u have that F-4 IDF -plane. May be that plane is solve u 69sq;n problem. LOL. Csb i know now who are U. We have flew together 1 1/2 years ago Hyper Lobby in net game. U likes Gnat a lot. Is it so?? But sorry, i lost u adress, because my Windows collaps. Send it me again. Lets talk more with email. AAFG_Sturmo _1283_F_4E_IDF.zip
  7. "You can make cluster bombs available to a sqn in campaign. Just add to the weapon supply list under each flyable sqn in the campaigndata.ini." said Csb 1) Thx Csb. But i am so grazy, that try win that hard RATTLE SNAKE CAMPAING only with " sawdust bags" lol. If it is try very hard, i suppose will suffer very hard too. ha ha. 2) Anyway, that Sam-Zone in Suez realy are heavy and thick. Their the first lauch is worst. I never seen that kind before. Look 2 pics in this mail. I think, best is try to avoid that Zone at all. I got idea how u can engage egyptian fighters. U must make round sea-side- or north-side -way and go behind the SAM-Zone. If u succeed to go there, go same time to to look Mr.Nasser. Drop at least one bomb on this Palace. LOL. Say greetings from Sturmo too! -I am sure that he will wake up and order quick last of his fighters against U. Then U realy get dogfight as u wish. And u are lucky man, if u succeed to return back to home alive. LOL. 3) I found one Special F-4 -IDF-Phantom. I used it. Its good. With ECM, Flaress/Chaffs. May be U know it? But its coming now with this message, because i dont remember adress, where i downloaded it. 4) BTW. May be this campaing.ini are something weird i suppose. Moment ago, i took with F-4 -IDF fighter CAS single mission, just like i have got many times in Campaing . But now instead of my usuyally frustrating AA- or Zhilkas, target was , unbelieve, egyptian TANKS. Ho HO! Never in campaing. I have tried to mod my F-4-IDF -plane.ini, that i will go to kill tanks with cluster, because i liked it. But instead of them always those idioots single AA:s or Zhilkas. Not good. Not any CAS mission that kind. LOL. If anybody knows how i can correct, that disturbing thing, i can come back to Israel map again. Not before. 5) Thigs are mess Csb. When i start 69. sq. hammer campaing as a test. I got only intecept or recon mission. No strikes. LOL. Pls Csb send me u adress. We can talk more easy with email. I am: tuomo.soiri@kolumbus.fi We can investigate, how get those little bugs out of our games. AAFG_Sturmo BTW. In pics are one From A-7 B Corsair over Berlin. I investicate accurate of my Planning maps this waytoo. Look display. LOL
  8. Sorry, i forgot this picture. It shows our desperate situation in Dhimar. Next mission was last. We lost Rattle Snake campaing. My Early messages pic of Yom kippur was longest adwance of egyptian panzers have ever come in my game. I cannot lost that war alhought i did my best. LOL. AAFG_Sturmo
  9. True csb. No fighters in Suezt front. 1) Egypt leader Nasser based his panzer-divisions ambush attack over the Suez only very heavy Sams- and AA-batterys defending zone. No fighters. Not wonder. That time 1972 soviet made Sams ability to separate own- and enemy-planes was bad. But if u get mission target to Port Said area. U will sure see interceptors. Sam-zone is very weak there. 2) Anyway in Israel campaing is something weird from other reason, or my game is mess. If i fly Israel side, and althought do my best to lost war its impossible. No way. Tanks of egypt never come to occupye Israel. They stop in some stage and jammed there in same position. LOL. And next step is Ceasefire in Paris before defeat. he he. ( So it was real. Tanks of Nasser came only as far as Sams defend -Zone reatched.) But this is game. Some side must win, it must be possible. Spirit of Game. LOL. 3) Its was frustrating too when enemy tanks have many times captured Haifa in up map. But I never seen Icon of tanks there. No tanks either. Syrian tanks was jammed in Damaskus and Jordan tanks on Jordan bridges. LOL 4) When i flew with Phantom i never got enemy tanks as target, nowhere. But it happend, when I added F-7 B Corsair game. Only purpose for that was use cockpit display of that plane to invasticate accurate of my just made new planning map . LOL. I fly single mission, and must say that is was fine see enemy Tanks as target immedyatly. I never see tanks in F-4 -campaing as target. Only frustrating Zilka or AA -targets. 5) Sorry to say, but in Strike Fighters and WOE have real different style. If u dont defend u area and win u missions there, u are very soon refugee, without farherland. ha ha. In those games our side or enemy side border do move. In hard settings it moves to own side after failure mission. I must confiess, that in Strike Figters Rattle Snake campaing has been few days nightmare to me. LOL. No cluster u use, only ordinary bombs. With those "sawdust bags" ( only big fire effect and woice) stopping of enemy tanks are realy difficult. In my case impossible. I have losted 2 campaings. I play only hard campaing -settings. Otherwise last campaing 1972 is easy with cluster-bombs. There are refugees or prisoner only boys of Paran. LOL. Good luck and greetings AAFG_Sturmo Anyway. Real good game.
  10. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=3709 File Name: Planning map to SFP1 Desert-Terrain, Towns File Submitter: AAFG_Sturmo File Submitted: 15 Dec 2006 File Updated: 17 Jan 2007 File Category: Planning Maps Hello again. This Planning-map is for Desert Terrain of STRIKE FIGTER campaings. In this colorfull map Players can see after very mission current situation of war. I hope it makes campaings more intresting. Front-line is moving fast, almoust every mission. 3 x zoom. Unzip file to Strike-Fighters Desert-terrain map. AAFG_Sturmo Click here to download this file
  11. Version


    Hello again. This Planning-map is for Desert Terrain of STRIKE FIGTER campaings. In this colorfull map Players can see after very mission current situation of war. I hope it makes campaings more intresting. Front-line is moving fast, almoust every mission. 3 x zoom. Unzip file to Strike-Fighters Desert-terrain map. AAFG_Sturmo
  12. Hello all. In had problem with Roster pilots. Why add pilots from Roster comes always without weapons to mission? May be, i found solution at least . Open Roster misleaded me badly. I suppose that i understand how this game works now. ( i write here, bacause THIRD WIRE is closed). Reason of that weird thing was not limit or unlimit supply settings. It was campaing difficulting settings. Easy means = 8 planes to mission. Normal = 4 planes " Hard = 2 planes. " So Hard campaing means that game gives only 2 pilots and planes to missions. LOL. ( I didnt know that) Super-commando controls campaing difficulties this way. Sometimes it gives u more pilots and planes, but very seldom. Usually u fly only with u wingman. Its HARD CAMPAIGN. LOL Super-commando order and u obey!! Is it this way? If u try pick more pilots from roster over the super-commando list, they come with u, but only without ordance. LOL. Easy. But If super-commando have ordered more pilots to mission. They all have good ordance. But dont go to choose there anything. he he. I am newbye in this game. I am sure too, that many pilots dont know this criteer too. Thats a reason, why it was so difficult to understand me. LOL. I have not find these matters from manual. I must confess, and i say again, open Roster misleaded me badly. So I would like to ask, why in this game have that kind open Roster choose option? Why Roster are not locked? Pls. Can somebody explain me about this matter! AAFG_Sturmo
  13. AAFG_Sturmo

    "They should have a default loadout. Sometimes, I have to alter the loadout.ini with the correct weapons. If the loadout is correct, then your wingmen should have weapons automatically." Said Scrapper" Nice idea. Pls. Can u adwise, how i can mod my loadout.ini. I want them automatically too, because weapon screen is so bright that my old eyes dont like that work. I will be great help to me. Automatically, but how? AAFG_Sturmo.
  14. AAFG_Sturmo

    Thx from answer. It was my own fault. I must give ordance by manual to those Roster pilots. I didnt know about that thing. Game Manual speak nothing about that too. LOL Sorry, now arming is clear. AAFG_Sturmo
  15. File Name: Planning map to Yom Kippur,,, Towns! File Submitter: AAFG_Sturmo File Submitted: 10 Dec 2006 File Updated: 17 Jan 2007 File Category: Planning Maps Hello again. I made this map to Israel: mainly Yom Kippurn campaign. In this colorfull map Players can see every day current situation of war. It makes game intresting because, fronts are moving. May be this planningmap works in early campaings too, i dont know? No tested. But in Yom Kippur it works very good. Unzip file to Israel terrain map. AAFG_Sturmo Click here to download this file
  16. Version


    Hello again. I made this map to Israel: mainly Yom Kippurn campaign. In this colorfull map Players can see every day current situation of war. It makes game intresting because, fronts are moving. May be this planningmap works in early campaings too, i dont know? No tested. But in Yom Kippur it works very good. Unzip file to Israel terrain map. AAFG_Sturmo
  17. File Name: Planning map to WOE,,, towns! File Submitter: AAFG_Sturmo File Submitted: 5 Dec 2006 File Updated: 17 Jan 2007 File Category: Planning Maps Hello all. This is my first atempt to help this noble Third Wires game-series. I succeed to make planning-map to WOE at last. My map sure gives lot of new information from Germany Towns and moving front of Battlefields. That Map is relatively accurate too. Unzip map-file to Terrain Folder. AAFG_Sturmo Finland/Kotka Click here to download this file
  18. Version


    Hello all. This is my first atempt to help this noble Third Wires game-series. I succeed to make planning-map to WOE at last. My map sure gives lot of new information from Germany Towns and moving front of Battlefields. That Map is relatively accurate too. Unzip map-file to Terrain Folder. AAFG_Sturmo Finland/Kotka
  19. Important to Multiplayer pilots of WOV. Hello boys. Everybody knows that in WOV and SFP1 -games have been lot of problem in Multiplay section despite many good writing in this and other forums. -How to join? - Why they kick me always out off game? - Why my computer crash, when i try to join same game like others? Many, many problem?? Always same. -Why In Maddox:s LOCK-on sim have no same kind problem? - Answer is very simple. Or is it? Anyway, When Maddox game is same in off-line and online, due their tight closed code, so in THIRD WIRE games in offline -and Multiplay-game works in realy different world, depend their open code. When this noble WOV and ( SFP1 too) is fantastic offline game, it is nightmare Multiplay-game. Because everybody can add to own games what their want, -new planes, terrains and so on. They can change cockpits , weapons and many other things too. But not in Maddox game. Thats different. Its sadly, that there are not any rules of THIRD WIRE what kind Multiplay game must excactly be. So all pilots have some kind different game. LOL. That makes crashing, (have seen many times) pilots get kicking and all waste time, frustrating. I have hosted IL2FB game in Hyper Lobby 3 years, but never seen there this kind mess. If SPF1 is almoust losted depend its FlighSim.exe -problem, lets save this WOV, i hope. Joining to Hyper Lobby is more easy and happend automatically. But inside Hyper-Lobby is extreme important, that every pilots have just same kind WOV -game. But what kind. Who decide it? - THIRD WIRE have done it however. LOL. Standard is just like man from Miami - "mef4ud" - said me: - U need only basic WOV-game + official patch. Nothing unofficial. No new weapons pack. No better sounds, No more terrains, Nothing more. -But first u must uninstall all of u old Net-WOV-game. He he. I must confess that i was little afraid, because I had 5 SPF1 and 3 WOV in my PC. But my computer found excatly right game and take it off. No more. Then i cleaned that folder in hardware and installed WOV again. No problem. Work time was only 10 min. I bought my WOV game week ago. I must wait it here to Finland about 2 weeks. Big wonder was, that game has still lack of last patch. I tried first to install all those 3 official patch, but only third, -last installed. First 2 said, not valid to this version. I have Europa version, i suppose. After patching my version is now: V.07.05.05. My WOV -game is now according THIRD WIRE standard. - Basic WOV. - Official patch. Untill version V.07.05.05 - Then official adds F-4 J and A-4 F. No more. Nothing more ? No any unofficial adds. To Offline game u can put so many adds u want. But dont come to Hyper Lobby with those mixture, if u want to join WOV. Its impossible. No Cheat, but incompatible. If everybody make this kind Standard game like above, i am sure that we can create sometimes 20- 30 pilots dogfight server to Hyper Lobby. So everybody can join to same servergame. Not necessary to be any ACE. Only keep fun and training. So we can play together, not only wait and think, what to do, -with different settings. AAFG_Sturmo Finland/Kotka Welcome all to Hyper-Lobby. Lets keep fun.
  20. Hello all SFP1 and WOV -pilots. Congrat to SFP1/WoV team, and thx u very mutch. U have made very good game of Jet-air war. I am new pilot here, - just get this game, but your Strikefighters have already made me many times fantastic feelings after 3- 4 years period in IL-2FB -games. I like Srike Fighters many orginaly SFP1 campaing + others made by pilots yourself. Korea is realy good and Burning Sand II fantastic. But in IL2FB-time i used to play Multiplay in HyperLobby. But sadly i noted that there are not many SFP1-pilots. Due reason that Hyper Lobby seems to be to many StrikeFighters pilots big problem. Yesterday i and Doghouse worked whole day to solve HP:s stuffs. I had problem, how i can host more than one pilot. Althought 3 pilots joined to my mission and game started normaly. We went to windowscreen for choose planes, everything was ok, but suddently game kicked always third pilots out. It happed every time. I was desperate. But at last Doghouse helps me. He send me with pager to his SFP1:s option ini, where i looked his multiplayer settings. It was fine work, Doghouse. I noted that in my game option.ini had lack of whole PortID, Its wonder, but true, that this game dont do it. So u must write whole row yourself. When u write and save it there, game is ok to Host for many players. My settings are now. [Multiplayer] PortID=21000 ( I added this row here) Number in Finland must be: 21000 SessionName=Hello SessionType=0 GameType=1 Password=password MaxPlayers=16 Connection=0 PlayerColor=5 No problem any more. Second problem is accept indide to Hyper Lobby, because HP dont find "FlighSim.exe. Hype lobby search and search and find nothing. Right solution is to FORCE Hyper Lobby accept it. But how? Easy business. When u try connect to SFP1 game side HP didnt accept u, (because it didnt find u FlighSimexe. Never mind.) Anyway, HP leaves same white small search window open. -What to do? U must write to upper line of that search window whole name of u SFP1 -game. For excaple: d:\StrikeFighters\FlightSim.exe ..... and then simply SAVE. No more. he he. So Hyper Lobby accept u inside. And U can start to game. Welcome All to Hyper Lobby. Need all kind and level Strike Fighter pilots. Lets play togerher. Ace pilots can play dogfight. I like more co-operation missions. AAFG_Sturmo Sorry my english. My native language is finninsh. :)

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