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Everything posted by Agamemnon

  1. Here is what you need to do open your data ini file for the F-105 scroll down the weapon stations and find--> [LeftWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=3 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-3.27,-2.42,-0.23 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-5.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1600 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,ARM,EP,MER,RP,FT,CGR AttachmentType=USAF ModelNodeName=pylon_left_middle PylonMass=108.41 PylonDragArea=0.06 FuelTankName=Tank450_F105 <--- Change to ( f105_450gal_sea ) RackLimitOutsideOnly=TRUE Change the RightWingStation just like above. For the center line station find the 650 gal SEA tank using the weapon editor and copy the name in the top left box marked Type and paste it just like you did with the two above. You will always have these tanks even if you choose the silver paint. I think you may be able to get around that by using the Loadout ini. I will take a look at that and let you know but for know you have your SEA tanks.
  2. This is the utility that you need. Unzip and use it to open any .cat file. Also i believe the file you are looking for is in the terrain folder. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...mp;showfile=343
  3. I have seen a video of four aircraft taking off and landing in formation. It was done by one of the guys from the Mirage Factory so it is possible but i don't think it is very easy to do. If i can find it again i will link the post here so that you can see and read for yourself. Here is the video but i was wrong it does not say anything about formations. http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2689
  4. You probably already have this info jtin but just in case you don't. Scroll down to the bottom and look for Strike fighter notes. Charles has a bunch of campaign info in it and then some. http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/CharlesEAW/sfpage.html
  5. Which F-105 are you using the stock or a third party?
  6. on a sidenote, is it possible to get the guys on the UH-1H firing? They do fire but only defensively. This question was asked a few month's back and although i have never had them fire on anything if i'm not mistaken the person that answered the question even posted screen shots showing the gunners blasting away at something.
  7. This is quoted directly from the Weapons pack pdf that comes with the newest weapons pack by Bunyap. - I get an error and crash when starting the simulation. Something about the missileobject.dll… There are three possibilities: your installation of Strike Fighters has not been patched to the current version, you used an obsolete version of the weapon editor to make changes, or you have set a rocket pod up to use a non-existent rocket. You can also look here this is Bunyap's wikiapeda for the weapons and aircraft. It's pretty much the same as above. You may need to register but it is free and there is a wealth of info there so it's worth registering. http://bunyap2w1.com/SFP1_Wiki/index.php?t...bject.ini_error
  8. That is odd because when i put the info from Monty's post into the game nothing happened i had make my own fix.
  9. Your work and knowledge of this sim has been an inspiration to us all. Capun said it best "This is a real bummer" I wish you well in whatever life brings your way. Thanks for all your help and if the itch comes back know this we will always be looking forward to your mods and advise. Once again Thanks for eveything.
  10. The info over at SimHQ does not work anymore that is why i posted the link to C5.
  11. Do a search over at C5 you can find the answer there.
  12. Look here http://www.column5.us/forum/index.php?showtopic=5513
  13. Your skin's just keep getting better and better.
  14. I tried to replicate it and ended up sucking water
  15. I don't know if this problem still exist's but you may want to try and change the MinBaseSize=Large to Medium in the Mig-25 Data ini.
  16. I agree very nice skin gramps and quickly made
  17. Don't be to critical Sky or Zur will tell you where to put your thought's Just kidding. For a what if aircraft i think he did a fantastic job and it's not even out of the preliminary stages. Good choice in stick, throttle, and rudders.
  18. Cap'n she can't take no more she's breaking up (Scotty Star Trek)
  19. Looking forward to the finished product and a Hammer head
  20. If you open your SFP1/WOV/WOE folder and look for a weapons pack PDF you won't have to keep getting online becasue bunyap included the list of weapons IE: RP=Rocket pod. There also is a Nation Name and Attachment Type table.
  21. streakeagle is on every night i think and i believe he use's TS from here.

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