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Everything posted by Agamemnon

  1. Yea Low, Fast, & Lots of bombs
  2. What game? What year are you starting your mission? Single player or campaign?
  3. That's it exactly i'll bet he has one folder that says F-111 instead of the 5 or 6 different folders that he should have.
  4. Do you have a sub folder in there somewhere? Also check to see if one or some of your files say 0 bytes?
  5. The read me file in the vark pack tells you exactly what web site to go to for the pit.
  6. There's one in the varks pack that was/is here at CA when the downloads come back online.
  7. I don't know for sure if the old tutorial will work i think it should if you would like i can send it to you. Just PM me you E-mail addy and i will send it to you. I will also look again over at Check 6 and see if I can find it but I don't think it is over there I think the tutorial was here at CA.
  8. First off stop YELLING. Check you files see if they are labeled F-111 and not F_111 same with the cobra's
  9. Go here http://www.checksix-fr.com/ Look on left hand side find SF Project 1 choose it then find utilitaires then KMD. There is a tutorial i believe but i don't know if it is included with the KMD.
  10. I'll take what ever info you can send me on all the aircraft. I would love to see a SU-25 modeled not to mention the rest. As SayWhat mentioned the Flanker is being done and at one point in time the Bear was being worked on. Capun has been quiet lately i'll bet his has something up his sleeve.
  11. Glad it's back

    Glad to see your back up my addiction to this site was begining to get out of hand I was driving my wife nuts since i could not get on here and check things out. Great work Erik and Fates. Looking forward to the face lift.
  12. Make the T-90 it will get downloaded you can count on that.
  13. I am going to wait to hear from Gillesaw to see if it worked all right if yes then i will contact you and explain what needs to done in order to get the file Cool?
  14. One word of advice once you have WOE and after you have installed the game follow the directions in this sticky: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=11836 and read any read me files very carefully it will save you alot of trouble. There's only one patch for WOE. Here: http://www.thirdwire.com/projects/woe/woe_patch.htm I know all about AH flew over there for over three years myself.
  15. I found an insane way to send the Top Gun files to Gillesaw.
  16. You might want to check the downloads section.
  17. This may help http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/CharlesEAW/sfpage.html
  18. http://www.checksix-fr.com/
  19. I did not download this F/A-18 but i find it strange that it has exactly the same info as the one i downloaded from C6's megapack
  20. My preorder of WOE was shipped out yesterday i expect to have it by next friday maybe sooner. It has begun
  21. It's actually 163 and i did try to E-mail it to you but no go on that either. I haven't given up on getting you that file there has got to be a way.
  22. Can't get this file to upoad i have been trying for two hours. i've turned off any and all firewalls, antivirus, & everything that i can turnoff. It starts out fine but when it finally uploads the file it just sits there. I just don't have any idea why it will not let me upload it maybe one of the admin's have an idea?
  23. I have this file would you like for me to repost it?
  24. Read this http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=11836

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