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Everything posted by Agamemnon

  1. Personally i use nothing but CH products. They maybe a bit high in price but they are tough.
  2. the read me files that come with the f-111 download tell you exactly where to go to get the PIT.
  3. Try this http://ca.geocities.com/saganuay820/Tips_a...om_SimHQ.html#5
  4. 3)is not a question but a little wish... there is a possibility to include AtA refueling? 4)systems like targeting pods presents on loadout section are simply an estetic addon or they work? A To Q 3. You can find the KC-130 and the KA-6A here at combatace in the files under addon aircraft. You can fly close enough so that it looks like you are refueling but no fuel is transfered. It's a challange but it a blast too. A To Q 4. I do no believe the targeting pods do anything but be esteticly pleasing. MK 82/83's are a bugger to hit anything with but it can be done i would suggest D/l the Range for the game you have, you can find it in the files section under terrains. This will allow you to try out different bombs without being shoot at or having to fly long distances. It's the perfect place to practice.
  5. You will need to D/L the cockpits for the F-111 as well. The read me file tells you where you can pick it up.
  6. I found that if you try and climb to high to fast and turn really hard they smack the ground. What i do is keep my climb at about 1,500 ft per minute and stay straight untill the entire flight is up then start heading to the way points. You can turn but you need to make it a slow turn this gives them time to build up airspeed.
  7. http://www.column5.us/aircraft.shtml
  8. Couple of questions for you swayne64. 1. Do you have all the patches? If not you can get them here http://www.thirdwire.com/projects/wov/wov_patch.htm 2. Do you have the latest weapons pack? If not you can get it here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=1884 Actually you can get both the patches and the latest weapons pack here at combat ace. Try this and if you still have problems shoot a post.
  9. Thanks and bummer no SFP1. can i get the Desert.cat from SFG if i get it?
  10. Looks Great. Can't wait for it to be released. I do have a question that is off topic though. I have downloaded ANW winter terrain and it says that i need to extract the desert.cat file and rename it so that i can use it. I want to know if the ANW winter terrain will work in WOV?
  11. This my be a silly question but are hitting accept at the end of the mission?
  12. I would ike to thank those who made the package it is beautifully done. 1. I can't get any sound for any of the 111's i followed the readme files downloaded the pit's and put them in, then put them in the aircraft folders. HELP PLEASE. Is there a sound folder that i missed some where? 2. Is there a pit addon for the A-6a that has the RWR in it? If yes where is it? Same question for the EA-6B 3. My friend Phaser11 is having server problems we would like to get the issue resolved so that our squad can play on his server if anyone can help plaese see his post.
  13. Thanks again Capun you already told me over in Column 5 I am Memnon over there.
  14. I am unable to shoot down the F-15C or E with an F-15C or E in MP. I can aquire and track them then when i fire the missle will leave the rail track for about 1 to 2 seconds then go dumb. This happens with all missles. Note: I can shoot down any other plane except the two above. What could be the problem? This next question is for the F-15E in SM's I put the AGM-84E S.L.A.M. Harpoon on my plane to see what it looks like and what kind of destruction it can cause and what do i find no missle showing on my plane. So i tried to fire one anyways and it did. I had a rocket plume but still no missle. I have looked at the weapons file and it has an AGM-84.bmp and a .lod file i then checked my weapons editor and it shows all the agm84's. So my question is why do i not see the missle on my plane or in the air once it is fired and what can i do to fix it? I found that none of the HARP's show up
  15. Well that just bites . I guess we will have to create duplicate files one with CM's on and one with them off and in separte folders of coure. Any other ideas on the Harpoons question? Could it be that the BMP file is not complete because i have been looking at similar files and it looks like maybe it does not have a front or back end just the main body. Thanks again Fubar
  16. As per fubar's suggestion. We found that aircraft with CM's use them automaticlly. As it stands now the only way to shoot down aircraft with CM's is to turn them off completely. Is there a file or line of code that can be changed so that this does not happen and the CM's can still be uesd by the player?
  17. First let me say thanks for the input so far. 1. Now let me see if i can give a full description of the problem. I play on a friends server with the WOV platform and the latest weapons pack with updates. We changed the start dates for the F-15C and the aim-120's to 1973. The RAAM"s will shoot down the 15 but none of the 7's or 9's will we even tried changing the newer versions of the sparrow IE: AIM-7M and sidewinder IE: AIM-9x to 1973 so that they would be on the plane and even they just buzz by the plane or blow up a couple of seconds off the rail. We haaven't been using any ECM, Chaff, or Flares to keep the missiles from hitting us. We fly straight ahead min power and still no kill with sparrows or sides. I would think at the very least the sidewinders would still make contact with the plane being that it is an IR and I have never heard of any ECM against IR with the exception of flares. When we fly the stock planes all the missiles will kill them. So the question still remains why are the sparrows and sidewinders not working. 2. I tried deleting the weapondata.dat file and then resaving the weapondata.ini usning the weapon editor and still nothing. Anything else I can try? 3. One last question. One of our guys is unable to get the 120's on his F-15C when he plays online. Offline everything works fine. He has changed his start dates just like we did and still nothing. He has everything the same as we do. Any ideas? Once again thanks for all the help.
  18. i have found that with the STARM's all i have to do once i get a blip in the rwr is move my aircraft so that the blip is in the 12 o'clock position fire and it's dead. To add to fubars description of how to kill with shrike's i have found that once some one calls out SAM launch and i hit the "R" key it locks onto the sam site where the sam came from i then turn my nose to that sam site set my radar to 10nm and as soon as i see a brighter blip then the rest come into view which is at 10nm's then bye bye radar.
  19. I was not sure if i should be asking this here or in the mod section but here goes. I put the AGM-84E S.L.A.M. Harpoon on my plan to see what it looks like and what kind of destruction it can cause and what do i find no missle showing on my plane. So i tried to fire one anyways and it did. I had a rocket plume but still no missle. I have looked at the weapons file and it has an AGM-84.bmp and a .lod file i then checked my weapons editor and it shows all the agm84's. So my question is why do i not see the missle on my plane or in the air once it is fired and what can i do to fix it? I found that none of the HARP's show up
  20. i downloaded the AH-1W followed the readme file but found no sounds to put in the sounds folder. so i have a flyable cobra but no engine sounds.
  21. If this has been asked already please forgive me. Can you add aircraft to WOV if they were made for SFP1? As stated above if this has been asked before please direct me to the forum in which it is in. Thanks to all

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