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Everything posted by Agamemnon

  1. AllowedWeaponClass=TER,TLR,EOGR,RP,GP,ARM,LGR,WGR,ATR
  2. Put this in your data ini file under the weapons pylon you want to use them on. ATR You will have quad racks but for some reason they hang way below the pylon. I'll have to ask Bunyap why. "grenade launchers" They are labeled as gunpods
  3. Go to third wire and click on "Wings over Europe: cold war gone hot" on the front page it will take you to Bold games they have a list of retailers.
  4. They have to be created by you. Check 6 has the A-10A and the FA-18A with all the trimmings. It's in there mega pack 327 mb download but worth it. Here's the site http://www.checksix-fr.com/
  5. Guns, Guns, GUNS!

    Which weapon pack do you have? If you have the latest weapons pack it should have installed the weapon editor in your WOV folder. It should be named Weapon and Gun Editor. Open that folder click on the weapon editor if it doesn't open then right click go to properties then compatibility under compatibility mode put a check in "Run this program incompatibility mode for" in the box below that choose windows 98/ windows Me. All that's left to do is open up the weapon editor. I would suggest looking at USAFMTL's sticky on creating weapons. ;)
  6. Marine Bronco

    Your not the only one.
  7. I would like to tahnk you for all your efforts Thanks zerocinco
  8. The sounds can be toned down easily with out flushing them. This can be done with sound recorder which is included in windows...it can be found under start/programs/accessories/entertainment/sound recorder. Once you choose the sound you want go to effects and decrease sound to your liking. Works both ways if you have a sound that is to low just increase. Don't forget to save
  9. Does anyone know who built this EA-6B and possibly how i might get in touch with that person? There was no read me file with it and it is a BETA plane.
  10. EA-6B



    Allenjb42 and I would like to present the EA-6B Prowler Version 1.0 By Hawker. I can not stress this enough PLEASE READ THE README FILE.
  11. I love seeing the detail so thumbs up for HI-RES skins
  12. I'm waiting on permission from TK for the A-6 cockpit.
  13. The cockpit looks like one i have seen from a game called U.S.A.F.. I've never played it before so i could be wrong.
  14. It's almost finished now i have been working it. That's why i was asking about the person who built it so that i could get permission to release it.
  15. Pasko has the KC-135 on his to do list.
  16. Open your weapon editor find the bdouglas gun pod look under attachment type. You should have the following boxes checked : NATO, FRANCE, USAF, & USN. If one of them is not check it then click ok and then save. I don't think you need FRANCE checked but i think it is checked by default.

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