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Everything posted by meeware

  1. I think I made a classic school boy error, in that I missed that there are two 'sound' folders. I placed everything in the main one, and only then realised that there was one under objects/planes. Have now copied across and have lovely engine noise/sidewinder growl etc. Finding the radars a bit fidgity on the f111s now, but shal soldier on. Ta muchly a
  2. Sidewinder, thanks muchly for the tip. Now have FAA tomcats and several models of tooms, and Hinchbrook's fabulous CVA01 too! Thinking about getting the whole thing put together in a campaign- RN called in to help in latter stages of Vietnam- China has piled in behind NVA, Thais have thrown out USAF, Saigon is a walled in 'free city' sucking in all US resources to defend, so the Vindictive and her battle group sit on what was Yankee Station (now Kings Cross Station) protecting against heavy fighter and strike incursion acrosss the gulf. All I really need now is an AEW Gannet and a Buckaneer.....? If someone else is working on this then I'll sit back and wait- this is now day four of my WoV career- I've yet to get most things working, and moddable though the environment is, I won't pretend this isn't a little daunting. Compared to Janes... Scheesh! And I'm learning linux in parallel!
  3. Hi, I'm a very nooby noob, but I think I have a similar issue- I have only installed WoV, and my objects folder doesn't include a Ground Objects ini file. All I have is an ObjectData file that seems to be locked up. Is there an editor or some other utility to unlock this file and allow me to get into thegame properly? oops, sorry update- found check six's cat extractor and now merrily adding an ausie carrier to line backer. Will have lots more questions to follow I'm sure (such as where on earth do I get an f14 to re skin as fleet air arm from)

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