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About asdfer

  1. Checking in.

    Thanks again! After I post this, I'm setting up to fly WOFF2 in VR for the first time. I've been overcoming small obstacles for the past couple days; last night I had everything except the right kind of head tracking. I know what I did wrong and this time should be the charm. The graphics, aircraft selection, and Actually Intelligent dogfighting action look amazing on a monitor and I know it's gonna look even more outrageous when I'm inside the VR cockpit. Here goes...
  2. Checking in.

    AltF9. That's great, thank you!
  3. Checking in.

    Thank you! I'm making a list of essential keyboard commands for WOFF2; don't see how to access, turn on and off, or review the flight recordings. (I like to make videos of my flights.) Where's the flight recorder?
  4. Hi, Over the past week or so I've been working on getting WOFF/BHAH2 into VR with VorpX. Yesterday I got it working in WMR with Head Tracking but I neglected to begin in the Seated position and Center it; so while it did move, so did the environment. I'll fix that next time; probably tonight. Want to say THANK YOU! I started from scratch and it was a complex process but the online videos and info from others was all I needed. S! And a shout out to Rick Rawlings for those great videos. Showed me everything I needed to know in a pleasant, professional manner. Very well done, sir. While I'm here, a question? I think I saw something recently that said WOFF2 has FLAK in two colors: Black for Central and Grey for the Entente? Is that so? Prosit!

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