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Everything posted by Wodin

  1. Flying in South East Vietnam (south Vietnam map in the Gold mod) in clouds at low level can be a scary business aswell...suddenly a Jungle mountain comes out of the mist!! Great fun...
  2. It's a dead parrot...I wish I was a girly just like my dear papa...
  3. I reinstalled LOMAC FC yesterday and was shocked at how poor the cockpits looked compared to sims today...SF2 looks so much better....however I would like to fly over LOMACS terrain in SF2 aircraft......it's a dated game LOMAC now so surely to make a terrain to that standard wouldn't cost a fortune.....still really enjoying the sim...I bought SF and SF Gold and WoV a fair while ago and never really got into them...I just bought SF2V and SF2 and SFE from a mate and I have been really enjoying it...especially the Vietnam mod....
  4. My WW1 and WW2 knowledge is very good indeed...post WW2 not that good...read a few books on Vietnam and Korea but not with regards to the air war.
  5. I keep getting CTD's with SF2V in a seperate install with the Air and Ground war mod 2.1 with the latest patch. I've reinstalled twice and made sure everything wa sinstaled in the right order....the first install crashed on the South Map this one seems to be crashing on the North map....game will freeze and CTD any time...I can get a mission in and everything is fine and then the next mission will crash at some point during mission....it's even crashed during loading a campaign it got to a 100% then CTD... Anyone else have any problems... Thanks P.S I've checked the forums and knowledge base to no avail....letter limit on the forum search can be a pain..
  6. Before I read your last post I reinstalled the patch...so far I have had no crash's..IF it happens again I will do as instructed.
  7. Yes I did...I did install the red campaign afterwards...I shall re install the patch see if that helps...
  8. Love to fly the F 84 against a Mig 15....however I can't find any mods for the plane....I have a merged install but no expansion packs as I see it is included in one of them...so are there any mods? Also is there a Mig 15 mod? Thanks
  9. @Wrench...I am researching...by asking questions on here;) Thanks again....
  10. Thanks for the info....so how come the Brits didn't put missile racks on the hunter and I think the Harrier in the game has none either though I'm not sure....
  11. Depends if I cheat and drop a Nuke....otherwise not so good before I go down...
  12. I've installed the mod which lets you fly for the North in the Air and ground Vietnam mod...trouble is the Mig 17 A and the fresco C 's have no gun nor do they have any air to air weapons....is this right as it seems strange to me as they would only be able to ram another plane! DO I need to edit the weapon loadout's if so what should I use? Thanks
  13. Will check it out...thanks....what about air to air missiles? Ok managed to get the guns back! Still didn't they have air to air missiles? I notice they have rockets...
  14. Thanks mate...much better...also I downloaded the mod which lets you fly as the North in the Gold mod. However the Mig 17's have no air to air missiles nor a gun...so how did they fight? Do I need to change the loadout? I will post in the Mod forum aswell...just in case this gets missed..
  15. Aha...I had it in my mod flight folder!!! No wonder I saw little change....call me stupid... Thanks Stary
  16. Need help

    I love the head bob in FE2 and want to make SF2 more on those lines....trouble is I need the [View] data from the FE2 Aircraftobject.ini. Can someone please post the data for us so I know what the settings are...then I know roughly what I need to change for SF2. Thanks very much
  17. Need help

    It's OK I got it...
  18. @Dave the thing is even with FE2 settings you don't get the same movement....I want abit more than you get with the vanilla install....obviously not as much as FE2...I find abit of head movement adds to the 3D effect if the cockpit...
  19. Not sure if it actually does anything or not...the differnece is minimal...I even used the FE2 data which really moves around in game yet in SF 2 nothing...maybe even less than before...
  20. Thanks Mate.... @Stary I've been messing with the settings but I'm not really seeing any difference...is the bigger the amount the more the head will move? As I've upped them loads and still can't really see a difference.
  21. Just installed the excellent 4 part Vietnam mod, only the purple tracers don't look right...very square\big and no sort of glow to them...just like square purple blocks coming at you...is this right? Is there another mod to change it to make it look more realsitic? Thanks
  22. Think I'm stupid I can't find where the Aircraftobject.ini is in the cat files? I had a look at the individual plane ini's but I couldn't find "View"....
  23. In other Jet sims you have it...your head will stick get pushed around through g force...would be fantatstic if it is something that can be modded.

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