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Everything posted by omegaeleven

  1. Demo is out! :) Download here! https://combatace.com/files/file/18222-wings-over-ogaden-demo/
  2. Never mind, I figured it out, turns out I didn't put in the airport's names, (example: Dire Dawa Int'l Airport), so far, missions are going smooth! Just have to get a ground battle sorted. As of right now it's mostly just strike missions. I'll get a demo out soon! :)
  3. Well I'm confused, for some reason Ethiopia is red instead of blue, and that I don't have normal looking waypoints. I don't have a takeoff point, or an approach point. Man this is complicated..
  4. Got it! Thanks, and no worries, I've been busy myself anyways. Thank you for the links. I'll see if I can a demo out sometime this week, maybe in a few hours or tomorrow. I love the terrain by the way! I noticed there wasn't really any campaigns about the Ogaden War, so I decided to do it myself! It doesn't need any additions at the moment, but if that changes then yeah, I'll let you know.
  5. I already have it downloaded, pretty strange.. I'll just redownload it, probably something I did.
  6. Uh, so I'm currently testing the campaign, but for some reason instead of having the paint scheme of the EtAF, it keeps switching to the IRIAF. Any reasons?
  7. Also, about the "Strategic Nodes" part of the .ini file, how can I figure out the coordinates for the ground offensives?
  8. Oh, thanks man! I was already in the process of creating a data file, but this will help even more! :)
  9. Thanks man, you're a livesaver! :) I'll see if I can make a demo-ish of it, and I'll upload it here. Could take awhile though. Thanks! :D
  10. Got it, I'll see if I can message some modders for help. Thanks Eric :)
  11. Dang, are there any modders I could ask? Like Menrva or any others? I have the terrain and aircraft sorted. I just need to figure out how to create a campaign and put it here.
  12. Got it, are there any templates I can use for the F-5? Thanks again :)
  13. Hello! Again.. I've recently been trying to use Area 88 skins in SF2, when I tried to put a skin in I found, (Shin Kazama's tiger.), it wasn't showing up, just black. Tried to check out the skin, turns out it's different, (Used in SF1, instead of SF2.). Is there any way I can change it to fit the dimensions of the tiger I'm using? Mods I'm using: https://combatace.com/files/file/15116-f-5e-early-versions-pack/ https://combatace.com/files/file/4075-f-5e-tiger-ii-area-88-shin-kazama-first/ (Sorry if my question isn't really that specific, don't really know how to explain it.) Thanks. :)
  14. Ohh.. got it. I'll see if I can fix it when I get back home, bit busy. Thank you very much. :)
  15. Ah, my fault. Apologies for that.
  16. How am I able to remove the menu HUD thing from my screen? (i.e, the one that says): (Insert Name) 11 Speed: 500 Knots Heading: 1 Deg Throttle: Whatever percent thanks! :)
  17. help!

    Alright, thanks again :D
  18. help!

    Another update, trying to press Alt+D playing YAP, didnt work. Checked the controls, couldn't find anything..
  19. help!

    Update, does it work with Yankee Air Pirate? Doesn't work with that mod..
  20. help!

    Copy. Thanks for the help!
  21. Tiny Question..

    I noticed a cockpit file, didn't really know what to do with it so I left it alone, I'll add it in as soon as I can.
  22. Is it possible to spawn on a taxiway, rather than a runway? I've been testing the Yankee Air Pirate mod for a bit.. the briefings say the F-100D spawns on the apron, before taxing to the runway.. But when I spawn in, it automatically moves to the runway? Am I supposed to only use the F-100D for missions? Or, did I do something wrong? Thanks! :)
  23. Tiny Question..

    Thanks so much! I'll test this out when I'm not busy :) Very helpful community you guys are!

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