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Everything posted by Kibe77

  1. So i got bought steam version of european air war game and got 60fps on 1920x1080 , then downloaded aces over europe standalone mod and only got 30 fps. I installed dgvoodoo2 wrapper and tried everything but didn't work , only 30 fps on 1920x1080 resolution. So the game has 2 different exe files , one with old map ja one with new map and i had those files named eaw.exe (new map) , eaw2.exe (old map). So i tried to launch the with eaw.exe ....i don't know how many times with different configurations on voodoo2 wrapper and got only 30fps, then i tried to launch with eaw2.exe file and OMG 60fps 1920x1080 resolution!!!!! By changing the exe file name i got it working!!! For some reason eaw.exe didn't work. Now i got those files named eaw1.exe and eaw2.exe ...and both are working just fine with 60fps.

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