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About NoZoner

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    Washington, D.C.
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  1. Ah, bummer about the lack of a global modifier. My motivation for removing the auto-trimmer is that I actually find myself fighting the controls (moreso than in other sims) whenever I'm making a turn and trying to hold altitude. Made carrier approaches feel a little hairy... I just tested the setting with an add-on F5E, and I'm glad to report it works and feels just right. I... I guess I'm just going to have to do it for all the others now thanks again, appreciate 'ya giving a straightforward answer
  2. Really? I searched the forums a short while ago and ran across this comment by baffmeister about there being a field that controls some sort of auto-trimming function. I also recall reading a member's anecdote somewhere about them applying this AutoTrimLimit=0.0 item to their .INI file and they reported the aircraft's static pitch tendencies changing with airspeed. The flight model might not be the most detailed, but (to TK's credit) just reading through one of the _DATA files and seeing the tables of coefficients makes me think that at least it's sound enough to get this part right. Ah, but I should probably test this on at least one aircraft before doing much else.
  3. Hello! I'm currently running through all the .CAT files to fish out every _DATA.INI to disable the auto-trimmer across all aircraft. While I'm plugging away at this, could anyone tell me if there's a way to set AutoTrimLimit=0.0 globally?

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