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Everything posted by Ruggbutt

  1. Cool dood, thanks for the input on the real stuff!!
  2. If you have any other questions about the game, stop by this thread in our forums and grab ventrilo (voice comms). All the info to connect is there and I'll walk ya thru anything else you need help with.
  3. Choose Mission Editor. In any mission click on the Aircraft Icon at the top left. Next at the top right there is a pull down menu titled "Group", pull that down. You'll need to explore a little to find your plane, but if you look underneath at "Skill" you'll have "Player" in yellow writing when you find the plane you're supposed to fly. Click on the "Payload" red button at the top right, it will take you to the screen I posted above. The pull down box under Colour Scheme will let you choose your skins.
  4. In the weapons loadout menu there is a window that says Colour Scheme. Open that and choose amongst each squadron color till you find the skin you installed. Notice the open window on the bottom left describing all the squadron choices...
  5. When you load your mission choose from the different skins in the pull down window. One of the skins will be your skin.

    If you have Photoshop or something of that nature associate them w/that. If you need the CDDS plugin for Photoshop let me know, I'll send it.
  7. Lock on Web site

    We all knew that UBI sux, we just were being nice cuz ED doesn't.
  8. Jammed rudder?

    It's in the options setup menu in game.
  9. Jammed rudder?

    Make sure you don't have only left throttle assigned in the Lock On config. Erase left throttle and just choose throttle.
  10. How do I convert the few skins that I use to CDDS format? The good news is that most of them now are CDDs.
  11. Here We Go Again

    The only good thing about the official forums is that you can find some good info for tweaking the game there. There are some great people in this community that will go out of their way to help you. Then there are the trolls over at UBI......
  12. I have the Logitech Z680's (500 watts) and the sounds completely own.
  13. Lock on Web site

    They removed Carl's post about leaving too.
  14. One of mine is a Colonel in the Air Force, here's his response: Being that I'm a 20 year veteran of the Air Force, I can tell you, that is a very accurate description. LOL.
  15. Maybe you and yours are trying to operate LOMAC the same way you operate F4. All I know is I can do what I say w/the slammers, if you or yours can't maybe it's time to relearn the weapons system. I posted a track for you to watch to prove what I said, did you watch it? As far as dropping by the F4 forums to slag the game: I'm not a troll and I have better things to do.
  16. Well, I have addressed several of your arguments. You are correct about sound causing an fps hit, but then again thats true w/every computer game. Then you stated the AMRAAM's are taking a huge lead pursuit course and they aren't effective. They're going to the point in space where TWS has 'calculated' they would be. So I posted a track for you to view. Then you stated that it's different online. Which it isn't, I get the same results on or offline. I've found that the AI fired missiles typically approach a "perfect" firing solution. Online there is more room for error w/human pilots. I have no grudge against you and spent an hour and a half preparing findings for you to make your case w/the sound issue. I don't begrudge anyone the facts to make their case. Sometimes your posts come off sounding as you are still neck deep in the 'F4 v LOMAC' debate. This damages your credibility. If you are going to discuss facts emotion has no place in that debate. And it seems every chance you get you have to add just one more 'dig' when LOMAC is concerned. You'd think me the bastard if I started showing up on your F4 forums and posting about every annoying issue w/F4 (and believe me there are quite a few). Sometimes you refuse to listen to what others are saying Bard. Maybe a little more open-mindedness would work for everyone, and to everyone's advantage.
  17. I have no idea what you're talking about w/your missile problems Growler, I fly every night w/my squadron and get 7 and 120 kills at 20nm all the time. This is w/pilots jinking and dumping chaff/flares. While Bard (and you) have good points (at times) I am not seeing what you're describing. I posted a track I made offline showing 4 slammers kills w/4 slammer shots, but I have many times made the same kinds of kills online at max range. Not only that but unless any of you here have fired a real live 120 at a target it's presumptuous to say that the 120 should be hitting w/in 'x' conditions. I hit at 20nm all the time (missile slider in the middle). I must be playing a different game than you are. Anytime you want a lesson w/the 120's let me know. And Cuda, Bard does have some good points sometimes. You see, his diatribe gets tiring too. You can't comment about LOMAC w/out Bard having to get his "dig" in. So when you're taking sides the least you could do is look at things objectively, while I commented about Bard I've also gone out of my way to test his sound theory in LOMAC. I posted a track so he could examine my experiences w/the slammer (which are different than his). We don't always have to agree on things and we can have issues that annoy each other but we all have something in common. If I have to explain to you what that is you're too far gone, brother.
  18. 1.0.2 rocks. Maybe we need to get them up in the air and shoot them down a couple of times. :D
  19. Looks like I'm gonna be busy too............. :D
  20. I knew Bard couldn't let this one go by.
  21. I love how he made some of the sounds stereo.
  22. I screwed up. I sent you the new ones Ghost as well as a link to grab all of them put into one Archers Complete LockOn sound mod file.
  23. I converted them to LOMAN compatible, so if you use LOMAN 2.1 it self installs.

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