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About 84TurboFour

  1. Sorry I have been a stranger around these parts. Work commitments and various trips to the docs have laid me low for a bit. ***EDI UPDATE*** EDI is now, after much quarreling and faffing, in 3DS Max, and is being boolean'ed to death as we speak... Hey not a problem at all bro, was just courious is all. Take care of your self first, simming/modding comunities mean nothing with out a little real life thrown in the mix every now and again...LOL
  2. I'm not suprised actually, Accel broke a LOT of addons for FSX, something with the way it handles textures/glass or something along thouse lines. Now not only do you have FS2k4/FSX you have FSX/FSXsp2....LOL Anyways, any update on this for SFG??? Not tryin to rush or anything, just noticed there haddent been any posts in a while, was lookin great.
  3. Kh-41

    I assume that your using the SU-25T, when you hit "7" you then press "O" to activate your TV targeting. Use the slew controls, (Same as for the Maveric targeting, or selecting A2A tgts on the radar) and highlight your target hen press "TAB" to lock the display onto it. After that, press "SHIFT-O" to engage the Laser range finder/designator, and launch when you get the "LA, Launch Authorised" lessage in the Hud. A Usefull tip might be for you to go through the training missions, they really are a lot of help, I just wish they were more interactive.

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