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Everything posted by monchimartinez

  1. I want to purchase a 1-month subscription to download some Strike Fighters 2 mods, but I can't pay it using PayPal, as it's refused by our central bank in Argentina. I've tried with VISA and my bank, and they say they can't solve it Is there a way to pay the subscription with something different than PayPal? Thanks
  2. TopGun Campaigns

    I know, just joking I will give a try as soon as I can pay the support using my PayPal...
  3. Strike Fighters 2: Crisis in the Med

    Another "Fleet Defender" campaigns mod... I loved it and I will try this in a while Thanks!
  4. TopGun Campaigns

    Where are the MiG-28s?
  5. Strike Fighters 2: North Cape

    This is what I was looking for... A "Fleet Defender" style campaings for SF2... loved Fleet Defender about 30 years ago I will take a look to this

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