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Everything posted by Funnyman

  1. Hi, I'm new to the game and I noticed the extra animation buttons. I noticed that many mod planes here do have them do something, but not the stock planes to what I've noticed. Is that normal? Do no stock planes have anything linked to them?
  2. I'm not talking about the object fade distance, I realized its detailmesh and (I THINK) I managed to get it pretty far. What I'm asking for is the world rendering distance, the distance at which the world gets cut off by the fog. Maybe I got used to KSP and DCS but I really would like to see really really far.
  3. No, I wasn't expecting DCS level graphics, I was just kinda hoping since people have already been able to customize the LoD distance quality you could do the same with the draw distance.
  4. Well, the game already has an option for horizon draw distance, is it impossible to modify that? Yeah It's "far enough" for its time and for many games around the time, but I really have been spoiled a bit and I cant seemuch ahead when I'm at angel 40. I thought that after extracting flightengine.ini it would be "Horizon distance" but changing that does nothing. I wonder if the game has a hard engine limitation on 64km that "Unlimited" is by default due to the memory allocation?
  5. Oh, so its not bound by default? Is there no stock plane at all in the game that has the animations "press and play"? that's a bit weird.
  6. I tried with both A-4C and still couldn't find a button for the windscreen wiper :(
  7. Oh wow, a bit of a shame that they are so rare in general though. It sure would add more flavor if I could open the cockpit everytime.

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