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Everything posted by xevilpetex

  1. Version


    Modern Hud and avionics for the F-16A in addition to other improvements Thanks to Team viper for the original aircraft and Mirage Factory for the Hud Tga's and more
  2. File Name: Kill Decals File Submitter: xevilpetex File Submitted: 29 Jul 2006 File Category: SF Object Mods I made some kill decals for your fighters. They are red mig 21 topdown views and can be added to any aircraft. Click here to download this file
  3. as far as i know the Mirage Factory is working on a new F-14B
  4. In your main folder go to the Options.ini go about half way down the file and in the [single Mission] section change the startyear and endyear dates it looks like this [singleMission] AircraftType=F9F-5 MissionMap=RANGE MissionType=STRIKE MissionTime=AFTERNOON MissionWeather=CLEAR AirActivity=HEAVY AirDefenseActivity=HEAVY LoadMission=FALSE LoadMissionFilename=MK107 F14 Recon MissionYear=1954 StartYear=1905 EndYear=2050
  5. i personally wouldnt use the F-16 hud i updated. Its not centered for normal huds because the boresight is at the top of the hud and not the middle. i could probably send you an updated F-14A if you want
  6. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=3099 File Name: F-16A Block 10 UpdateFile Submitter: xevilpetex File Submitted: 17 Aug 2006 File Updated: 17 Aug 2006 File Category: F-16 Modern Hud and avionics for the F-16A in addition to other improvements Thanks to Team viper for the original aircraft and Mirage Factory for the Hud Tga's and more Click here to download this file
  7. Kill Decals



    I made some kill decals for your fighters. They are red mig 21 topdown views and can be added to any aircraft.
  8. Ive got a few questions that i havnt been able to figure out myself recently on my vietnam 1984 campain an antiship mission came up. But the flight path didnt make any sense. Why did this happen and how can i fix it? Ive also recently started a campain in both the mig-23 and mig-29. They both top out at about 530kts and that makes it very difficult to disengage after i fire off my missles at the incoming strike. I looked in the Data files for both planes and i couldnt find any reason why they would be so slow. Is there any way to fix this?
  9. yeah its on sp4, i just transfered the campaign folder from the old install of wov.
  10. thanks alot, this will help out alot. I actually just outran a pack of mig23's on the deck in a harrier, and that should never happen
  11. nope 530kts at 1000ft to sea level, where an f-18 will make 730kts indicated on the deck and an f-14 will make 800kts. The migs are definatly falling way short on the speed in comparison to the american fighters.
  12. F-14B

    does your B have a hud modification for a dumb bomb pipper?

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