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      Upcoming changes to our Downloads   12/27/2024

      In preparation for the upcoming changes to our download section, access to free downloads will be removed tonight 27 December 2024 at midnight server time. All paid subscription accounts will not be affected and full access to your downloads will be available.


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Everything posted by rabbit

  1. A MASSIVE complaint about something...

    Brainwave !!! try applying the vegemite to the lawn.
  2. A MASSIVE complaint about something...

    You obviously need to use a better grade of fertiliser
  3. A MASSIVE complaint about something...

    At least he didn't confuse him with a Kiwi.USAFMTL,try a small amount of vegemite on a slice of bread well buttered and kind of blend it in.Thats the way I have my lunch sangas.My brother used to eat it out of the jar when we were kids - absolutely foul !!. Also do you know that it is owned/made by you lot now - Kraft.
  4. Ouch!

    Two things come to mind, 1: Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. 2: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing
  5. Learning to be grateful for what you recieve is not a bad trait in life.I have no idea about developing aircraft,weapons etc,nor the time involved to produce one completely.It would be interesting if an estimate was given,might open up a few eyes! I tend to cringe a little each time I see requests from people. If it's that important to you,best to learn the skill and make what you want (probably what drives those who create these terrific FREE mods anyway).
  6. Home Owners Associations

    May their chooks turn into emus and kick their sh**houses down.They wouldn't be small men by any chance dressed in a bus conductors uniform.Try telling an Aussie what colour to paint his house and see what happens.

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