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About stevee620

  1. I think you've got it there, i looked and my key for selecting next air to ground weapon was set to #. I've not tried it yet but that must have been the problem, Thanx again. Ste.
  2. Hiya, I'm using the phantom. And i've tried selecting different bombs, but none of them show up. none at all, so i will check my key mapping and let ya know, thanx. Ste.
  3. Hi all, I'm just starting with wings over vietnam, so this may sound like a stupid question. I've read the manual, but i just can't get my "backslash" to cycle through my air to ground weapons,.. They just dont show up. No matter how many i choose on the load out screen. I've got my settings to easy radar and such, don't know if this is relevant. Can anyone give me an idea on how i can just drop a bomb?? Baffled here,. Thanx for your attention. Stephen.
  4. Thanx a lot for that advice. I had checked my keyboard mapping and it was set to \, However, i just changed it to one of my joystick buttons and now my bombs show up to select. :) Ste.
  5. Hi all, It may be a stupid question, but i've just recently got wov, and i've read the manual several times, but when i wish to select an air to ground weapon, using the \ key, nothing appears as being selected. No matter what i add on the load out screen. sometimes i can't even fire the gun. I have mainly been flying the carrier take off mission, because i get the best frame rates with this, which i know is a recconaisance mission, but i'm still getting attacked by AAA etc, and can't attack them back. Any advice appreciated. Ste.
  6. Thanx Fubar, Will give those settings a try. If i can download a demo of SF, i'll do that and see if its worth getting for the better frame rates. Ste.
  7. Hi all, I just wondered how strike fighters compares with wings over vietnam as regards frame rates? I have just bought wov, and it plays fine, really smooth, until i get into a hectic area. Then the frame rates plummit. Is there much difference in the two? System roughly, Athlon 1700+ 768ram 128 Nvidia graphics card. Thanx. Ste.
  8. Hi to you all. I just bought this game today, (wov), and it looks pretty good. Only problem i have is that everytime i exit the game, its shrunk my desktop. I've tried using the same screen resolution for the game as i have my desktop set at, but that doesn't work. Can anyone offer any advice please. Ste.

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