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Everything posted by Laton

  1. Coming along - I'g got to add rigging around the tail and adjust the pit area a little. Long weekend coming up so I'll be trying to get it mapped. The prop shown is a place holder - thats now been replaced with one of the correct shape & size.
  2. WIP

    Looks fantastic
  3. Hi guys, I've reworked my Bristol M.1C based on the stuff I've learned while building the Fokker D.VIII (coming soon) The new version includes more detail on the wings, gun animation, damage nodes/graphics, revised hit boxes and collision points and a tweaked FM. Any 3rd party skins should work fine, I've tried to match the original mapping. Up at CombatAce now. Have fun
  4. Hi Guys, Loading to ComabtAce now so she should be available soon. Fokker D.VIII Model & FM by me Skins by v. Deutschmark (with more availabe at CA) Comes with 3 schemes: Stock Jasta 2 Jasta 6 A big thanks to v. Deutschmark, not only for his excellent skins but for being my unofficial quality tester. Have fun!
  5. As mentioned in the other thread. A quick fix is now available to sort out an error with wheel rotation & aileron movement. Get it here
  6. Dagger, I completely agree with the policy, however to be fair to the guy who re-worked the FM, Bortdafarm does state in the readme: Which comes across as a blanket permission to mod the work.
  7. Fokker D.VIII Released

    The things you miss! Capun just pointed out a few issues: The ailerlon movement is reversed and the wheels rotate in the wrong direction. :blush2: I'll release an update tonight otherwise insert or change the line ReverseModelOrientation= (either TRUE or FALSE depending on what the existing value is - use the opposite) in the following sections of the _data.ini file [LeftAileron] [RightAileron] and ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE into [LeftMainGear] [RightMainGear] Cheers
  8. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=4183 File Name: Fokker D.VIII File Submitter: Laton File Submitted: 27 Feb 2007 File Updated: 8 Sep 2007 File Category: Fokker Fokker D.VIII Version 1 - 1 Mar 2007 Model & FM by by Andre (Laton) Simpson Skins by v. Deutschmark - Installation - 1. Unzip the FokkerD8 folder into your First Eagles "/Objects/Aircraft/" directory. 2. Fly - have fun V 1. - First Release V 1a - Fix for wheel rotation & aileron movement Click here to download this file
  9. Fokker D.VIII



    Fokker D.VIII Version 1 - 1 Mar 2007 Model & FM by by Andre (Laton) Simpson Skins by v. Deutschmark - Installation - 1. Unzip the FokkerD8 folder into your First Eagles "/Objects/Aircraft/" directory. 2. Fly - have fun V 1. - First Release V 1a - Fix for wheel rotation & aileron movement
  10. Thanks. The wings are the biggest change, I replaced the old ones completely as they had the biggest issues with mapping and some smoothing problems. The rest of the model is pretty much the same. Hopefully I've resolved most of the mapping problems you were having.
  11. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=4169 File Name: Bristol M.1C - Version 3 File Submitter: Laton File Submitted: 25 Feb 2007 File Updated: 8 Sep 2007 File Category: Bristol Bristol M.1C by Andre Simpson Version 2A - Feb 25 2007 This is a partial re-work of my original M.1C. The new version includes more detail on the wings, gun animation, damage nodes/graphics, revised hit boxes and collision points and a tweaked FM. Any 3rd party skins should work fine, I've tried to match the original mapping. - Installation - Unzip the BristolM1C folder into your First Eagles "/Objects/Aircraft/" directory. You will need to re-install any 3rd party skins that you used on the prior version. Click here to download this file
  12. Should make a nice companion to the M.1C
  13. Version


    Bristol M.1C by Andre Simpson Version 2A - Feb 25 2007 This is a partial re-work of my original M.1C. The new version includes more detail on the wings, gun animation, damage nodes/graphics, revised hit boxes and collision points and a tweaked FM. Any 3rd party skins should work fine, I've tried to match the original mapping. - Installation - Unzip the BristolM1C folder into your First Eagles "/Objects/Aircraft/" directory. You will need to re-install any 3rd party skins that you used on the prior version.
  14. Just started today: Lots to go but it looks like a fun project
  15. WIP - Fokker D VIII

    Messing around with Photoshop This is just me doing a "knock-up" paint scheme. It won't be part of the release, but this is where the project is at right now.
  16. WIP - Fokker D VIII

    Hey guys. Quick update: I've got the Max8 conversion done and remapped some areas. The (hopefully ) final maps have gone to v. Deutschmark. I'm working on the FM now. Tex will have a look over the FM as well once he's back in town in a few weeks. Depending how things come together we may do an alpha-release and then a final once people have had a chance to play with the crate and give feedback. Cheers
  17. WIP - Fokker D VIII

    Work is still progressing. Just today I've upgraded from Max5 to Max8. Things will be a little slower now I'm back at work and about to start studying again but it will get there.
  18. WIP - Fokker D VIII

    Work is still progressing, just a bit slower now I'm back at work Working on the mapping right now. v. Deutschmark has kindly offered to work up a few skins. Hopefully I'll get the first maps off to him in the next few days. Once that's done I'll work up the ini file and probably post an alpha version here for people to play with and help work up the FM
  19. Its a nice little plane. So far I've had no luck finding good 3-view plans of it.
  20. WIP - Fokker D VIII

    First in-game shots Still have to work a few things, add wires etc. Try to reduce the poly-count a little.
  21. Spent the last few days resolving the issues raised about the FM of my M.1C Removed a nasty, unrecoverable nose-down stall. It will still stall out on the hard FM. I recommend neutralizing the controls if you start to stall and letting it recover on its own. Engine now stops spinning and engine sound stops when the engine is destroyed. Lots of other smaller changes. Available here. I'd appreciate some observations for any final tweaks prior to updating the files. Thanks
  22. Submitted to CombatAce, should be available soonish. This is my first crack at an aircraft (Modelling/FM/Skinning - the whole thing), so feedback is welcome. Had a heap of fun building her and learned lots. Hope you guys have as much fun flying her. Cheers
  23. Bristol M.1C

    Check that your AIRCRAFTOBJECT.INI has the following in it: [GunData] AllowUnjamAttempt=TRUE Taking notes here guys. I'll try to sort those issues out.
  24. Bristol M.1C

    Thanks guys. Based on the feedback I've reworked the FM a bit. Get it here Pulled the speed back a bit and it tends to stall out more on the hard flight settings. Still quite a fighter but not as hot as the first edition.

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