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Everything posted by Laton

  1. I had the same things happening with the Halb. Cl.IV when starting out with the .ini file A few things to check: Try reducing the PropDiameter setting (I think the game engine may be detecting a prop 'ground-strike' when the tail comes up during take-off if this is too large) and check the RollingRadius= in the landing gear sections. Increase it a bit to move the wheels up out of the ground. Also if you have .OUT files these can be opened with notepad and give all the mesh names and their hierarchy (worth checking to see if you have misnamed components). Good luck
  2. Hi guys, Halberstadt CL.IV ready and approved:- Link Big thanks to Geezer for his original model and Peter01 for the FM. I decided to go with the stock Spad pit, as such I removed a few things from the model - including the wing mounted compass and a tachometer mounted in front of the cockpit. If I ever get around to doing a proper pit I'll put them back. Gunner uses the stock MG, if you have Peter's less accurate guns installed, open the _data.ini file and change the following: [Tailgun] SystemType=FLEXIBLE_GUN GunTypeName=7.92MM_PARABELLUM_MG14 //GunTypeName=7.92MM_PARABELLUM_MG14_Gunner to [Tailgun] SystemType=FLEXIBLE_GUN //GunTypeName=7.92MM_PARABELLUM_MG14 GunTypeName=7.92MM_PARABELLUM_MG14_Gunner Have fun Cheers Laton

    I think you need Peter's FMs for Nov 2008 Patch update Here
  4. Hi, Laton..

    Hi jarkko, its still on the list :yes: . I haven't had a chance to fire up Max for a while. Hoping to get it underway soon.
  5. Available now: - Link Hannover CL.II and CL.III Big thanks to Geezer for his excellent gunner and to Peter01 for his FM's. Check the readme for installation and model notes. I ended up compromising with the gunner - the entire figure will rotate with the gun but only his upper body will pitch with it so occasionally you may see a little bit of the gunners' coat clip through the fuselage. As mentioned Peter has made up new FM's for both - they give much more of a heavy-fighter feel. Escort missions are a blast!. You won't see a huge difference in the models, different ailerons and tail support struts. Have fun. I'll upload the skin template pack a bit later. ETA: If you downloaded the beta of the CL.III its probably best to delete that folder before installing these. Just to be sure.
  6. Anyone else trying out Windows 7? My install of XP has been getting a bit twitchy lately & after takint to a few mates in IT I decided to give RC1 64bit a try. So far I'm pretty impressed. The install took about 40 min and a few restarts. The interface is nice, I don't like all the bells'n'whistles so they are gone and its pretty quick. Importantly: Max9 (32bit) looks like it works fine and FE seems to be good as well.
  7. Hi guys, got this working: Lasting smoke from crashed aircraft. Extract the attached files into your effects folder. I've included my ground fire smoke effect as well. I haven't done a lot of testing to see how long it lasts but it should be a good while. Crash.rar
  8. Not in the way that new pilots can be changed around. The gunner figures are actually added in 3DMax as componets of the model. To use the new gunners either the A-Team would need to redo the Gotha mesh using Geezers figures or I (or another modeller) would have to convert the orginal mesh over and use them.
  9. Thanks guys, A bit down the track I'll look at using it as the basis for a CL.II conversion.
  10. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...=43231&st=0 Worth a look, I'm getting about twice the frame rate with the dll and ini file in my FE folder (not running the dll, just having it there gives the increase) Looks like Vista/Win7 users are getting a boost, not sure about XP.
  11. Speed boost

    Just check that the enbseries.ini file is in your /Flight folder rather than the root FE folder.
  12. Yeah, the initial post in the thread over at Thirdwise advised to put them both in the game root dir, which is where I think most (and I, for that matter) are having trouble.
  13. If you're having the blurred texture problem, try copying the enbseries.ini to your /Flight folder.
  14. File Name: Halberstadt CL.IV File Submitter: Laton File Submitted: 1 Jul 2009 File Category: Other Central Powers Aircraft Halberstadt CL.IV Ver 1 1 July 2009 Original Model: Geezer First Eagles Conversion, Damage meshes & Skin: Andre (Laton) Simpson FM: Peter01 Gunner mesh & Skin provided by Geezer ***Spandau/Parabellum machine gun and Propeller based on the source file from Wings of War by Silver Wish Games/Illusion Software provided by Radek Navratil. Template pack included for skinners. See readme for installation instructions. Click here to download this file
  15. Version


    Halberstadt CL.IV Ver 1 1 July 2009 Original Model: Geezer First Eagles Conversion, Damage meshes & Skin: Andre (Laton) Simpson FM: Peter01 Gunner mesh & Skin provided by Geezer ***Spandau/Parabellum machine gun and Propeller based on the source file from Wings of War by Silver Wish Games/Illusion Software provided by Radek Navratil. Template pack included for skinners. See readme for installation instructions.
  16. In the ini file check the [GLOBAL] section for UseEffect= and change it from 1 to 0 (or 0 to 1, reverse whatever your existing setting is). Turns the effect off at start up.
  17. I get that if I activate the file, try turning it off (F12 or Shift-F12 is the default I think). You should get the speed increase without the blur.
  18. Same, about x2 frame rates with Windows 7 & First Eagles
  19. Float planes

    Funny you should ask. The CL.IV is at about 95%, just talking to Peter about the FM. and I got the Felixstow in-game for the first time a few hours ago: Still lots of work getting all the ini stuff sorted out, but it's on the way. A few more weeks on this guy probably but I'll be working on the Brandenburg at the same time.
  20. It's good to see. One of the things I remember from reading Biggles when I was a kid.
  21. Happy Father's Day

    Thanks guys. At least the learning curver for this one won't be as steep! BTW Peter, I should soon have the CL.IV to a stage where I can send you a version to play with for working up the FM.
  22. Happy Father's Day

    It does, my little guy is 11 months tomorrow. And we just found out that his little brother or sister is on the way :smile:
  23. Before I head off to work Inspired by Jan Tumas' excellent little tracer smoke addition I've been messing around with the same things. Makes the smoke a darker grey and changes the shape/lenght of the smoke trail. (looks much nicer when animated) To install: 1. In your First Eagles/Effects folder, backup any existing TracerSmokeEmitter.ini and TracerSmoke.tga files 2. Drop the contents of the zip file into the Effects folder and allow it to overwrite any files (you did make a backup - right?) 3. Fly, waste lots of virtual ammo. Tracer3.zip
  24. I'm running Windows 7 RC1 and its working fine with Max 9. I'd say wait until its get released and skip Vista all together.

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