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Everything posted by Laton

  1. Available here at CA now. Linky This aircraft represents the late version Star-Strutters made under licence by Phonix. They had better pilot seating, a larger rudder/tail assembly and more powerful engine than the original Hansa-Brandenberg model (which will my next release.) This aircraft as a very narrow upper-cockpit area which is far too small for the stock pilot figure. I've knocked together a pilot figure that fits (included). When I release the early version of the "Star-Strutter" I hope to have a far better pilot provided by Geezer. At that time I'll release a new .ini file and post instructions on getting it working with this aircraft. Have fun!
  2. Float planes

    Can't see how they would. The original Max files are freely available here (scroll to the bottom of the page). (ETA: The A-Team would of course have the rights to their skins/LOD's and Max re-works of the originals.) The skins are in DDS format. Nvidia has a Photoshop plugin for that format here.
  3. It could be that the gunner is set to use Peter's Gundata file. If you grab his latest FM (and you really should) pack it should have it. Otherwise open the HannoverCLIII_DATA.INI and HannoverCLII_DATA.INI files and find the following section: [Tailgun] SystemType=FLEXIBLE_GUN GunTypeName=7.92MM_PARABELLUM_MG14_Gunner MuzzlePosition=-0.0120,-0.3230,0.8101 MaxAmmo=250 TracerLoading=5 BurstAmount=10 NumReloads=3 ReloadTime=6.0 GunnerID=1 EjectShells=FALSE MinExtentPosition=-0.30,-0.58,0.62 MaxExtentPosition= 0.30,-1.34,0.86 and change the bolded line to refer to 7.92MM_PARABELLUM_MG14
  4. Float planes

    Bucky - I'm pretty sure the A-Team got all the rest, but I'll keep looking I think these will end up being 'amphibious' so if you see them in quick missions its possible the game will make them take off or land from normal airfields. Mission builders should be able to populate coastlines
  5. Hi guys, Taking a short breather from modelling (back to it soon) Been playing with some new/modded effects: Many are from CA_Stary's excellent WW2 Effects pack (used with his permission) some I've done some changes to, others are his stock versions. Also includes my revised tracers, engine damage and muzzle flash. To use: . 1. Backup your entire existing effects folder. 2. Unzip my new effects folder to your First Eagles directory. ETA: you'll need to check your PARTICLESYSTEM.ini file in the /Flight folder and make sure that there is a line right near the top that reads: MaxParticlesPerEmitter=2048 for these to work well 3. Go fly, shoot things down, bomb & strafe stuff I've done the majority of these as emitters so if there is something you don't like is should be pretty easy to locate and remove - just delete the offending ini file (or change the extension incase you pick the wrong one) This is still very much a WIP so any feedback is great. ETA 2: These are likely to be pretty intensive and cause a some slowdowns on older PC's. Effects.zip
  6. Hey Quack If you open up the AircraftCrashSmokeEmitter.ini file and use these lines ParticleColor[01].Time=0.000000 ParticleColor[01].Value=0.200000,0.200000,0.200000,0.100000 ParticleColor[02].Time=0.200000 ParticleColor[02].Value=0.200000,0.200000,0.2000000,0.400000 ParticleColor[03].Time=0.800000 ParticleColor[03].Value=0.2500000,0.2500000,0.2500000,0.30000 ParticleColor[04].Time=1.000000 ParticleColor[04].Value=0.300000,0.300000,0.3000000,0.0000000 to replace the existing ones that should do the trick.
  7. Hi guys, Working on Geezers original Halberstadt CL.IV model. At the moment I'm mapping components: The wings and stabilizers are showing a grid file I use to reduce distortion during the mapping process. I've removed a few components - guns, prop, wheels etc. to be replaced with standard, already mapped versions. I'll probably add a few more poly's to things like the ring-mount for the observers gun but the final will most likely be about 80-85% Geezers' original.
  8. Halberstadt CL.IV

    Still got a fair bit to do: all the rigging, some struts, need to dirty up the paint scheme as well :yes: . Then I'll look at a cockpit as I don't think any of the stock ones will work.
  9. Yeah, always the way It's a trade-off I guess. Mid-air explosions seem fairly rare, crashed aircraft are common I'll keep working on it, but here is another version to play with, added a small fire and changed the smoke colour a bit. Messing around with this kind of thing keeps me sane for the 3D work crash2.rar
  10. Damn, just noticed this: If an aircraft explodes in mid-air you'll get the effect hanging in space I'll leave the effect up but use at your own discretion, you may find the occasional oddity. I'll see if I can fix it
  11. Working with tga files ?

    Not up on TGA's but p10oppys Decal tutorial (Stickied at the top of the main forum page) my be a good place to start as it deals with TGA files.
  12. Zeppelins may be better used by mission builders. Perhaps installed as a ground object like a balloon or truck (so it can move)
  13. I just downloaded Peters' outstanding new FM's and got the missing pilot problem. Not sure why it's going on but I re-extracted all the pilot LODS and ini files using the CAT extractor and that seemed to do the trick.
  14. Missing Pilots

    You'll need the CAT extractor found here. The CAT files that contain the pilots are in the Objects Folder
  15. Halberstadt CL.IV

    Parts mapping
  16. Full Set Uploaded

    The Scouts are in their Beta section - about 7 or 8 down the list
  17. Halberstadt CL.IV

    First run at painting the flight surfaces
  18. Bomber FMs

    Hi Peter, Looking forward to these. Having dabbled around the edges of FM's I've got an inkling of how much of and art/science they are and how much testing goes into them. All the work is greatly appreciated.
  19. File Name: Hannover CL.II & CL.III File Submitter: Laton File Submitted: 25 May 2009 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Hannover CL.II & CL.III Ver 1 26 May 2009 Model & Skin by Andre (Laton) Simpson Gunner mesh & Skin provided by Geezer FM by Peter01 Check readme for installation instructions. Click here to download this file
  20. File Name: Hannover CL.II/CL.III Templates File Submitter: Laton File Submitted: 26 May 2009 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets Templates for the Hannover CL.II and CL.III Click here to download this file
  21. Version


    Templates for the Hannover CL.II and CL.III
  22. rel.jpg

    From the album Fokker

  23. Fokker

    Fokker E.III/IV
  24. Version


    Hannover CL.II & CL.III Ver 1 26 May 2009 Model & Skin by Andre (Laton) Simpson Gunner mesh & Skin provided by Geezer FM by Peter01 Check readme for installation instructions.

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