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Everything posted by FastCargo

  1. AGOSTINO, There is nothing wrong with trying to be perfect. I'm always trying to improve my installs. The trick is to expend the skull sweat yourself first. If, after you have exhausted all options and are completely stuck, then post here. And nothing is a crisis...it's just a game after all. FC
  2. Okay guys, throttle it back a bit. AGOSTINO, please do some investigation on your own before posting a 'problem'. There is more than enough information in these forums and within the ini files themselves to explain what is wrong and how to fix it. FC
  3. Dude, learn how to fix stuff yourself or you won't get far. FC
  4. This is what I like to see...someone with a problem not only solving it, but taking it upon themselves to help others solve theirs. FC
  5. I thought the sim can only handle a max of 28 weapons in a single bay? FC
  6. AGOSTINO and others, SF2/V/E are recent releases...MANY models have not been updated to SF2 standard. Posting threads about something not working in an aircraft for an aircraft NOT designed for SF2 just makes you sound like you aren't paying attention. If you are going to post about something like this, it would help if you posted a possible solution. FC
  7. Rock on! It's actually simpler to make weapons now...the HARD part is migrating the old ones over. I just decided to download and install KBs weapons pack instead...then migrate any weapons he missed. FC
  8. Eric, Are you still using a weapondata.ini and dat file? I've dumped that entirely. FC
  9. Frankly, I'm glad TK hasn't spent the time or money upgrading the avionics just so I can have a countdown timer to a release point. BTDT in real life for level bombing. It's dull, it's boring, it's not satisfying, and it's relatively inaccurate (for level bombing). Nope, you can quote all you want from whatever sources you want. I've done it for real. Sure, in real life, there are many things to consider to get the aircraft to the computed release point...striking a balance between the demands of self defense, and the demands of the release parameters (when you're dropping a stick, that's real important). But this ain't real life. Far more interesting to practice trying to do a manual pickle, to get the aircraft in the exact parameters for a release without getting killed. Or as you get in later years, CCIP which allows you to still do a visual release. Or trying to get in LGB parameters (newest patches have done a better job in simulating the tolerances of the release basket). I don't want to be the monkey looking at the timer (no offense to my WSO bretheren). Now, this might be different if you could simulate a 2 person cockpit (multiplayer) with a dedicated WSO...THEN things would get interesting because CRM becomes a whole other issue... As our favorite friend sparky likes to say...if you want reality, start by filling out the paperwork. I'd rather have fun. FC
  10. The topic is starting to drift again. Answer the basic question...single aircraft (or aircraft packs)...yes or no...why or why not. No 'would rather have' wishes here. FC
  11. During testing of an 'all in one' terrain mod for SF2V...(unfortunately the testing is not going well)... FC
  12. What does it feel like to be shot?

    Got a few friends like that...makes me feel smarter... FC
  13. What does it feel like to be shot?

    x2. And I used to be a gun enthusiast back in the day. FC
  14. Yea, the cirrus mod works just fine on terrains that aren't too 'lumpy'. However, I haven't found a way to prevent them cirrus from showing through the far mountains if you're low level. Not a factor when you're at 60k feet at Mach 2+...but down low... FC
  15. The release tolerances for LGBs have become tighter...that's why you have problems using them on mobile targets. They still will kill tanks just fine. FC
  16. Also, if those features are there (HUD in lower right corner, radar in upper right corner, etc) you definitely aren't on hard settings for everything. FC
  17. No, no, it's not that the terrains aren't working...it's that the mapping on the runways are different. Trust me, look at a numbered runway tile for the stock SF2V install, then look at a numbered runway tile of JSF_Aggie's enhanced runway textures and you'll see what I mean. FC
  18. The Movie "Behind Enemy Lines" (Wilson/Hackman)

    I couldn't get past the opening sequence with the BFM against a SAM...just way, WAAAY too Hollywood. Too bad, because I like Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman. FC
  19. What does it feel like to be shot?

    You're name had better not be panchobel... FC
  20. Currently, most aircraft projects on temporary hold while I adjust to the SF2/SF2V/SF2E/SF2I standard. Already have most of my enviromentals setup, the cirrus mod working, and working on terrains...including adjusting JSF_Aggies' high res runway tiles to fit on the SF2 runways...the mapping seems to be slightly different with the new runways. Basically, I want my enviroments working right before I start porting my aircraft into them. But I still have a few surprises in store... FC
  21. That's not the newest gun editor. FC
  22. You cannot shoot down missiles in this game. FC
  23. Nope, doesn't affect the sim or downloading at all. Like MigBuster said, all it does is tell the computer to try to open the LOD file with Microsoft Word if you double click on the file. Since there is almost no reason to try to open a LOD file except for very advanced modding issues, you will never encounter an issue. FC
  24. One more thing: The Gen 2 TW sims can still run self contained and do not need to be 'installed' except in the case of a merged install. With each sim, I've installed, then copied the stock directory, then uninstalled the sim and backed up the directory. Even with my merged install, I've done the same thing. FC

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