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Everything posted by FastCargo

  1. It IS difficult. Tell me how to change the Sidewinder and Inner Wing Tank stations through the loadout screen if I want something different? You CAN'T under your system. You can either have asymmetric loads, or you can have control of all the pairs of pylons. NOT both. FC
  2. I'm having issues too. I don't do props, but I use the 'spinner' to make turbines that move. Ever since the patch, I find my 'blades' just don't rotate very fast. RPMs seem to have no effect. Anyone know what I can adjust to make them spin faster? FC
  3. Yes, you'll see 2 different lines in the weapondata.ini: Mass=655.450012 and MaxFuelAmount=574.710022 The difference is the empty weight of the tank. And from what I can tell, I think there is a difference between a full and empty one on the performance of the aircraft. FC
  4. Okay, sounds good! I'll be around in about an hour... FC
  5. The slimers are tied into the lights...if you turn on the lights, you'll get the slimers. I figured that was the intent. The EF-111A is already set up like that...if you're cool with that, that's how I'll set up the other F-111s as the new skins come out. FC
  6. Oh damn Dave, them is some good lookin skins! When you get a chance, send me the skins and I'll make alterations to the LODs to get the slimers in game. FC
  7. JM...you never left the 80s...did ya? FC
  8. What I meant to say is that you can run webpages on a translator webpage. In other words, it does all the translation for you. It's not perfect, but you get the idea. FC
  9. Why did you post that here? There are about a billion translators on the web that could have translated that for you if you're that desparate for MF project info. You will get the information when the MF has a chance to give that information... FC
  10. I figured that's what those values are for, but no one has explained quite how it works. Does the offset number form a cone from the primary light ref? What's the difference between LightRange and LightSrcRange? Etc, etc. FC
  11. X-29 skin?

    Goto simmerspaintshop.com. Plenty of tutorials there, and quite good ones. I find I just don't quite have the patience. FC
  12. Well folks, I think all that can be discussed about OFF:BHaH for now has been discussed. The best thing is to decide for yourselves if it is worth it or not. If one of us on the staff buys it, you may see a review here. With that, this thread is closed. FC
  13. No worries brotha...I wasn't sure if you knew about the experiment or not. It would be fun if you're in the B-52... FC
  14. The backward firing missile has been done: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=25542 Also, mounting a stinger to a turret isn't an issue if it works like a ground object...it'll slave to the turret. The problem is getting the AI to actually fire the missile. Even when I chased an AI aircraft with backward facing missiles, it never took a shot at me. However, I haven't tried this with the Oct08 patch. FC
  15. Well, I did say there was a reason SAC was the way it was. However, what works for nuclear ops isn't necessarily great for conventional. I'd imagine Bone guys were quite happy to let that mission go. Some Bones are in AMARC in storage to keep other Bones flying. We have several aircraft in the inventory that are like that. FC
  16. Most of the work has been done by other people. I've actually been only to contribute a little to this project...and honestly, not as much as I would like due to other commitments. The timing of this project has been interesting, with me having to clean out my garage (having a loft for storage built in) and finding a LOT of my old B-1 stuff from back in the day. The checklists, in-flight guide, my T.O. and regs. Some patches I had been missing I had found as well (you've seen a few of them). These combined have brought back a lot of memories. Going off topic a minute, some of the things that stick out: Though there were a lot of things that SAC did that was right, and considering their mission, necessary, in a few ways, they were a hinderance to the Bone community, and life became better after ACC took over. The operational word is flexibility. SAC was by it's very nature, not flexible. Procedures were rigid for a reason...nuclear weapons are damn serious business, and improvisation is NOT recommend for C and C of them. It got old as a new guy, talking to the old heads, asking why we did something...and the answer was 'Because we did it that way in SAC'. Frustrating...and limiting our abilities to explore the envelope. The good thing is that as the 'SACemcized' guys moved on or retired, younger guys, more willing to try something new, took over and brought new things. New capabilities, new tactics...adapting to new theatres. You talk to Bone guys now, the Bone is the darling of CAS. More to be added... FC
  17. Not THAT ABL. The real one based on the 747... FC
  18. I will tell you certain aircraft either released or soon to be released will not work correctly without the Oct08 patch. FC
  19. Digging A New Beer...

    Sam Adams Cream Stout...I'd also recommend the Scotch Ale. I'd throw out some Vancouver microbrews...but kinda hard to get in TX... FC
  20. Catch, You're coming off as an arrogant ass. Who gave you power to decide if 50 dollars is considered reasonable value or not? Value of an object (whatever it is) is different for every individual person. One person may find that P3 is a great value for the money and have no problem buying it. Another may not...for any number of reasons, of which several may have nothing to do with the actual quality of the product (lack of surplus funds, insufficient interest in the topic, etc). Some will get the product immediately, some will wait until it's been out a while and get a feel of the pros and cons to see if the balance weighs toward purchase or not. However, raining pure derision on a person for no other reason than the fact they express reservations based on their experiences with the previous releases smacks of elitism. You want to convince folks to purchase? Stop acting like people who haven't purchased are somehow less deserving of respect. Answer questions or point them in the right direction to get their questions answered. Address mistaken speculation....you said it yourself, if the speculation is wrong, then correct it, with specific answers. Now, on the other hand, this doesn't mean 50 dollars is somehow too much to charge. That is something the OFF team has to decide on their own. We as customers can either live with it or not purchase. You folks looking at buying can darn well bet the OFF team put some serious skull sweat into making that decision (considering how much effort they've put into the product). Do not automatically write it off just because of previous experiences based on a freeware mod. Don't dismiss a product out of hand...give it a while to see what the reactions are. Watch the hype and the bashing...the truth is somewhere in the middle. Myself, I'm hoping for the best...I found myself intrigued with Phases 1 and 2. FC
  21. Found in my garage a few days ago: And from an old student 'paper' back in my college days at the Colorado School for Wayward Boys: FC
  22. There will be PSDs available soon...along with a few other things in work... FC

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