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Everything posted by FastCargo

  1. img00005.JPG

  2. img00003.JPG

  3. img00002.JPG

  4. img00002.JPG

  5. img00001.JPG

  6. Women in uniform...

    One per day per person please...littlesmoke, delete one of your posts please. FastCargo
  7. Wait, I'm confused...can't you just add a HUD gunsight? It shouldn't be that hard...just copy the relevant portions from a aircraft that has one that uses Avionics70. Or am I missing something? FastCargo
  8. Also, to save some time...the .CAT extractor MUST be run in Win98 compatability mode (assuming you have WinXP or Vista). Google 'windows compatability mode' or do a search here if you need to know what that means. Also, the extractor will usually only extract the file into the directory where the .CAT file is located. So you have to be familiar with how to get around directories to find the files you extracted and put them in the proper locations. FastCargo
  9. Oh damn bob...that's looking SWEET!!!! FastCargo
  10. Well, actually... Yes, you can have more than 6 groups. However, any additional groups will NOT be selectable in the weapons loadout page. This could be useful for certain weapons that you always want loaded on the aircraft. You have to use the loadout.ini to get those groups to load. FastCargo
  11. No need to watch the whole movie. Go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-nljYQq9PM You'll see the VI wing right there at the beginning... FastCargo
  12. Remember, WOE simulates aircraft in 1979...a LOT of aircraft back then still did not have MFDs. Including early versions of the Harrier. FastCargo
  13. Hah! You helo guys are too slow...wink, wink, nudge, nudge. FastCargo
  14. Basher, There is already a U-2 available for download: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=488 Also, the recon aircraft was a F-8, not a A-7 (in the movie). Welcome again to the TW sims world. To help you out, like others have posted, please refer to the knowledge base (KB as we like to call it). Its a gold mine of information, and will help you when you are ready to start enhancing your sims. FastCargo
  15. Yes...in the stock WOV/WOE combo install, all theatres and campaigns are accessible and flyable. FastCargo
  16. Women in uniform...

    Gentlemen, please keep this thread on topic.... FastCargo PS And I very seriously doubt that girl is a Harrier pilot. The uniform fits wrong, the patches are incorrectly (and badly applied). The other girl on the wing of the trainer MIGHT be a pilot...but the uniform still is not fitting correctly. The patches look right...but the way the flight suit fits is 'bad'. Hard to explain until you seen enough men and women in proper fitting flight suits.
  17. Hmmm...odd. During the install, WoE will look for WoV if you ask it to and will ask if you want to do a 'merged' install. Unless certain versions of WoE don't do that.... FastCargo
  18. Actually, it's usually as simple as copying the aircraft directory from one sim to another. I say usually, because all the sims have to be at the same patched level, and certain textures, files, etc, may not make it over if you don't extract them. An easier way is to do a 'merged' install of WOE and WOV. The WOE installer allows you do this if you already have WOV. FastCargo
  19. CaptainCA, The data.ini file (if you don't have it) has to be extracted from the Objectdata.cat file. This link will help with what all these terms mean: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=25845 Basically, you have to 'pull' the data.ini from the Objectdata.cat file, put it in the aircraft directory of the aircraft you want to modify, then edit away to your heart's content. FastCargo
  20. Hey USAFMTL, Isn't this the unit that would have been ASAT carriers? I'm being serious...I'm not sure. FastCargo
  21. Gentlemen, nice job with the explanation and the screenshots. We may have to sticky this into the KB since this comes up a lot. FastCargo
  22. Guys, I have to say I'm not sure what's going on either...I did the same thing Super Dave did and it works just fine. No fancy tricks at all. Aircraft show up where needed, and catapult just fine. Heck, the only time things didn't work properly was when I was trying my 'What if the USN had gone with the idea of zeppelin type carriers and carried it into the modern day?' scenarios... FastCargo
  23. Women in uniform...

    Sparky, are you KIDDING me??? Did you think I didn't know that? You think I'm some (censored) REMF who doesn't know what the situation is out there in the sandbox? The thread is about women in uniform. If the women is not in a uniform, then the picture does not belong here. In other words, if the combatant dresses like a civilian, they do not conform to the definition by the Geneva convention. Otherwise, we will start getting all sorts of pictures in here, including pretty stupid ones. Narrowing down the definition keeps the pictures to the intent of the thread. You want to get into a debate about the legitmacy of irregular fighters, fine...but not in this thread. FastCargo
  24. What airplane are you?

    A Baron B58????? Are you (censored) KIDDING ME???? I call shenanegians.... Now, if they had said a Convair B-58, I might have been more receptive... FastCargo
  25. Actually, let's look at the example of adding a Tornado sidewinder station to help us here. Here is the entry: SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=12 StationGroupID=6 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.350,-1.7,-0.3 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1400 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,2IR AttachmentType=USAF,USN,UK,RAF,NATO,W_GERMANY ModelNodeName=pylon_inner_left LaunchRailNodeName=LAU-105 MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= MovingPylon=TRUE RotatingPylon=FALSE Note the bolded areas. The ModelNodeName is what the weapon is 'attached' to. The other 2 entries tell the engine if that part rotates and/or moves. I'd use that information in your weapon station entry and give that a shot. The hard part is that you are going to have to find what the mesh name is of the bomb bay doors is. Also, the position of the weapon needs to be determined based on the doors CLOSED. Try that...I'm curious to see if it works. FastCargo

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