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Everything posted by manlyman564

  1. hi is there a fix for ef2000 typhoon so we can use it it woe /sfp1 i was told by it creator that there is one for it i looked in the seach and couldt find one if someone could send me the fix or steer me th right direction to find it i br grateful as of noe it keeps crashing when i go to fly it in woe thanks
  2. hi i cant get the typhoon tanks to show in woe they show up ok in sfp1 and woi i did the usual and save them with the weapons editor but when i go to the weapons dropdown menu for the typhoon the tanks arent there any advise or help would be kindly be apericated thanks manlyman
  3. hi just downloaded wings over israel but there is no weapons to load is there going to be a weapons pack for woi thanks
  4. hi iam trying to download the t-a-4J_droptanks i did what fracture said in the read me i add the tanks in the weapons data ini and added the file in the weapons folder i went to weapons editor and i according to the directions in the read me i hit inport/merge it goes to a screen with all the weapons ini there i pick out t-a-4J_drop tank the read me says to save it dosent say save it says open and cancel so the question is how do i get the tanks to show in the aircraft drop down menu i have the latest weapons pack and editor all other weapons show up ok not this one for some reason thanks for your help
  5. is the latest weapons pack the one from mirage factory or the one from 06 i have the one from o6 is that considered the latest weapons pack thanks jarhead
  6. i do have the latest all the other download ok not this one
  7. hi capun are u going to issue any drop tanks for the mohawks thanks delta 4 ps a member of your site
  9. hi what is the progress on the f-22 thanks
  10. hi i remember marcfighter showed some new aircraft he was making what is the status on then thanks manlyman
  11. hi i notice some of my aircraft seem to move up and down while n auto pilot what would cause that thanks

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