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About Blackclaw00

  1. Ah. Okay, I didn't realized that was a requirement. Thanks anyway. And thanks for all your hard work on the free content you've uploaded to this site.
  2. Thanks for your help. I have Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam and Strike Fighters 2 Europe. I still cannot get the new terrain to show up. Here's what I've done. Created a Terrains folder in my Mods directory. Placed the PersianGulf folder in the Mods\Terrain directory. Edited the PersianGulf_Targets.INI to point to VIETNAMSEA_AIRFIELDs Edited the PersianGulf.INI Changes made: //CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat CatFile=..\..\..\Terrains\VietnamSEA.cat The VietnamSEA.cat file is located in D:\Games\Strike Fighters 2\Terrains on my machine. I'm trying to point to it from D:\Games\Strike Fighters 2\Mods\Terrains\PersianGulf.
  3. I've been searching the forums but haven't found anything that helps a newb understand how to install terrain. I'm trying to install Wrench's Persian Gulf terrain and here's what the readme says: I think he pasted these instructions in from the cuba terrain since there is no CUBAOTC folder, so I just assume he meant the PersianGulf folder. But simply copying everything into a PersianGulf folder in the terrains directory doesn't work. Apparently I have to do something with a CAT file, but I have no idea what. I don't know what he means when he talks about pointing to desert.cat. I don't have such a file and I don't know what file I would edit to change what is being pointed at. My apologies if this is ground that's been covered before, but even a search of the knowledge base didn't cover just what goes on in a terrain install. I think everyone has known how to do it for so long it's become assumed knowledge.

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