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Posts posted by Greb

  1. One thing that whacko modders like myself deal with is, to out do your last mod.


    Right now I am trying to adjust the Pilot Height view in the F15. I think he is sitting way to low. This has been mentioned several times and I think so myself. I think I may be close.


    I am also working on adjusting the camera views for the Mirrors. Meaning you can adjust them like in a car.


    I may need some lab rats. If any of you folks are interested PM me your Emails, and I will send ya stuff to try.


    If you will Excuse me now, I have to go see my shrink. Binary gives me the blues.

  2. Hey Fellas I managed to turn off the mirror and keep the Mirror 3d model. Here are some pics of the mirror model, WITHOUT a painted mirror. Just to show reflection is turned off.


    Here is link for the Beta. I am almost done with a final mod. If some of you could test it out for me that would be great. If any of you painters would like to paint a great mirror for me I would gladly put your name on Mirror Mod












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