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Everything posted by jono

  1. from the reading I've done on the airwar in SEA I definately got the impression that the AAA was near impossible. I can't remember the last time if ever that I even got a hit from the 37s or 57's or higher. I find that its only the 20mm or 12.7 that ever hit me. EVEN after several passes to see if I could get my ass shot off. Does anybody know how the A.I. for the AAA can be improved or the lethality manipulated to greater simulate the reality?
  2. hey everybody. just thought I'd find out if anybody flies online and how it is organized. can anybody help. I want to see how sierra hotel I am against some real pilots. I've been flying sims forever but I've never done the online thing. humans can't possibly be as bad as the a.i. with wov. I can't wait to kick some ass and have somebody saying alpha mike foxtrot!
  3. Any advice, opinions, info would greatly be appreciated. Is it just me who finds the Air to Air A.I. decent but a little frustrated with the behaviour of the A.I. pilots in strike missions?
  4. hey there everybody. I just thought I'd take this opportunity to thank all those who have made such great contibutions to the improvement of WOV, SFP1, WOE. You guys have taken a good flight sim and made it a great one. Thanks for the many hours etc of work involved to make these improvements. My main question involves the A.I. of friendly aircraft in Strike Missions. How in the hell do you get your wingmen to strike the primary target. I.E. fuel tanks, bridges etc. Is there another means of getting your wingmen to hit the damn target without ordering them to "attack ground targets", when invariably they seemingly decide to attack anything but the bridge, pt boat docks etc. any help or advice would this would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I was mostly wondering how you can give your flight or squadron the command to attack the primary target specifically and not other targets? it works great for giving your wingman the command to attack primary but I'm not sure how to get the flight/squadron to lay steel on primary. thanks for responding by the way

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